The Shawnee Daily News-Herald (Shawnee, Okla.), Vol. 22, No. 225, Ed. 1 Friday, March 16, 1917: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... composed by Victor T,. J Schertzinger. The hook and scenario were created by C. Gardner Sullivan. MIM.IOXS... RTTAWKF.E DAT1.V \T1W3 1TET?ALD FfiTDAY F.VENTNT;. M.\UW. Main. We... land the 1910 convention of the D. O. W. for Shawnee. Shawnee didn't get the convention but made lnunj..., Miss Lola May. Howard Hickman, Miss Enid Markey. (leorge Fisher. J. Prank Burko, ('has. K. French. J... from Ada and j returned him to his home here, after | an absence of three weeks. He found him In good

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... was declared unconstitutional Topeka Kas March 16 Santa Fe eight-hour commission headed by Maj. j w. G. Lee... Busy at San Diego Aviation School. ■dSP - :W DISLOYALTY (if SE MEN EXPECTED, m PIS. LEE By Associated... are unwilling to obey the strike call was met by a statement by W. G. Lee, president of the trainmen... Nicholas, idol of tlio ] markable risings in history. Begin- Hussian army and ranked as Russia's j ning... witnessed a sue- j regiments rebelled until finally thoso cesBful and almost bloodless revolu-1 "oops

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... to the democratic primary election. Mi Mill It SCHOOL HOARD. i rum Oiflflng Olatrlet J. W. Longwith announces his... corrected its bring brought to the atteuof tin* publlabar I oft i nf \( II M \ K. Ward Six. F. W..., .subject to the primary friec-j tion. A. J Oammack announce his candidacy for the democratic nomination... Ward I!. W. n. LOWE. A. T. (Dick) Uichards announces 1 is « andidac v tot the drni.K rat •. m>niination... ADA; Ml.'I Ml.i; _j t.VMIS. Shawnee high school will open the hardest baseball season of many >ears

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... and could , pptable hottd for one-half contract not sleep; finally I was unable to do p,.j ,0 w...," at the Central Presbyterian j church. He spoke very practically and several signed the cards. Tonight he... on flection Special to News-Herald. ! Oklahoma CUV March 15-•Primary! Wonderful Remedy is nn- j] olei..., holds the at |- -Hip cause of Berious and fata , tornev general in an opinion to k. w ailinenis, alien... Intoxication, etc eta. In | ling to change his politics, and conse-, every locality there at e grateful peo-j

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

.... County 01 Pottawatomie, s<: I. J110. W. Jones, cashier of the above named hank, do solemnly swear thai... FOUR "U TTTK SITAWNRE DAILY NTTCWS TTERAIJ> FRIDAY EYEXTXO, MAKC'TT 1(5. 1017. r ■ w... Floors...) -|1,0-15,883.18 Acceptances of this bank purchased or discounted— Hills of exchange cotton 'j4.J... adopted by the direc- Christy of the High School faculty j tor for such purpose. will have charge... the above statement Is true to the best ot mv knowledge and belief. „ , JNu! W. JONES. Cashier. Subscribed

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

.... STANDING FOR W. 0. W. CARNIVAL Ql'EEN 1.132 1.013 10.10 1.000 1,000 j Anna Covey I Marie Dean.... 16-11. Friday and Salurday ■liLfljjflMi Matinee Saturday, Curtain w rises 2:30 Ted Dallcy Siock Company... Cream, vanilla or choco-j occupied by Loy, just west of National Bank of Commerce. 16-lt late, 35c... if it fails. Get the genuine box with Red Top and Mr. Hill's pictui-e on it—25 cents. r'J\K At Any Dtm Storo... Ton Grocery. 15-8£ Mrs. J. Ross Cravens, who underwent a serious operation at the General Hospital

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