57 Matching Results

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Eldred and Wilson Studying Grass Growth on 80-Acre Field Seeded to Native Grass Mixture

Description: Photograph of George Eldred and Clay Wilson, SCS technician, studying grass growth in an 80-acre field seeded to native grass mixture in March 1950. People shown in photo go as followed from left to right: 1. Clay Wilson, SCS Technician, 2. George Eldred.” The back of the photograph proclaims, “Eldred, right, and Clay Wilson, SCS technician, studying grass growth in an 80-acre field seeded to native grass mixture in March, 1950. This picture was taken in a 9-acre area which was fertilized in Ap… more
Date: August 23, 1951
Creator: Tompkins, Gordon
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Improved Range

Description: Photograph of a heavily timbered area that was in poor range condition. Early June 1955 tow pounds of Kuron (propionic acid) per acre was applied by aero plane. All vegetative growth of shrubs and trees was controlled on 90 % of the shrubs and trees. A definitive percentage of tree kill could not be determined at this time but a tremendous growth of primarily little bluestem can be observed even directly underneath the trees. An excellent seed crop was produced by this area which was completely… more
Date: November 4, 1955
Creator: Martin, J. Vernon
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Soil Improvement Thru Green Manure

Description: Photograph of Russell Reeves, District Cooperator, turning under an excellent crop of hairy vetch and rye for soil improvement. This 18 acre field, planned with Soil Conservation Service assistance, has had this treatment annually for the past three years. Vetch and rye, fall and winter, followed by broom corn. From the 20th of November, 1955, to 1st of April 1956, this field supported 12 head of grown cows without any other feed. The animals made an average gain of 161 pounds per head.
Date: April 13, 1956
Creator: Martin, J. Vernon
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Multiple Purpose Reservoir

Description: Photograph of multiple purpose reservoir, including Chickasha water supply, under construction. Total capacity 56,000 A. F. Embankment 1,203,000 cu. Yd. Rip rap being place above berm on upstream slope is limestone hauled from Cement, 25 miles sorth. Below berm is gypseous sandstone from emergency spillway excavation
Date: December 6, 1957
Creator: Brune, G. M.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Gully Control

Description: Photograph of part of head cut or overall on large gully, Sec. 17, T9N, R8W. Overfall is 73 feet deep, 270 feet wide, and advanced at an average rate of 70 feet per year from 1937 to 1955. This produced 31. 7 acre-feet of sediment annually.
Date: July 13, 1955
Creator: Sparwasser, W. A.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Neville Irrigation System

Description: Photograph of a portion of the mile long supply ditch for the Neville irrigation system supplying water for 200 acres with the pump supplyiing 4,000 gllons of water per minute, 120 2-inch cyphering tubes used per setting, watering approximately 8 acres per setting.
Date: 1952-11-XX
Creator: Graham, E. O.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Black Locust Posts

Description: Photograph of J. J. Burton, left, discussing the harvest of black locust posts with his tenant, Guy Busser, Jr. , right. 1800 posts per acre were harvested from a 4-acre planting on Soil Unit 9H RP that was inaccessable for farming operations. The plantin was 7 years old at the time of harvest.
Date: 1955-03-XX
Creator: Martin, J. Vernon
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Grass Pasture

Description: Photograph of Carson Millsap, SCS technician, studying ground cover in 4-acre field planted to native grass mixture in 1944. Grass in center foreground is King Ranch bluestem. It was established in native grass pasture from seed blown in from an adjoining 4-acre planting of KR> Grass in background is little bluestem. Shallow soil. Class VIII land.
Date: August 24, 1951
Creator: Tomkins, Gordon
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Cotton Irrigation

Description: Photograph of flooding a cotton crop in the Washita River bottom, Soil Unit 8Hm AL RP. This field of 22 acres was level bordered in March 1955, and at the time the photo was taken, estimates were that this cotton was already able to produce 1.5 bales per acre. Wheat on this same field in 1952 made a complete failure, coton in 1953 and 1954 was also a complete failure. Source of water, Washita River.
Date: July 1955
Creator: Martin, J. Vernon
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Border Irrigation

