Oklahoma City Times (Oklahoma City, Okla.), Vol. 79, No. 215, Ed. 1 Saturday, October 26, 1968: Searching Inside

We Found:

18 results that matched your query.

Sequence: 17 (standard view) | zoom view

... LSI7 NE 52. 3 bedroom, l'j baths, m qar W 140-147 NE 16, Home & income. 1717 Meyers, 3 bedroom. 1... pymts' INCLUDE TAXES A .NS 937 SW 25 GARDNER'S ME 2-9728 Open 9-7 W* "?«' Hoees For Sole HI... m i.re n*-w 3 O'd brk. I'j baths. u*i'i»v & dol gara'j' FL 4-5187, Yukon Co__ Small down, no loan...« occupied^ J miles South of Gu»h Is not a typical wa! develooment w stamp *. /a tots Eac/ on one or rr.ore... ESTATF pF 7 40v__9 7116 PE 7-6719 Farms and Acreagt Wanted 122 7 h- j ,wn 709 W. RiCKen

Sequence: 12 (standard view) | zoom view

... RENT A SPACE S?0 WKLY W"1 Pav to tram young lai CAN MAKE JP TO J15C Wk. PE 2-010: Waitresses Nights... in ( - >| beauhlgt * •* w-tn airs* bu I’-n*' ' Jf'(l oroof. aunorv facHItie* j SlItiWWMK WlRtef YOUNG... w„„iy - ------ *77 NW 9—Nice 3 room*, water garb Pd Adu'ts »j4^ WV. SW 3 4 rooms, water 4 Qam oa-d... -veniw. P* V3W _ B,aut|cisr TRAINEES |300-$350 ««< <*>'» J ’CENTRAL Employment_CE44085 cm j WAITRESS... Winted—Feiuie 17 work, exper necessary Apply F Woman O, COUDI, with ineom, ,7^-1 P^?«» J317_S..W

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... eW* I f ........................... 'J* Su'd*!« •lar-wifw... I 3 Holdups Linked In Arrest ) V % J ^ r 4 rWMt * VV* • ' HI.ACKENKD RUIN8 of the R. R. Crowe... the building a few minutes later. 1,eMaster made the arrest. R a 1 d w i n and detective Kent Harrison said... ... one of its planes near Hano- V*V«^Ltth2Si.N-«• Germany fighter pilot has!yer ^ jj . v.u<. wa. J... T*r,v Hvd*on. M. Piainflffd Vt. ear * J' 1 1 Im U $ p Mavatka :i Pialnf.aid vt

Sequence: 13 (standard view) | zoom view

... lq »c iffr Cl- 'CT $W, J bed. central hoot, fenced. lust pointed. 1)00 472-215: 7 room unturn *74..., room unturn »7S, ■ Ire *1 1131 MW 37. 183} NW J*. "TiC Pnq*f'roomf^ood*^burning « _ W...,. No sallm,. Unlimited profit.. J3.7SO.OO I<*••♦«•"* <* For interview with Master OI.tribut.re.il D. W... baths, aWi2» wja&^hS! 3 J ROOMS. 1003 W. HILL 175. MO. CE 3-1434 OR 534-3054 1416 5W 38. 3 rooms * both...«..^ ^aQrf>°^r,iA^a,Biv^ NW 17__ 1509 NW 21. nice VI 3-6349. No Pet; bed. bills Pd. W). 4 ROOMS BILLS PD. ADULTS 1104' j

Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

..., J8.W Construction Municipal Airport. Shawnee, Okla. Experienced over the drivers, ME 4-4185 2721 *... ppdjjonw Complete coroot Joel Coley Wl J S584 ,.W'Tr^rn Mt sm* NEED MORE ROOM? Build, rnwMtl 4 chaiieen v... W]>2398 Tax; OPENINGS IN EXPANDING AND AGGRESSIVE JOB MACHINE SHOP Excellent Wages Fringe Benefits Good... in mrrchandisino men's, ladies’, and children's Readv-to-wrar; f - brier,. and j shoes, then you mioht... be interested the posit' the n^w ‘ 1 Cit1 u mioht be position we wi’l hav. v T_G & Y Fan eres have opnn Ily

