Weekly Oklahoma State Capital. (Guthrie, Okla.), Vol. 7, No. 25, Ed. 1 Saturday, October 19, 1895: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... decide I to adopt. This i law does not refer to priz" tights, but | rather to riots and rebellion. I'nder... r KAISER FRIEDRICH MONUMENT ON THE BATTLEFIELD OF WOERTH. As a climax to the Franco Prussian war... in wh'.eh the "dis- I turbance" occurs to be in rebellion j a gain* t the state, u nil could not only drive

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... since the war. The reunion was a great success. It was a flattering thing to the citizens of Guthrie... infield: Pentecost, war. I here the men who. fish homes, live as American people Messrs. Oliver I.... Louisiana sugar planters are i ! still "sticking" to their rebellion from j I the democratic party

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... to a little pink and white darling, the property of Mrs. liamsay. Klckapoo War Dnuce. ribbons to what..., in full war dress, painted and armed, turned themselves loose and gave a correct imitation of a billy-goat... in the last stages of appendicitis. This feature, called a war dance, consisted of the braves squatting down... that for the last three days seemed like a camp in war times, disappeared and the old veterans returned home. Do you... of those fearless eyes as the speaker depicted the, Good time, good weather, good awful scenes of the war

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... of Meeting—liow the Old Veterans Meet Kaeli Other, Many ol Them for the First Time Since the close of I he War... especially addressed to the young men j and those growing up since the war. i It showed and was intended... to teach j the lesson that now belongs to us as a ! common people after the results of the j war have been... first and entertained the audience with some brilliant pictures of the war, describing vividly the havoc... died on Calvary. He rehearsed the tender causes of the war, and spoke in flowing praise of the great

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