Woodward Dispatch. (Woodward, Okla.), Vol. 5, No. 37, Ed. 1 Friday, November 11, 1904: Searching Inside

We Found:

14 results that matched your query.

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... Blk Amt 3 13 .51 6 6 .71 7 19 1.07 10 1 .92 It 7 .87 1 a 7ft 4 4 .61 4 12 .51 4 6 .71 8 19... 1.07 12 1 .92 13 7 .87 10 1ft .17 5 4 .61 5 13 .51 7 5 .57 9 19 1.07 14 1 .92 14 .87 11 16 •Si 6 4... .61 7 13 .61 8 6 .67 10 & 11 19 28.81 16 1 92 15 7 .87 12 IB .67 6 .70 7 4 .61 9 12 .51 9 6 .57... 12 19 .71 18 1 .92 16 7 .87 13 16 •6i 8 4 .61 U 12 .51 10 5 .57 1 20 21.72 20 1 .92 17 7 .87 14... 16 .87 6 6 .70 9 4 .61 2 13 .61 11 6 .57 6 20 .71 22 1 92 18 7 .87 15 16 .87 10 4 .61 3 4 12 13

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... 63 6 44 .90 7 44 2.42 1 45 2.12 2 45 1.83 3 45 14.26 4 45 1.83 5 45 1.83 6 45 1.83 7 46 1.93 15 45... 15.04 16 45 1.53 17 45 1.83 18 45 1.83 8 46 2.70 9 46 2.70 10 46 2.70 11 46 3.29 12 46 4.17 3 47 4.75 4... 47 2.12 5 47 3.88 5 48 5.15 13 48 2.12 14 48 13.29 15 48 1.93 16 48 13.CS 17 48 1.8.3 IS 49 1.83 19... 48 1.04 20 48 1.04 21 4S 1.93 <>•> 48 1.83 N H r,o ft lots 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. part of 16, blk B ..... ...... .....3.10 I»t Rlk. Anil. 16 R 25.32 17 B 1.83 18 R 1.93 10 C .90 11 C 15.04 12 C .»o 13 C .90 14 C

Sequence: 10 (standard view) | zoom view

... s M 1M IS •s U IS •« 11 m •« IS IB ■K 14 IB *H IS IB •H 16 IB IT m .a 1 IS la •H 1 1- 19 IB •j® 20... IB .98 <1 IB B a IB -»* a IB .a M IB .« l 114 - B t U4 .SI 3 194 •8 4 114 .B 1 ' S 114 .91 1 • c 194... .a 1" tl T IB .92 8 114 .91 9 114 .91 19 1M .92 11 114 -92 11 111 .92 11 124 .92 14 114 .92 is 114... IX B s US .62 4 IS ’ •8 t IX .51 S IS .a T US .92 8 IS .52 9 IS .52 10 1S .62 U IS .02 * u IS B 13... IS .62 14 a IS IS .62 .a J is 1S .52 IT US 18 IS .52 19 29 IS IS .42 .a 2l 1S B 3 IS .62 a 1S £ 94 IS .62

Sequence: 9 (standard view) | zoom view

... * v *rft-*-* •' - tdOt Blk Ant Lot Blk Amt Lot 1 « .67 20 72 .57 a 8 « .57 21 72 .67 a • 81 .57 22... 72 .67 l 10 U .67 23 73 .67 2 U » .87 24 72 .67 2 12 88 .67 1 71 .67 4 U m .57 2 72 .67 6 14 m .61 3... 73 .67 6 15 « .67 4 73 .57 7 18 88 .67 5 73 .67 8 17 18 : :!? 6 7 72 78 :8 1 10 18 81 .67 8 71 .57 11... IS 73 .57 16 1 87 .57 14 73 .57 17 2 87 .57 15 73 .67 18 3 87 .61 10 73 .57 19 4 87 .67 17 73 .67 20 5... .97 4 10 67 .57 23 73 .67 6 n 87 .67 24 73 .57 6 12 67 .67 1 74 .67 7 13 67 .57 2 74 .57 8 14 67 .51 3

Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

... 20 21 22 23 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 30 21 22 y. 24 1 2 3 4 5 4 7 8 9 10 11... 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 • .3 4 5 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24... 1 *» 11 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 a 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16... 17 18 -.9 20 21 ■a 23 24 1 2 8 4 ■ 4 T 8 9 10 11 13 II 14 15 II 17 18 19 a n a Blk 178 178 178 178... ISO 180 180 180 ISO ISO 181 181 1M 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

.... Un/Official Vote, by Precincts, of Woodward County, November 8,1904. : r 8 £ UiH ,i S i £ I S'. i;B 'I ' 1- 41... SiMhi i1 ,ie II i i * ? »1 *- ,3 TUT •c; 5 1 it 11$* £1*11 1 £ For Dfl^a.i* 10 Conyr.---. Hint M -Ou r... P For Coil' ty Key -w or Uet-d*. Mr*. At J. Wt-ly eli. K Mrs. flu >1 U' .irr a 1' H Warren, a Mr..., s I i ' ( 41 4} At ;it a :« i 4i r.r •-> i 41 I. 2ft 51 82 4* id 4J .18 3> 47.27 42 5.1 dl 10 AO i d... 37 1017 •n .S3 di 40 Vi 2* 44 40 -B 41 Mil II yiM 29 5:30 jo* 1*37 5.V US 71 II 0 8; 25 0 id 87 82 54