Description: Photograph of a portion of a 200-acre field level bordered in the Washita River bottom. This is the first water after leveling and corrugating. Winter oats were seeded and with Nitrogen fertilizer applied, yeilded 80 bushels per acre in 1953. Seeded to alfalfa in 1953 and with 400 lbs of 0-20-0 per acre produced 7 tons per acre. Water supply comes from the Washita River from a unit supplying 4,000 gallons per minute.
Date: November 1952
Creator: Graham, E. O.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Farming Equipment and Methods

Description: Photograph of a homemade two-row Bermuda grass sprigger in operation planting Midland Bermuda grass roots. This planter was built on a three-point hook-up cultivator that opens the furrow, covers the roots, and packs the ground afterwards. The Bermuda grass roots were brought into the county by the Soil Conservation Service Program working wih the District. OK-225-11.
Date: April 9, 1956
Creator: Martin, J. V.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Trees, Tree Farms, Woodlands, and Forests

Description: Photograph of a harvest of black lumber posts from a 9-year-old planting from Soil Unit 12 RP. The post planting was 15 acres in size and produced more than 1700 posts per acre the first harvest. A 4-year old Catalpa planting shows in the background. C.F. Stuard, left; Wilbur Trompler, Farm Forester, right. OK-58-2.
Date: March 1955
Creator: Martin, J. V.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Contour Farming

Description: Photograph of terrace construction. Striking off the back slopes of a channel type terrace built entirely with a bulldozer. See OK-190-12 for the first pass made with the bulldozer in starting the construction. OK-190-10.
Date: November 15, 1955
Creator: Martin, J. V.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Contour Farming

Description: Photograph of a bulldozer striking out the last pass on a channel-type terrace constructed entirely with bulldozer equipment. See OK-190-10 for the completed terraces and OK-190-12 for the starting of the terrace. The terrace spills directly into a meadow strip shaped and seeded to King Ranch [KR] Bluestem in March, 1952. OK-190-11.
Date: November 15, 1955
Creator: Martin, J. V.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Combining Native Bluestem Grass

Description: Photograph of Howard Nix combining native bluestem mixture on the farm of Alva Tims. Proper range management and rotation grazing permitted the harvest of 1500 pounds of bluestem mixture from approximately 35 acres.
Date: November 4, 1955
Creator: Martin, J. Vernon
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Examination of Bluestem Harvest

Description: Photograph of Claud Leonard (left), Work Unit Conservationist, Rush Springs, Okla. And Howard Nix combine operator, examine some of the native bluestem mixture harvested from this area. 1500 pounds of seed were harvested from approximately 35 acres.
Date: November 4, 1955
Creator: Martin, J. Vernon
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Grass, Legume and Forb Cultivation

Description: Photograph of Howard Nix combining native bluestem mixture on the farm of Alva Tims. Proper range management and rotation grazing permitted the harvest of 1500 pounds of bluestem mixture from approximately 35 acres. OK-190-1.
Date: November 4, 1955
Creator: Martin, J. Vernon
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Ionine Creek Site 3 Gully

Description: Photograph of a part of head cut on a large, deep gully on Ionine Creek Site 3. The back of the photograph proclaims, "Part of head cut or overfall on large gully, Sec. 17, T9N, R8W. Overfall is 73 feet deep, 270 feet wide, and advancing 70 feet per year from 1937 to 1955. This produced 31.7 acre-feet of sediment annually."
Date: July 13, 1955
Creator: Sparwasser, W. A.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Ionine Creek Site 3 Gully

Description: Photograph of a large gully near Ionine Creek site 3. The trees in the background obscure the gully. The back of the photograph proclaims, "Large gully, Sec. 17, T9N, R8W. The main gully has moved upstream at the rate of 70 feet per year for the past 18 years. It has a depth of 73 feet and a width of 270 feet at the head. Gully is 90 feet deep at deepest point. This gully system produced sediment at the rate of 72 acre-feet per year for the period 1937 to 1955."
Date: July 13, 1955
Creator: Sparwasser, W. A.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Water Conservation; Water Erosion; Flooding and Prevention

Description: Photograph of the sides of a gully as shown in OK-232-2 that have been sloped in and a 24 inch corrugated pipe is being installed to lower the water a total of 15 feet. This picture shows a position of the pipe as it is being installed. 120 feet of pipe with two step rings were installed and 11,000 cubic yards of earth fill were needed in order to allow flood storage necessary above the structure without using the auxiliary spillway too frequently. The Soil Conservation Service furnished the en… more
Date: April 9, 1956
Creator: Martin, J. V.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society
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