The Daily Ardmoreite. (Ardmore, Okla.), Vol. 16, No. 262, Ed. 1, Sunday, April 10, 1910: Searching Inside

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16 results that matched your query.

Sequence: 15 (standard view) | zoom view

... In cood condition una IruWofl nai one gents' at a Itaivaln. J'liono W6 Rd. 10-3 Want Ads FOR BALE i... scropors five farm wagers. All cheap for cash. See W. Hrodnax. Otf J13WI-31.K Y Diamond Juwelry... before. ' AVIU bo in Ardmoro by April Cth. j W. O. Duston Eureka Springs Ark. 27-tf. I FOR RENT... FOR RENT Six-room house all modem conveniences on A street N. W. Mrs. R. J. Williams. 4 C FOR RENT Two.... 241m O. P. SKLVIDOB. l'hono 310. MY F1N10 Ilt'LL. Captain W. 11. aeT son $1.50 C. 1'. Hall. 'J

Sequence: 12 (standard view) | zoom view

...- a iti -Ml t Wp um J.-- it fc.i.. uCr m Mat w r 'mil -- j w m 1 ". . i-3 4 - .1 M 4 - v.m. - i - -t Bl -... vmti awn. mm w ja.u- jwfcww iiwi it j ..-.n n -rt i jnmra m Mat nabt " maSkm "a MBMZlaaiiI mbwii Tint... n t .. - - . .i.r - -.t'fl. :i " 1 ( if v u i u 1 iam. 'i" ' ' m 1 . am : . ... a . . 1. . . j w ir... i ' W- 1 . - 4 l. w-n -1. i -.:r gut ? . E.t.5- .J Ur B -- ".v - - Mtoir aOjf mtum- Msr aajM a . .... ar mr M-at mm j -we traaVr Mat "t MBUaat 4-- any at -t. - MM i jW- af w r-t iat eracw. Vtc r- JtC -

Sequence: 16 (standard view) | zoom view

.... vs. W. It. j Hlcnkitiore appealed. C. A. Stevenson Pig Iron & Coke Co. vs. Ardmore Foundry & Hrldge... on note and foreclosure of mort-l 1 gage. j Fred V. Klnkade vs. W. K. Worleu et al. stilt on note i I). V... 1910. G. A .Konyon vs. A. J. Wilson appealed from Justice peace court. Hud Juggins vs. W. 1C. Conney... peace court. i K. F. Hlser vs. O. W. Tucker appealed from Justice peaco court. J. T. Taylor vs. W. F... J. S. Mullen vs. W. F. McKnlght. I appealed from juetlco peace court. Ardmore National Hank vs James

Sequence: 14 (standard view) | zoom view

... the vaccine will cost as follows: P. C. DINGS Pres. M. GORMAN V-Pres. J. W. MAN NAM Cashier. Guaranty State...- of Ol.l.ilioiil'i W'1 'W ;l - .iHllllii of III. l Coh nnd handling them and In Ihla wj.v the dlscane In easily kept... I'nll' K'1. -il' OUI.ilmm.i I nilcr lliin.iin. ng.iili-.t fliiili'l.i II- -t .ill' I Ii I. I- !."!....' i. 'i l'os im rii n i him i il on ih d cased i u .ii Iv u in I in r tin v i'"- i I liliinil d w i t... t I I'll I Oil III I Ii . -. l.M ol I W.I I" . I w u t mill a)i ott i t (im :i ( ir i i hint it

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... from a vtalt to Oklahoma City. Mrs. J. K. C. Albright is visiting with telatives In I'nrcell. Mrs. W. T.... Music each evening from o to 10. W. J. too Main Street Street Stories Growing Almonds. I'ncle .ach.... St. Louis Banker j W. H. Stiirdlvant president of the I Central Xatlonal Hank or St. IjiiIk I... expressed the wish yes-j terriay that Representative W. F. CJIl-j mer would ho given thu honor of throwing... a sis' tor. J'rof. I. .M. Thurston principal of the J.ono (Irovu schcol was a visitor hero yesterday

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

...'- ml W Lawn and Lingerie Waists Kx'ra Spi'ia! Va:ue .n tin WaUtf neat T.j'k af H)r I.nK''!e and 1m u... lit'le dresses 2 to 1C year6 of ai-- ma!'' or Ijuene Lawn I'ertale 0;nsham and Kep. K5J t W... y ill I- ml i i.tilniKl othm urn 1 1- iMlHirwttily iz r0 . SS'J.1.00 tyllli Milk l)i... i "! j:ir (mi ii ml ."tO.OO llitfli Grade Wanlt i iili-UklllK I'l look IImoiikIi mi... w:'.l g.e added pleasure tc shoppers. Ai. the 1910 spring models are here your color vtsle and price .il