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

.... NW'li 20-23-17 ,’U NE....V4-- 19-23-17 ndall, NWH 8-20-17 881.41 Ed Atwell lota 1. 2. EH NWH 7-20-17 23... Quinlan, lots 1, 2, 3. SEH NEH................. 4-23-17 18 71 Francis M. Couan. WH SWH 9-23-17 • S8... .................. 30-23-17 10.11 Nancy J. Warner, lots 1, 2. EH NWH .................... 31-23-17 21.36 Eli.... SWH- 34-24-17 24.43 A. B. Currie, lots 1, 2. EH NWH ......................... 30-24-17 26.33... .......................... 6-26-17 6.62 B. L. Miles, lot 1. NEH NWH. NH NEH -.................... 7-26-17 8.14 Fox

Sequence: 16 (standard view) | zoom view

... su Terjjtoj y°yB :)1 offkl y of woo HTTt^ifrryrroN. ^ County~bf ^oo^SS } In the Justice Court... in and for Woodward Township, in the County ir J. E and Territory Aforesaid. L Yoiidt.mirififf. 1 B F. Marriott... mansion where it used to be But it is flying through the air! And it will stop 1 know not where. A strong... perfume upon the breeze. - \\ here sagebrush waves instead of trees. 1; , !. And cactus tints... care, we will take the same care of them as we do our own. ’RHOMB IBB. X wnr maim btmbbt ' r 1 O. C

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... in Woodward transacting business last week. Must have Subscription, One Year...........$1 00 Six Months... of the glowing description of it home with P^P1®- j them. Every progressive farm r within j.tney RfH,ers.... 11MI. Amina.* t**r ^,,,1 board shmihl sh..wtheir btyally sliUghter. lit reti for eRaai.natum and Uy... Harder, ib« emir- r— llev D. Noble Crane. »»f i was in the jity Tuesday. Moo lllif.j e, 1,1. cull ticket... * Mil Id IlUVe been olwl- The Davis Bros, have taken charge of the K 1*. Opera House, where all

Sequence: 14 (standard view) | zoom view

... not heed the warnings of headaches, organic pains, and general weariness, until 1 was well nign pros... and pain* disappeared, and I again felt the glow of health through my body. Since I hare been well 1 hare... been more careful, 1 hare also adrlsed a number of ■T sick friends to take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable.... Pinkham Invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to Lddress, 1th. Ac Lynn... for eighteen months with my back and kidneys and also Epilepsy, i had taken everything 1 knew of, and nothing

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

..., residedEJn Phll.Mp”. | Ml re,u«1"* “ v i authorities in maintaining and estab- Naw Choctaw... THE BAKING POWDER TKf'SP— It makoa pure food. The liquid was Parents as Guardian«.-The Creek 1 'al‘‘‘ntiaf... congress is petitioned to na«« * ta-'lT, 1‘?,' * <,"aDMt' °f woo<1 alcohol. It is not known hi what saloon... clerk at Lawton through an oversight paralyzed In the lower limbs and this -------'"-1- ---------... roundhouse at Shawnee is to be completed by January 1st. The house is to be buMt of rut stone, contains

Sequence: 12 (standard view) | zoom view

... to lap down on the concrete 1 1-2 or 2 inches, drive in the wedges and proceed as before. Rust on Iron..., go 'long! De Judge said 1 wouldn't be old enough to go dere for two years.” Apprehension...." "She has.” "Why? 1 thought she was crazy for suffrage bo that she could shine in politics herself... with Peckham?" "He bought a naphtha launch, you know-, and named it after his wife." "1 know, but he’s all cut...." Little Kdlth—Oh. ma. when 1 grow up will I look like that?—Pittsburg Telegraph. The Little Woman. Little

Sequence: 13 (standard view) | zoom view

... bound: No. 20!, pasgr. daly, deprnts, 1 :V>an. No. 527, acomdn. M arrives, 5;Upii. No. 535, Ft excjit... for Kansas City and at points eiist, and at Newton f«r a 1 through Colorado and Califoin.: p -tats. Has... woodwork on the market. 1,500,000 now kt use* Every one ghrea satisfaction. The White b the peer of any...- 1-refci my epprecletlon of the aettoa at the Convention In reply te nay corn* luintrat'on upon

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

....” evidence that such was the case. j ---— SL Petersburg, Nov. 6.—1:10 a. m. ! Stamps for Winter Use. m.... 7.—Advices reach-1 en information from Chinese sources ing Shanghai say that the Japanese assault on Port... shortage of $1,464.77. The shortage was $2,731.71, hut on August $1,266.34 was turned Into the treasury

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