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Farmstead Gate
Photograph of a farmstead gate with sign.
INF-Conservation Districts Exhibits
Photograph of Conservation Districts exhibits at the Tulsa State Fair. Exhibiting Okmulgee, Mays, and Tulsa Counties Conservation Districts.
Watersheds-Bird Creek Flood
Photograph of George Sites, Area Engineer, at the site of the Bird Creek Flood in June 1973.
Quarter Horses in Bermuda Pasture
Photograph of quarter horses in Bermuda pasture in the Arkansas River bottomland. IT shows the pump house over the sand points which supply part of Broken Arrow city water. In the far background are two gravel packed wells, which are part of this supply.
Alfalfa Being Readied for Baling
Photograph of an 8 year old stand of alfalfa being readied for baling. W. M. McCarty, work unit conservationist for the Soil Conservation Service, holds up some of the mowed alfalfa. This stand received 2 tons of lime per acre when planted and a light application of sheep manure. It yielded 1. 5 tons per ace by the end of the third year. Treated with 300# of 32% raw rock phosphate to the acre then it made good but spotted growth. The fan-type phosphate distributor used was blamed. Later another 300# of the phosphate was put out after the first cutting. Now yields run 3. 5 tons per acre per year. This soil is upland prairie, Soil Group 6.
Double Creek Detention Center
Photograph of stage recorder, permanent pool and drainage area of Site 5. Detention reservoir on Double Creek Watershed.
Photograph of erosion in residental area in South Tulsa thaT has occurred during development. All vegetaton was removed from this area during construction.
Suburban Development
Photograph of suburban shopping center issustrates intensive use of land resource. Such developments increase water runoff and results in flooding of areas downstream.
Sprinkler Type Irrigation
Photograph of a sprinkler type irrigation system in operation in alfalfa field. The water for this system is being pumped from Bird Creek.
Education Information--Displays
Photograph of Oklahoma small watershed display. OK-3972-15.
Farming Equipment and Methods
Photograph of a rotovater at work. Manufactured by the Howard Rotovater Company and sold by International Harvester of Tulsa, Oklahoma. OK-574-5.
Mobile Home Park
Photograph of strip pits leveled for a mobile home park. From the Wagoner County Conservation District, from left to right: Ernest Snook, State Range Conservationist; Wes Thomas, Tulsa; Danny McCarty; Dem Robertson, DC, Wagoner. OK-4428-5.
Strip Pits (Surface Mining)
Photograph of native grass on strip pits, 25 to 35 years old. OK-4428-10.
Strip Pits (Surface Mining)
Photograph of eroded strip pits 25 to 35 years old. OK-4428-7.
Strip Pits (Surface Mining)
Photograph of eroded strip pits 25 to 35 years old. OK-4428-13.
Strip Pits (Surface Mining)
Photograph of eroded strip pits 25 to 35 years old. OK-4429-14.
Strip Pits (Surface Mining)
Photograph of native vegetation that is growing on strip pits. OK-4429-8.
Exhibitions and Presentations
Photograph of the Mayes County Soil and Water Conservation District [SWCD] exhibit displayed at the Tulsa State Fair. OK-3226-2.
Corn Cultivated on the Contour
Photograph of young corn cultivated on the contour. The corn field is terraced. It's runoff wateres empty into the shaped sodded terrace outlet in the foreground.
Quarter Horses in Bermuda Pasture
Photograph of quarter horses in bermuda pasture in the Arkansas River bottom.
Second Year Sweet Clover
Photograph of the second year sweet clover in the conservation crop rotation on terrace and contour-farmed land on ME. Joyce farm as part of his complete soil and water conservation plan as worked out with Mr. Joyce and the Soil Conservation Service techicians. Sweet clover land was limed and phosphate was used according to soil tests and used for pasture, soil building and seed harvest for cash crop. Myrle Long, Farm Planner in picture.
Bermuda Grass and Cotton
Photograph of bermuda grass sprigs planted in every other cotton row. This field is to be retired to pasture and this means was taken to introduce the grass. It was cultivated whenever the cotton was. To be followed with later pictures.
Roadside Gully
Photograph of a roadside gully destroying a fence. On the right the fence has been moved back, the roadside resectioned, and set to Bermuda grass.
Urbanization-Drop Inlet
Photograph of the discharge from a drop inlet used to drain a culdesac in Vandever Acres Addition, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. This structure elimiates erosion and is good planning for water disposal in urban development.
Water Conservation; Water Erosion; Flooding and Prevention
Photograph of the temporary repair in the levee of a drainage ditch that was clogged with silt and sand washed from the adjoining farm land during a recent heavy rains, contributed to record-breaking floods in OK and AR. The levee broke in four places. Joe Preston, administrative assistant, State Soil Conservation Committee is standing on the repaired break. In the center foreground H. M. Chambers, State Conservationist for the Soil Conservation Service, stands near the bottom of the ditch which has now silted up to a level above fields is seen in the background. OK-8524.
