The Kiowa County News. (Lone Wolf, Okla.), Vol. 12, No. 11, Ed. 1 Thursday, January 30, 1913: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... J2: •5S Ju,t W In oub. Tudar I gsSsraM rshSJvt ... *• *' °OOK. I im ». •» men. UM*s cm, as ;esBaz... tp«M, read and answered hr • woman and held In strict confidence. *U W. V JUDSON Major Judton, Engineer... senator W'm. S. Kenyon was Riven hla reelect ion when the senate und house on separate ballot gave him..., and the adjoining two-story Implement store of T. J. Tingle. The dry goods store stood on the northeast corner... of Senator Gardner's seat In Maine, now are hopefully watching Illinois, New Hampshire. West Virginia

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

.... Mrs. J. W. McCollom left Monday morning over the Orient for Piatt City. Kans., where she will visit... KRMMlt MMNM1 1 J R Hanna was a Hobart viaitor Saturday. Mrs. Frank Hudson want to Hobart Saturday... visited friends in the city Fridar. dar. Philip Thais was a traveler to the county seat Friday after* J. A... to visit relatives here. Far Sole—260 bushels gooc Taxes Red Oats. J, H. B. Lowmillsr. P. H. Nungsing... Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Davis wars Hobart visitors Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mis. Harry White

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... cousins Wayne and Lee Wright. J. W. Wright and family were Sentinel visitors Thursday- Mrs. Schofield..., at my faun two niies east and one and one half miles south of Lone Wolf on oute 3, P. J. Cummings.... LIKERT * DR. HENDERSON tl I TO BIS WAUUT ST., KANSAS CITY, ML aSSS. flTSZ, .2t~W.,TS rTSttKUSSSki.... Over W.juO aaaaa eurad. A»e and eip.rtenra art ImportsaK. Slat* you Mat aad aaad Tar Una a...► Comfortoble Trip No change earn Dlnlnfi Oar Service • j L Enquire of \ FAIT. THOMSON, D, f. A. Oklshoma

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

..._______ IMW white. Baking sods and j county people! salsoda have been tried for this ffn'ST. WI^0M ™*l W... Challaoomb. J. If. Mason. B. R. Rawlings. J. H. B. Lowmiller and O. F. Austin. They are one and all very... or two about the cullinary department of the honaehold. For Safe-260 bushels good Texas Red Oats. J. H. B... to the above W. H. Titus, the Orient agent here informs us that the new time card will go into offect Sunday... and mother. We alao thank the different lodges for their gifts of beautiful flowers. J. B. Challacomb

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... Secretary fecupies Similar Position te Lon Frame j£SHs;B~B=*as tlon board. ec | to prevent the making... to the decision and Individuals In settlement as com- p°nnect,on w,th warrants Issued for of the senate several... to decided issue with Governor Cruce another ^w of lt When tbp 1088 ,0 much >«*88 ‘haa the Var,OU!, ,n,l*t..."* Pa88ed the resolution by ,“u"ol ,6' “na — s^nr»r.„is srsrx A Wll „ nccordancn „,b -«• «-*- j... K°V7n0r 8 act,on' stltutlonal majority ^haT^lld^P Con'| bor,e8- J"8« F«lng Into committee. The .mv„,r;.r z

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... conducted , at the M. E. Church by Rev. J. W. Daugherty. Charley Patterson was born it Eggletown, Ind... unexpect- Write Instance on Tow Wheat Row j at his home. 6 1 town, about 6:90 in the morning, r His death..., but no r one thought that this trouble , meant anything of a serious j character, much less anticipated... cepts His law and lives ac* j a number of the officers were cordingly to His commandments, unable..., dpr- So ended another of those. pfipH W HAH We Pay the Price Let us' print your sale bills.

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... department had no right to grant E W. Marland the oil and gas right# to approximately 100.- uOO acres... in the caao. also grant them the j right to purchase the land -improved by them. BIG EXPOSITION AT TULSA... asked to help In j executive secretary-treasurer of the a search for them. Brown is unable... to It. I’. J'Urcv, Buffalo, for a trial box. You can loam all about hyriene, anatomy, medicine, etc... edition of which is now offered, in cloth covers, post-paid, for J’l cents in one-cent stamp#, to cover

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... to send a reply to Lock Box No. 17, Ardway, N. J., as directed. Can't you Imagine what happens then? Young... e.nnot recommend • —-W-------.. -----— ‘■‘-‘■I- ” I „ fnr you‘ ,n a f,.w hours from wholesale house... highly, writes Mrs. K. J. Dickson, of 2»07 Bryan Street, this city. "It Is the greatest boon to those... from womanly trouble. I could not walk, or even j Chicago.' stand on my feel, long at a time. I j also... had backaches snd headaches. I commenced taking Cardut, the worn- £ The Emile. The girl w ho smiles

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