Weekly Oklahoma State Capital. (Guthrie, Okla.), Vol. 6, No. 47, Ed. 1 Saturday, March 23, 1895: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... Argentine. <\ s. Warner, ltaldwln, F W Funk. Oe Soto. W. i\ Coleman; Kudora. 1>. L MeCrcarv. Gardner, W 11... presiding elder. Topeka Admire. F F. Otto; Nubiirn. W H Stevenson Uurllngame. J K. Madison. Centropoll... clreu t. w R Leigh; M iple Hill. < j. B. Roberts; Meriden, H. IJ. Creel; Michigan Valley circuit. J. II.... Purdue; O ago City, J. T. Mver. Overbrook. William Whitney. Perry. O. W. Braden; Pomona, Charles Minear...; Richland, 11. T. Davis; Scranton. (ieorge Wilson; Silver Lake. 1). A. Shutt; Tci umseh. J W. flood, Topeka

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... correspondence will show: GuTUlUK, O. T., March" 1 ■>. — To Messrs. N. K.Mooney, G. W. Wells, J. W. Ray, C. E..., Motou. II. Galoday, Win. Marshal, J. 10. Ellis, Peter A. Carry, 1!. W. White, Sam Harvey. Rev. Wagerd, A..., Jos. Stiles, County Treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. J. \V. Crawford, of Chandler, arc in the city. W. 11..., explanation and proofs inailod (sealed) free. eRIE MEDICAL CO.. Buffalo, N.Y. J. W. Vernon, of Kansas City..., is in j town. W. C. Hurley, of Chicago, is in the ! city. | A. R. Wilcox, of Arkansas t ity, is in | tlic

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... hands. J. Sam Rrown, of the Arkansas City American National bank, paid off the mortgages held by J. W.... and on February 1M >, W. 11. Thorne and J. X. Curl respectively tiled in the Probat? court .f the county of Logan... 1W5.J Sheriffs Sale. XoMce is hereby given that by virtue of .-mi execution issued by the district c..., 1 RATMS OK SL'HSCltU'TION: to mail 8t'ils('i:inKIt§: One vear .. .S"> 00 j 6ix months . .3.00 :... to which the paper has bern J ('.hUmlUeH that insumcient appropriaent;otherwise their may be delay

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... to be "just as good?" Bassett First ward—Council, Dr. J. II. Cotteral; school board, W. S. Smith. Second..., Alexander Johnston. ston. Fifth ward Counc;l. Wesley Richmond; school board, J. W. Ray. For treasurer.... In order to j s;'e lf ,au>' ?* ''ls interests burued up do this under the law they must make there last... f d . j . « feet the list of Indians who arc en- hia famif m ,his cit titled to share their lands. J... he dele- j gation said they desired to do this as ! Geo. Kicker went to Fort Smith tosocn

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... W. J. Crawford. It sets forth that they were married in Tope- It a, Kansas, in Sept. 1889... Respectfully Solicited. Guthrie, Oki.a. i. a aairoa, j*o. KKATON Sl COTTIHAL ATTORN ITI1T-L1W. Room■ I, 2... to relieve the distress in western Nebraska. J. W. MILLER. Attorney - At - Law. OKLAHOMA' CHAI. BROWN... brought to this country. About eight mouths ago <3apt- J. A. Amsbury purchased them la Java of natives...: llie First Tayment—The Question of Free lIomeH. Washington, March 10.—(Special.J There is a bitch

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

..., grand high priest; A. C. Potter, grand senior warden; (J. W. Brucot junior warden; II. L. Slough, grand..., "simple-souled and strong," That ellng to right and spurn the deeds of w ron^r; e the temples of the future rise... by Dr. J. \V. Hoddens on a class of fourteen, of which several states were represented. Technically...: Exports during February, ?.*>d,: (H,r>421; j imports during same period, of the imports, merchandise... to the amount of was free of duty. During February, 1 St 4, tho excess of exports over imports was $ll,Hl*j, 1WU

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... is to give the brand of falsehood j 'pilere js an available to all we have done and to say to those j... than j a dozen men have met their death in i the ring of this countrv under these | rules. A tight... for Voting and penitentiary convicts would in-■ nnd is more humane. MP5 JUDGE JOHN VV. SHOWALTER. John W..., ! LAHOMA glances. WHYHEOBJECTED For the sake of j crease and swell" the burden of taxa- j the fair... will not j would be no money in it for our peo J pass. Let us build up along the line TIKirrUT fT UrAW

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... on the legislature comes from j ignorance of what the legislature did. The salaries of county officers were... could get his chair and desk: and he had also heard j that they were going to divide the eari pet and he... wanted a piece cf that, j What an ideal state of affairs for a populist statesman. Free pass, free I...." THAT BEARDED LADY. Suvttrti nhvhi-h Keally the Wile ol W.H. Harrison. Savara Xavara, the bearded lady... friend of the late W. H. Harrison, killed by Mrs. Taylor in this city. In the absence of any relatives

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