The Oklahoma Representative. (Guthrie, Okla.), Vol. 6, No. 43, Ed. 1 Friday, September 10, 1897: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... no that amount, while the railroads gain-1 fore, necessary that a precedent be THE POWER OF THE RAILROAD... injunction proceedings, and a victory for the railroads would mean that further proceedings along the line... tho railroads from charging more for handling live stock than they charged under the old car load... before the state board of railroad commissioners in Topeka, and none has been offered here. The railroads..., of tho St. Louis & San Trancisco, managed the legal light for the railroads. «T. C. Lincoln

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... for the board recommending the proposition. In the (irst place, it concedes the miners a material advance. Had.... In the second place, the proposition provides for a revival of the joint conferences for the adjustment... were cremated in a great flt-e in Venice. Russia is to substitute central prisons for Siberian exile... for hides. A Campaign or Injunction. Dkh Moinkh, Iowa, Sept. 4.—The Democratic state central committee..., government ownership of railroads, initiative and referendum and an income tax were voted down

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... find that our stock in railroads 1 otJ tosavami trusts has advanced an average of J js reserved... original heartless irony would lead them to place a horse collar over the head of j a starving Hindoo.... It is not in the market to buy anything or to place bonds. The "casual deficit in the revenues" can be stopped, but past

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... a hundred pounds will you leave this place, and never let me see your face again?" Caussldiere mused. "One... bid ye? Leave this place forever and sneak no word : f what has passed to Marjorie Annan?" nan?" "Yes... is necessary to notify the 0" nly Central and Eastern Oklahoma that O... Morrison Plows and Cultivators, Cotton 1 lanters. -Remember the Place—Old Stand. 124 M. oavisio?.!, -

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... within llieir gins or place of business a book * i 11 which book shall be registered by the ginner, 01.... All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. When the Logan county central committee last

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... the dose may bp , somewhat reduced in quantity. Dur- j ing the time the disease is found upon the place all..., in the matter of ridding a place of hog cholera there is much difference. The hog cholera bacterium is much... and litter, thus making it a very difficult matter to completely eradicate tho disease from a place upon... to clear a place of twine plague. V quin of state—tliis latter a present, l enough, from the late Linperor... these ] leeches are out of place. They eon- j tribute nothing healthful or good. They j do not add

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... scales off, leaving a smooth, white, healthy skin in its place A wonderful remedy and only fifty j enls.... W. A. Wii.mamm. To Mexico Any Day in The Year The City of Mexico is a delightful place In winter

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