Sequence: 14 (standard view) | zoom view

.... 'rer&5 boys bike, exc. iisris' MAgre 5912 S Broeowav. T^ti. SS?j W, carrier w. 677-5200: rim« Sw«p M*at...$. barb lift WH W.50, US ft 4 ft IlifTlW ir 4 ft chain link fCt $10.95. poultry netting, 11 ' gat* mzad... gipgHjc ft. Outside house •Int lt.ft as. Inside latex »i w nai jtaidq latex $3 19 oat Black 4 acker heOa... Quick cash lor sew'nq mar nine* any _condL ME_4J SOO_MlJ_ i_$631. Co_ »>, a!-.o colored mica cabinet.... Formica cabinet PLUMBING lPIl R F red MF 4-8466 A Hdwrr 201 SE ?9. 1^4 W. Cojjn^V'' Rummage Sale 21 12 NE

Sequence: 16 (standard view) | zoom view

... new, 3 bed brk. t'j baths, carnets, draoes, biq elec kit. B '*N QU DO W N, *2 UB E D' B RK. "I* 9 VI.... Reck Hit entry. . ream with u. 3 btd, K'f>w intidt j$ iimowBif L-JJ ■— «—■ -■ IN Viflnf. J\ f... 3-9247 rterW'^i H0n^ J b*1*- »rk. p, fenced yard, 12 trees, mo. 4312 clou In rear. w>pt 8... ,tt*J unmMm it., Oct. 26, 68 OKLAHOMA CITY TIMES ttfS* CHEVROLETS lr cond qinr ___ >ower... Arlcraft 56*10. front dining room. AvInwHv* Stoke 111 AtltetlWt Strrkt JkttekVS? enQinf°n<1 T,Vs W

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... Mxon Trie* to Cut Pence Move Effect J I j T OKLAHOMA CITY TIMES Saturday, Oct. 26, 1968 7 Humphrey... Tollis, ?8, Moo re NW Expressway and NW 43, on* car Injured was Vernon R Henthorre. J4, of 4913 NW 62...'s A SMOOTH DANCE RLACB 414 N. Hudson Cl »-J3f 3 Want Ads—CE 5-6722 GET ACQUAINTED SPECIAL 130 JACK SUSSY... ADULT HIT A SMELL OF HONEY AND A TASTE OF BRINE CE 2-*M4 111 W. SHERIDAN EXCLUSIVE 1ST RUN IN COLOR... 4 Lmv Tuttir PMuCMIN You911 Low our Sunday 3icnu! Virgins! Baked Ham w fruit sauce, candied yams

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... to me that distance does make the heart grow' hinder." She and Mrs. j a n e Spears, wife of A-l Ken.... a man should get a day off from his marriage, so Al W'orks at our marriage six days a week, but he takes... TIMES Saturday, Oct. 26. 1968 J OSU Lensmen Win Awards STILLWATER — Two student photographers... is working on his master’s degree in journalism. Maloney graduated from OSU in July w ith a major...: J27 043 AAQJIMO The bidding has proceeded: South Wert North East 3th Paee 4 <7 Peas 7

Sequence: 15 (standard view) | zoom view

... MitMmry id Twh lot 1350 W Sharldan L°F Michigan WSASeries II, 4 Yd“»utk Jacobson Manor 51" 7... radio. *:;;!. w &s%r,'Mrre* each. Stewart Motor Co. PE 3 1777 PENT A NEW CHEVROLETTByThi day. week... OXIAHOMA * LARGEST STOCK OK POHTIACS ( OeC# Ulth LOU k Chick Coker Pontiac 800 N.W. 4»h • OPEN EVES... atonomy. Fully mdepenoeni rear j suspension, front disc brakes, wlndewsup trash air sv.iem, | dozens ol... no-tost arlras add un 1 oatsbh'j Door . . The Farids Bast *2000 Car! WE'LL PROVE IT TODAY *1865 pPnt! B &

