The Democrat (Beaver, Okla.), Vol. 11, No. 3, Ed. 1 Thursday, June 17, 1920: Searching Inside

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12 results that matched your query.

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... J. Charles E. Lenertc to Christie M. Sut-! has been ill but is better now. ter et al $10.00 31-1...-22 Mary Henkle et vir to Christie M. Sutter et al $10. SW 31-1-22. Emma Knoll to Christie M. Sutter et al... $1.00 SW4 31-1-22. Emily Winsch et vir to Christie M. Sutter et al SW4 31-1-22 $1.00 Florence Sutter et... to Christie M. Sutter et al $10. SW4 31-1-22. Bertha 1. Hendrick to Christine Henrick SW4 34-6-20. $1.00. S. W.... Huff etux to John Christopher E2NW4, W2NW4, 27-1-22. $1.00. William G. Laro to Joljn Christopher E2NW4

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

...; Lowden, 12; Sproul, 2; Butler, 3; Hoover, 9%; Coolidge, 5; Will Hays, 1; Knox, 1; Lenroot, 1. Not voting... phillips. Glen bounty. *3.00- McClallin. Jim, bounty. $C '->0. Whitaker. A. bounty. $1.30 Mc Adams. F. W.... bounty *1.*0. Klepper. John bounty. *1-1 - _ Hancock. W. J., bounty. $1.15. Ogdfn. Horace, bounty. *1...-15.. Williams. Wallace. bount>. $2.4 McAdams. Kay bounty. Hibbs. J. A. Bounty. $1.00 Phftlp*. Donald. $1..., $1 25. ileal. H. E. bounty. $1.00 Jenkins. Perry bounty, $4.0$ Venal-le. K. T. bounty. $3.10 Hall. J

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... ffl MMOJUT Mt THE universal CAB -anspcrtatioo 1AWSON & PARKS rit« :*=PW surest?* k iS ti. ftoy o...! Ibe o~ M rtji «•" br the sraoentt rta diag °* ******£ perform* of the autos -h** Villbe «■* out rr<®1...) Democrat TV Focpn EfcitfT"* Tt«- UK«r^ wmr Trj. Irajjy> N'"* ! County Ee|«bUcan The Farmer* St* a iKwniM1... STATEHOUSE BRIEFS Published every Thursday by L B. TOOKEK {1.50 per year in advance Entered as second crass....;, subject to the action of the Democratic voters at the August primaries. FOR COUNT 1 TREASURER We

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... Accepted for Life Insurance Easily Pasted Examination Although Previously Told Condition Was Hopeless "1... wsi to bad off with kidney trouble 1 had to give up mv work at enspneer eajs J. K. Kagle-, 210 We t... to d and turned tbe whole night kmz. 1 be came dizzy and would have to grab tbe near<-«* object to keep...* in weight and 1 had taken bo many thing* without relief I became discouraged in fact, 1 wa* told there wa...* no help for me "At la*t 1 began with Doan's Kid ney Pills, and they made a ni a nun of me. It wasn't any

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

...; be expopvtatttn. US®: '* :« ira '• Of t per cent, SMmr«c(. 1120 population. 1,40#. meKXYcm^ JU5TA GM31M Efe...- tnlxrare; then add otie-baif teaspoon of - oagb-Rob-'-oo Coapacy H. E. A1 vantl^i an.1 ooe ctipfol of floor... APPENDICITIS. "What's the matter, old top? Too look sick." "I've just 1 undergone a serious operatioo." tioo.... Tbere Is the beart L.ked by tNt AimHcu Soidier. of ParjL Wio woold deny it? Tbe American so! like-1 our.... This Choice of Abode*. rested. recipe will make -J > cakes. "1 gotta have a place to live." Oklahoma City Ra

Sequence: 10 (standard view) | zoom view

... THE DEMOCRAT. BEAVER. OKLAHOMA 1 The Man Nobody Knew By HOLWORTHY HALL tfw Oh ««* ♦ DaM Ku4 IH 3.... 1 «*!■ • «be 0 Tbe bi* man was breathing with dlf , -J*. J*. jt. ■*■ -M- Jfc...>* thought some hard thing- about me. Mart* you had some cauae; I'm no' disputing that. But 1 gue*> you're... for gotten something. Something 1 told yoa when we first got together. I told yon ff yoa got roe what I...." be said; paused, and added: "A|x>plexy." The only man in all America who 1 have testified to Milliard

Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

... and Manalln, I w i cured of catarrh of the now, throat nod atomacb, from which 1 had suffered for several... they'll dc* maud I" Getting Information. "Sometimes," said Senator Sorfchuni, "1 am tempted to believe... treatment of a specialist without any permanent benefit. "1 saw Milks Emulsion advertised and started using... It. It helped me right from the start. 1 had no appetite and my stomach was in bad shape. But 12..., | and if not satisfied with the results your monev will be promptly refunded. Price pt>c and *1 CO

Sequence: 9 (standard view) | zoom view

...;, Mis. 1* H. L1.00 per month for a minimum use of 2000 gallons per month.... The minimum charge for electricity was $1.2F per month. The trustees were R. H. Loofbourrtjw, A. L. Foster, J... a new windmill. mill. Lehman & Lehman had a half page ad in the paper that week. J. 1). Key had left.... Six (6) Exclusive Advantages in A JEWELLED PATHE 1—No Needles to Change en a jewelled Pith

Sequence: 12 (standard view) | zoom view

... here that 1 Judge Loofbourrow and family have readied Holybrook, Arizona, on their trip to California... Buried City" Continued from 1st page vel, which it about three feet and six inches above the foundations... header. 15 foot size, in good shape. A bargain. Cash or ELMER, BOUCHARD, 6-17 7-1 3t 11-2 miles west... may have same by paying for this ad ($1.0*1) and other expenses 6-3-6-24 St. H. DEWITT G. T. Ayers...; unimproved. For further particulars, address^ ^ 3-25 7-1 15t Barton. Vermont. HALF SECTION GOOD FARMING

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... Reinstatement of Lapsed or Canceled Insurance Before July 1, Regardless of How Long Man Has Been Discharged... permits reinstatement of lapsed or canceled insurance, any time before July 1, 1020, on payment of only... insurance into which the war-time Insurance may be converted are: 1. Ordinary life. 2. Twenty-payment life..., that the Insured has three optional settlements: Option 1. Insurance payable in one sum. Settlement under

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