Sapulpa Herald (Sapulpa, Okla.), Vol. 11, No. 40, Ed. 1 Saturday, October 17, 1925: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... SATURDAY, OCT. 17. 1925. WANTED 81‘KCIAl. Saturday and Monday—> Any 1. dii;.jiji . in '.h house.... FOR UKNT Five ] FOR RENT—Good garage. 516 Ha t1 FOR SAl.Ii Three k«u> heaters. Thompson. Rhone 849..., morulngs. • icup. UD S. Walnut. 1 on. 37-4t Ut2s\V.__89-3 ( Jr.:-? I- :r: t:; room modern FRKS1I t .vs fat... hens and fryers. ACCFFT PLAN TO LTOP SMUGGLER? Mini ii wiili a Ih-ruld Want Ad. $‘179. $b i ; 1 valu, .... The Glme bungalow, breakfast room, long ‘ ‘ _ni1' :< 111 ■ •» 3*1 J bargain House. Nivi

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

.... Atmi versary Price, each ........... One Assortment Ladies Brassiers, regular $1.75, $2.00, $2.25.... Anniversary Price, flj'l OC Only medium and large sizes . . V 1 .L J 200 pairs Allen A Silk Hose, all new... shades. Anniversary Price 85c Boys’ Knicker Suits Some have 2 pairs Pants; sizes 6 to 18 years: -1... Jones make; Anniversary OC Vti.d J —______ 1"" ,,airs tiwiss Curtains. 2»« y:«r.!s ■ ■ n 75c par YARD... GOODS Startlingly Underpriced 1 WOOL GOOD AT SALE PRICES Regular $3.50 Fancy plaid and striped Suiting

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... Main - " I! VMB ’ 'mm “ iPt1'; % t t m Vove *' III Sts* ' V a*: & w /•“over A i r.ADrciK' 3&m wl f M u... agreeable way than a showor, 1 The main course might be a Tho commoner kinds of showers, , creamed meat... where swim- 10 feet in width, with eon- ^or e1^14'r *’atJunK or dancing, or ming pools... where a smooth unique,” she explained, “that 1; dancing floor waits for the bathers felt I just could... not explain with-1 when they tire of the water.” SOONERS OPPOSE DRAKE BULLDOGS pated the popularity

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... the nc .. C hs and styles, all new shades. Anniversary Price— • Floor 2. )ric 1-4 25pet. discount... leathers—Anniversary Prices— S5c, $1.95, $2.95 Boys Shoes; Broken sizes ........ $2.95 All oilier I.adios and Children... Coats, sizes 13 to 17, hlack, brown and copen, some trimmed in fur. Regular $1 1.95 anti $14.95... Color Suitings; 36 in wide- Anniv r ry Price— 1 95c 35c yard Misses' Middies in red and hlue only...; Anniversary Price— No Good? Charged at these Prices 75c Regular 50c Curtain 1 | Scrim, 36 in. wide-- '

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... cents Three Months (Must be paid In advance).......................$1.50 Six Months (Must be paid... IN ADVANCE BY MAIL. ANYWHERE IN U. S. Three Months ..................................................$1................ Qenoral News and Editorial Department..............’ [ SHOW V.1DE SERVICES 4 ... THE PAGE letters... was absolutely right. Let the bail j •t the crime. Rum running is not a case of disorderly conduct 1 I I S. —S $... Aa 9 PA M M U A a . a . A ft 1. t A lit lug a delightfully amiable, per son she has gtven

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

..., Revealed P* IMPORT OF FUTURE OF “ H H AIR PROBE beaten by the cadets since 1!M6 and alarm are seven to five... press today expresslo remain at the Coolidgo homestead 1 "d enthusiasm over the outcome ol and both... 17.-Like thousands of other boys, Sylvester 1 McCarthy wanted to go to sea, but j his mother would not let... out of the door and never caia' hack. »« i . nr * l* . 1,1 ** 1,1 1,1 ,lr * ill... air hoard 1 "d n i n,,. ,b rt gb ■ (» most a month of sittings. A it wa »n executive at Ion

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... OgC7Y AHO KUSftXNO IM OUERBC X ■:!wL r/1 ■*$ Cupvjooo BY A rrARTocwi'n James ouvtecuewooo AT QUEBEC... the morning and even- loved Physician ing hours. Rev. (’HAS. B. WILLIAMS. Tho Hiibpert of the morning ser-1.... Sermon by pastor. This will be my last sermon of the Conference yci.r 1 will be glad tn see the members... and friends are remlnd.-d thsi all our services will be i "•J?1 ,pa- • Ir he new Masonic Temple, meet-1.... You have our gas stov s in and it will1 should hear live orchestra if you be warn try

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

...- iiouiu City, where 1 attended a ett. State commander, and her as- m,.etlng of service men and deal..., pointed as a committee to make plans for this meeting. An invitation was receved and ac- 1 corporation... cepted from the Okmulgee chapter service, lo attend a hallowe'en purty to be1 given in their hall on tile... last Frida • ^T AGE SET FOR in October, li is expected that quite1 a party of meinbeit will attend from... Jjjer fi f/hust nil And, :« I. irum.. .-ill fi>- mon on tho ! 1 »V According to r.itrolutan

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