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... The Bishop W. Angie Smith Chapel Oklahoma City University J. Wm. Hestwood. Pastor !! Ktv. Charles O... latPrpfibylmmt dhurrli | N.W. 25th and WESTERN S:45 and 11:00 AM "The Affirmation of Reformation" Dr. Irnool J... J?9 N W 2 1 rd Street First Christian Church 36th 8c N. Walker James Clayton Pippin, Minister... corps at OCU's new $1 million Bishop W. Angie Smith Chapel. The uniformed guides, on duty every weekend.... 504 S Dewey. • Dr. W. E. Dowell, executive vice president of the Baptist Bible College, Springfield

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

...! ]\ y Ion Tricot .Sleepwear Regular $? 2 88 Jama shifts, long P.J.'t, baby dolls and capri P.J... f"»nt. ial s de tm trot. White. S.M.U JA5-5477 Sequoyah Reding S.W. 44th ft Western Ml 2*101 SAVE... 931.88! Gas Dryer *108 Regular •U9.f9 Whf wait for th« lonihine to w**h' Ruv an economical gaa dryer now... NX sih anytime! Stun Special! Color TV *228 II m. diegonatle manured pitrure neight only J* lb>. t in

Sequence: 10 (standard view) | zoom view

... 41 10 •»*-. Oct. 26, '68 OKLAHOMA CITY TIMES [R. W. Carlson Rites Monday Roy W. Carlson. 72... HM hr Mm for a EKOMte.W.Kai announcements Florists CAPITOL HILL FLORIST ME 4-3368 Sprays. Family... pieces, baskets & epImvgirMRi^T^N-- 5809 5. WESTERN La Rue Florist ME 2-2331 741 SW W MU 1-8511 5735 S... Penn FOOTE FLORAL• 94)1 N Geor9ia Ave. SK 1-4332 "Just North of 1600 W Britton Rd AIRCRAFT MECHANICS.... KIRKPATRICK J. Roy, Dallas, Texas. Services 2 PM. Saturday, Wi'son Funeral Chapel. Interment Jones IOOF

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... TO THEIR STUPID SCHOOL 1 WOULD HAVE BEEN GREAT AT THE SENIOR PROM! fpL w.hky | W L=J r~—\ k citFzen SMITH ANIMAL... TO iHOW WE W >1 YOU A VEEY / not SEE 6000 TIME ! MANY WO VEN \ IN AFRICA* LOOK, MEN, MV fNOW, THEBE 5 NAME..." AMD “LORD JIM' AND “BLEAK HOUSE" V I; DICK TRACY •f, £) 1968 NATl. Nr«». a/w., >ne. ^ _____... CRACKERS VQ(J SUPPOSE TMEV'LL AT A Peaceful. settlement of twe wap, PoDc ? I SUPPOSE. IT'S POSSIBLE, SOT... A.F.B. and other* 47. Intended 48. Insert GiT^/Corku! Are w<2 qlad to see ijou! You saved our

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... the mothpr of a white student at Central Junior High. The W'oman. whose son attended Classen last year... in the Times office. J- Inter at many times es you wish. Use either the form printed herewith, or in lieu...< W,M u ***** " ,h* wTHied, official slot* rolurna. 1. Tli* oblectlv* if t* forecast as clssely as you... of the youth council of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. They w'ere helping kick....- M AYFLOWER Congregational Church INI N.W. 41 11 AM. OSRlSdMlMi HtfS IMpftN" year." He shjs he has

Sequence: 9 (standard view) | zoom view

... touehdow'n to w rap up the decision. Scores Contest Midwest City JO, U. S. Gram 13. Noithwesf 14, Enid 6... Mmco 33, Xrd. Doi At . jet 44 ] Lind: City High School Ada M, Northtatt 1J. A.t.s 18, McGuirmess 1J... of the winner’sname.Employes of The Oklahoma Publishing Co. and members of their immediate *“SS£*.5 SSlS « W, at .« to* door

Sequence: 18 (standard view) | zoom view

..." to undertake an ideological housecleaning of schools and other "intellectual" institutions for w... inevitable. there was as yet a concrete evidence of such side effects. Why Did .Jackie ... By Arthur J

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... IJSKfc ’ J K: SB: ner, both camps agree In the battle of the polls, Humphrey always has done better... Death List, Page 2 praise for the girl, Betty Frail. 21, of Winthrop, Mass., and Berkeley Heights. N. J..., coinciding with statements from Hanoi rejecting J U. S. peace overtures. American spokesmen said about 200

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