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Black-Eyed Peas Cover Crop

Description: Photograph of a cover crop of black-eyed peas. The back of the photograph proclaims, “blackeyed [sic] peas for a cover crop on land where alfalfa was grown in 1952. Cotton was grown in 1953-54. Class III land, 2% slope, Soil Unit 12. See photo No. Ok-92-10.”
Date: July 21, 1955
Creator: McConnell, John
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Grass, Legume and Forb Cultivation

Description: Photograph of Cutting alfalfa with a swather. Swather mows and swaths in a single operation. Alfalfa was irrigated with sprinkllers and will make 60 bales per acre from this second cutting. Class I land, 1% slope. Soil unit 8 & 9. OK-92-5.
Date: July 21, 1955
Creator: McConnell, John
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Grass, Legume and Forb Cultivation

Description: Photograph of a grassy range divided with a wire fence. Printed description on back: "Native range on a gypsum site in excellent condition. Sand Bluestem, Sideoats grama, catclaw, sensitive briar, wild alfalfa, antelope horn, hairy grama, celea, Blazing star, halls panicum, blue grama, buffalo bur and croton are present in this range."
Date: July 21, 1955
Creator: McConnell, John
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Soil Profiles

Description: Photograph of soil profiles for Parsons silt loam, Bates very fine sandy loam, and Adkins silty clay loam, arranged by Elmo Baumann.
Date: July 21, 1936
Creator: Hufnagle, Richard W.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Land Clearance, Cultivation & Brush and Weed Control

Description: Photograph of of a range land with sparse vegetation. Printed description on back: "Native grass range in poor condition due to overgrazing. The plants present in this range are Triodia, Three-awn, Blue Grama, Buffalo Bur, Sand Dropseed, Prickly pear, Yucca, ragweed and mesquite."
Date: July 21, 1955
Creator: McConnell, John
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Wash Out County Highway Bridge Over Stillwater Creek

Description: Photograph of the mangled wreckage of a highway bridge spanning over Stillwater Creek. This wash out was caused by floodwaters on June 21, 1957. The back of the photograph proclaims, "County highway bridge over Stillwater Creek was washed out by flood water on June 21, 1957."
Date: July 21, 1957
Creator: Chance, R. J.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

UNIDENTIFED Man Clearing Elm for Brush and Mosquito Control

Description: Photograph of an UNIDENTIFED man in a bulldozer using a special blade to clear elm from land for brush and mosquito control. The back of the photograph proclaims, "Bulldozer with special blade for brush control. Land had been bulldozed-second growth elm predominant-special blade designed for mosquito control. Cat. D-7 owned by Agricultural Contractor Harold Lester. Farm in Jefferson County." *Note: the city of Courtney is listed on maps in Love County, not Jefferson County.
Date: July 21, 1961
Creator: Riley, K. E.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Mesquite Roots Showing Bud Zone

Description: Photograph of a close up of mesquite roots showing the bud zone. Trees had been sprayed previously and appeared dead. Present trees sprouted from old roots. Roots were plowed up with a root plow.
Date: July 21, 1961
Creator: Hager, P.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Root Plow in Action

Description: Photograph of a root plow in action. Principal woody species green briar, dewberry, buck brush, green ash and small oak. Principal grasses: buffalo grass, tumblelove grass, tall dropseed, small amounts of switchgrass, sideoats grama and little bluestem. Plow cutting from 8 to 10 inches deep.
Date: July 21, 1961
Creator: Hager, P.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Root Plow in Operation

Description: Photograph of a root plow in operation in mesquite thicket. Area sprayed previously, it appeared that most trees were dead but sprouted back. Present trees are from old sprouts. Plow cuts from 8 to 10 inches deep. Principal grass: buffalograss.
Date: July 21, 1961
Creator: Hager, P.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Profile of Shellabarger Fine Sandy Loam

Description: Photograph of Shellabarger fine sandy loam eight miles SW of Anadarko, on A. C. Truex Farm. A measuring stick is on the left side of the photo. The back of the photograph proclaims, “Shellabarger Fine Sandy Loam.”
Date: July 21, 1967
Creator: Moffatt, H. H.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Mesquite Tree Brush Control

Description: Photograph of several dead mesquite trees killed by kerosene for brush control. Several buildings dot the background of the photograph. The back of the photograph proclaims, "Brush Control. Mesquite trees that have been deadened by kerosene poured on the crowns."
Date: July 21, 1955
Creator: McConnell, John
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Black-Eyed Peas Cover Crop Growing Under Two Conditions

Description: Photograph of a cover crop field of black-eyed peas growing under two different conditions. The back of the photograph proclaims, "Field of blackeyed [sic] peas growing under two different conditions. Peas on right are following alfalfa in 1952 and cotton in 1953-54. Peas on left are following only cotton for a long period of years. See photos Ok-52-9 and 10. Class III land, 2% slope, Soil Unit 12."
Date: July 21, 1955
Creator: McConnell, John
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Farming Equipment and Methods

Description: Photograph of a root plow in action. Principal woody species include greenbriar, dewberry, buck brush, green ash and small oak. Principal grasses: buffalograss, tumblelove grass, tall dropseed, small amounts of switch grass, sideoats gama, and little blue stem. Plow cutting from 8 to 10 inches deep. OK-1407-5.
Date: July 21, 1961
Creator: Hager, P. E.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Farming Equipment and Methods

Description: Photograph of a root plow in operation in a mesquite thicket. Area sprayed previously, it appeared that most trees were dead but sprouted back. Present trees are from old sprouts. Plow cutting from 8 to 12 inches deep. The principle grass is buffalograss. OK-1407-7.
Date: July 21, 1961
Creator: Hager, P. E.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Farming Equipment and Methods

Description: Photograph of a bulldozer with a special blade for brush control. Land had been bulldozed with a second growth elm predominant. The special blade was designed for mesquite control. Cat. D-7 owned by the Agricultural Contractor Harold Lester. The farm resides in Jefferson County. OK-1457-3.
Date: July 21, 1961
Creator: Riley, K. E.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society
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