Sericea Lespedeza
Photograph of sericea lespedeza on strip mine spoils on J. W. S. Bowers' farm.
I-44 Skelly By-Pass, Highway 75 Okmulgee Bee-Line, and the City of Tulsa
Photograph of an example of the vast land needed to construct modern highways to serve metropolitan areas like Tulsa. The foreground shows the I-44 Skelly By-Pass and Highway 75 Okmulgee Bee-Line, while the city of Tulsa is in the background. The back of the photograph proclaims, “Intersection of I-44 (Skelly By-Pass) and Highway 75 (Okmulgee Bee-Line). Tulsa in background. Shows the vast areas of land needed to construct modern highways to serve large metropolitan areas.”
Boy Scouts of America
Photograph of Mr. F. S. Hurd, Chairman, Board of Supervisors, on right, talking over the district agreement with Donald Fisher, center, and Don Holliday, left. In the foreground is a model of the rustic bridge used in the teaching younger scouts about woodwork without nails. OK-9102.
Boy Scouts of America
Photograph of Camp director J.D. Smoot holding the boat on a 2.5 acre lake stocked with bluegill breen, black bass & channel catfish, and is used for swimming, boating and fishing. In the foreground, L to R: Dean Hess, Gene Poyner & Gerald Hoff statter. In the boat in the background are David Sradar [sp.?] & Jimmie Kemp. OK-9104.
Water Conservation; Water Erosion; Flooding and Prevention
Photograph of the St. Louis and Santa Fe railroad tracks that were washed 200 feet from the railroad during recent record-breaking floods on the Verdigris River. These tracks washed from the roadbed and completely across Hwy 66 before lodging against the trees. Most of the rails are bent out of shape. Photo shows Verdigris River between Tulsa and Claremore. OK-8543.
Grass, Legume and Forb Cultivation
Photograph of H.H. Bennett, chief of the Soil Conservation Service, and F.S. Hurd, Chairman, Board of Supervisors, Arkansas Verdigris Soil Conservation District [SCD], examine an improved pasture on the farm of C.B. Ritberger. Ritberger says carrying capacity of this 88 acre pasture has been doubled since he improved it with the addition of hop clover, white Dutch, yellow hop and lespedeza. Ritberger first came to this 200acre farm as a tenant in 1928, he rented the farm for $700 from F.S. Hurd until 1938, when he bought the farm, paying $8000 cash. Starting with 2 cows in the diary business he has increased the herd to 40 Jerseys that average 20 pounds of milk per day, the year round. He also has 20 white-faced Herefords. His 92 acres of cultivated land are terraced and tilled on the contour. He has 12 acres of bluestem meadow and 2 acres of post lot. OK-8546.
Grass, Legume and Forb Cultivation
Photograph of trees in grassland (text too difficult to read). OK-1629-8.
Grass, Legume and Forb Cultivation
Photograph of Greenhill farms. Looamy bottomland with foregraound in Bermudagrass. Savannah [text unclear] condition. OK-1629-9.
Grass, Legume and Forb Cultivation
Photograph of Greenhill Farms. Savannah breaks in excellent condition.
Grass, Legume and Forb Cultivation
Photograph of P.S. Hurd, Chairman, Board of Supervisors, Arkansas Verdigris's Soil Conservation District [SCD] and H. H. Bennett, Chief of the Soil Conservation Service examine some native little bluestem in the 12 acre meadow of the C.B. Ritberger farm. This meadow land is contributing a large amount of run-off to streams was formerly waste before Ritberger developed it under a plan worked out with the aid of technicians of the Soil Conservation Service assigned to assist the district. Grass today is helping to hold most of the rain on the land. OK-8548.
W. J. Kindley Contour Furrowed Pasture/Pryor Project/Broken Arrow Camp
Photograph of six cows standing and grazing in a newly contoured and furrowed pasture consisting of Lespedeza and Bermudagrass. A barn and two other buildings stand in the background of photograph. The back of the photograph proclaims, "Cows grazing on newly contour furrowed pasture. Lespedeza sown between ridges and ridges set to Bermuda. Practice is justified because cows are not materially hurting the Bermuda through overgrazing."
W. J. Kindley Contour Furrowed Pasture/Pryor Project/Broken Arrow Camp
Photograph of six cows standing and grazing in a newly contoured and furrowed pasture consisting of Lespedeza and Bermudagrass. A barn and two other buildings stand in the background of photograph. The back of the photograph proclaims, "Cows grazing on newly contour furrowed pasture. Lespedeza sown between ridges and ridges set to Bermuda. Practice is justified because cows are not materially hurting the Bermuda through overgrazing."
