The Enid Daily Eagle (Enid, Okla.), Vol. 15, No. 25, Ed. 1 Monday, January 31, 1916: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... with several hundred men. Paris, Jun. 3t.—Several more 'bombs were dropped on Paris by Zeppelin airships last.... By the time the Zeppelin bad reached the edge of the old quarters of the city several of the airmen were able... planer, speeding toward it, the Zeppelin wheeled’ and drove at full speed northward, dropping f& Us trail....” The Zeppelin must have been gilng at top spoed In that neighborhood for tho nearest trace of it beyond

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... the President nor his party has led public opin ion on the question of national defense. Rather Juts he been... enthusiastic support the nomination would have would come from Progressive Railroad which led up to the recent

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