Sericea Lespedeza on J. W. S. Bowers Farm Strip Mine Spoils
Photograph of Milton Gault, AC, SCS, looking at sericea lespedeza on strip mine spoils on J. W. S. Bowers farm. The back of the photograph proclaims, "Sericea lespedeza on strip mine spoils on J. W. S. Bowers farm. Seeded by aeroplane [sic] in 1950 at the rate of 8-10 lbs. per acre. The sericea is producing seed and in favorable years is spreading. It also furnishes flood and cover for quail and other wildlife. This is a part of his Conservation Plan as worked out by SCS technicians."
Loblolly Pine Trees on Strip Mine Dumps
Photograph of an UNIDENTIFED man standing in front of a small grove of Loblolly pine trees growing on strip mine dumps. The back of the photograph proclaims, "Loblolly pine on strip mine dumps. Note cover of pine needles and self pruning."
Nick Robson Ranch Coal Strip Mine Lake
Photograph of a coal strip mine lake located on the Nick Robson ranch. The back of the photograph proclaims, "Water stored in coal strip mine lake by blocking ends and low places. Water used for livestock, irrigation, wildlife. Lake stocked with fish. This multiple use is part of his Ranch Plan with the Soil Conservation District and worked out by Soil Conservation Service technicians and Nick Robson."
Black Locust Growing on Strip Mine Areas near Boy Scout Troop 104 East of Broken Arrow
Photograph of a UNIDENTIFED man inspecting black locust growing on strip mine areas near Boy Scout Troop 104 east of Broken Arrow. The back of the photograph proclaims, "Black locust growing on strip mine areas. In 1944 black locust was planted in a single row on the top of the spoil on 8-feet spacing within the row. All other growth has sprung or developed from that sprouting. This proves that black locust is a good plant to use in re-vegetating strip mine areas and also gives a good spread from roots; gives good food and cover for wildlife. Planned by SCS technicians."
Management and Harvesting of Loblolly Pine Trees
Photograph of Close-up of management and harvest of loblolly pine for Christmas tree being grown on strip mine spoil area near Broken Arrow. The back of the photograph proclaims, “Close-up of management and harvest of loblolly pine for Christmas tree being grown on strip mine spoil area near Broken Arrow. Shows stumps where 3 Christmas trees have been harvested with killing the stump. This is part of the Conservation Plan with the District as worked out by Soil Conservation Service technicians.“
Red Cedar Growing on Strip Mine Areas Near Boy Scout Troop 104 East of Broken Arrow
Photograph of Milton Gault, AC, SCS, looking at a red cedar tree growing on a strip mine spoils area at or near Boy Scout Troop 104 East of Broken Arrow. The back of the photograph proclaims, "Red cedar growing on strip mine spoils areas. Planted in 1944. Appears to have some applicability in re-vegetation. These spoils furnish income as Xmas trees, for recreation, wildlife and beautification. Milton Gault, AC, SCS, in picture."
Black Locust Growing on Strip Mine Areas near Boy Scout Troop 104 East of Broken Arrow
Photograph of a UNIDENTIFED man (Milton Gault, AC, SCS") inspecting black locust growing on strip mine areas near Boy Scout Troop 104 east of Broken Arrow. The back of the photograph proclaims, "Black locust growing on strip mine areas. In 1944 black locust was planted in a single row on the top of the spoil on 8-feet spacing within the row. All other growth has sprung or developed from that sprouting. This proves that black locust is a good plant to use in re-vegetating strip mine areas and also gives a good spread from roots; gives good food and cover for wildlife. Planned by SCS technicians."
Quarter Horse Mares and Colts in Bermuda Pasture
Photograph of quarter horse mares and colts in Bermuda grass pasture on Arkansas River bottomland. It shows the pump house over the sandpoints, which supply part of Broken Arrow city water. In the far background are two gravel-packed wells, which are a part of this supply.
Winter Pasture
Photograph of a mixture of rye and wheat overseeded with sweet clover with some volunteer vetch. Used for winter pasture for sheep and cattle and for adding nitrogen, and organic matter in crop rotation in Conservation Plan worked out by Mr. Joyce and SCS technicians. Milton Gault, AC on left and Myrle Long, farm planner on right.
Big Bluestem and Sideoats Grama
Photograph of Big Bluestem and sideoats grama, companion plants on very shallow and Loamy Prairie range sites. Soils 2-B and 24-AB.
Conservation, Environmental & Safety Education
Photograph of Okmulgee County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) Fair Display at the Tulsa State Fair. OK-4006-3.
Oklahoma Small Watershed Display
Photograph of an Oklahoma Small Watershed Display at the Tulsa State Fair. OK-3972-15.
Education Information--Displays
Photograph of Okmulgee Country Soil and Water Conservation District [SWCD] Fiar Display at Tulsa State Fair. OK-4006-3.
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