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... the Arksnaas river two and u halfj W'm. 1). Ward. Tribune ltulldlng. miles ami created Osane J"""""" tm... lu tho District Court. L. It. Mnrston Plaintiff vs. J. W. tlolledge et al Defendants. No. C2L Said... defendants J. W. Golledge IClleu Golledge and II. M. Johnson as Trustee and Chandler Building .t Loan... -00 ! of . MvMm t.-rmlnnls v " that already gheii to .r gull are returning to this safe j marry 1 hope... It will be a title. Bli Months W . ror y tllt. .. commodate the railroad company s haunt to take up their brooding

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... of j oll' 11 fl'w localHIrs. Much dniunge Charges General Reductions In the ' wns 0 rflm rclf and small... TO WORSHIP. it :: :t Christian Science Services. Services todu at II o'clock. Sub J' i t. "Are Sin 1 (Incline.... Kit. J AS. .1. WALLKAI'I'. I'nctor. First Presbyterian Church. Strvlcot will be held today at 11 a in... at 11 n. hi. and hi s p. m. s. rv iM conducted by EMer J. 1). M:rtW. nt corner of Hroadi... and A street N'. w. PEOPLE'S FORUM Contract for Filtration Plant Award ed Highest Bidder. W a rxint iiicetpig f

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... corponilions to restrain the collection of . more than $S.OOO O0O state conn- j - ".i-i - l.v.w i i ni n. .n.n... have aroused athletic spirit 1 Cantaln I'lshor Kawllns and his lus j ball aggregation are looking... of Woodwm nlul Mr (J(iri MmH a jmifies. After the beliate a banquet was sorvto about one hundred and twenty... club has been organ- j . . . . . f i " -Mlss 1 rltcliet anil I rof. Jeffries. This club Is strictly... for tho j !....!. .i .i.i.i..u.. ...nt i. .. ...... HUIIUllUn-l II. I.U l great benefit anil encouragement

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... list Includes Mesdames Myron Drew. J. It. I'ennlngton .1. II. Spraglnn W. U. Ilurnltt T. K. Kearmy... I'. C. Ding F. A. ' ane. Sutherland W It. Monkmore Guntcr J. H. .Moore Frederick I' Von Keller... in width in any wanted shade a material very appropriate for an evening gown regular pru e .j 5c priced... or lug relatives here. Marietta is vteit- Mis. W. a number aturuooii. I". Poland will entertain... the Speaker's! chair after the completion of his j present term are practically nil. The retirement of Fuller

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... jmm j Delicious kM L f on Waffles 1 m 11 MM V and Batter I iHHIl H Bm JPiBl Cakes t: :: it :t :: tt ::... tl Presbyterian Aid at Mrs. tl Wednesday. St Mrs. W. P. Poland .titer- li V. tain. :: it Thursday.... It It Mrl.lgo Whist nml Fortytwo at Alts. Clay ll.ilieoeYs. it tt Kosmos KIuli. li Friday. II j s: Olio Club...' the ftnezy pup; The old man's n-plowln' the gnrduu ' patch. j And all the chickens Is there to . ..i. I... ed by a hour. "I Am Coming Lord." The Illhle lesson wan IViiIiiim !'." and W. "The (loapel In litln

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... CANTON QUITS AS ADJUTANT GENERAL El tt N'ow Orlcatifi J.a.. A in 11 ! - tt tt Tho weather forecast... April 'J. The Colossus Great Hrltatn'rt ninth battleship of tho Urcadnaught type was launched here today..... April 'J A-. a it sult of a midnight iimricl last night with. Governor Ilaskull lu the latter' apait... menu concerning which Htatetiients conflict Adjutant General Canton re- j signed today. Haskell stated... (J m AfCfi. Farm Loans Burwell & Dexter arc making farm loans as heretofore without any delay

Sequence: 10 (standard view) | zoom view

... Purlin; the W'orld'ti l'ulr In St. Louis .lr. Toppcrweln lirokc .".rn7 I j ii targets wi t limit a uilaa... unit witness j i i inttoiiHhliiK nklll with MhiitKiin. .il anil pistol. Tin- exhibition la ii'i-. Sonii... front lilm. This tecord waa made In f:nr hours and ton minutes ami wna w ituiwaed v hundreds.... There was sufliclent mar- j entliiiMlaaiii nianifeste( here today to . Inns fancy and trick shuts and !m the act.... onslateni imm f;irnier at the nap I'w'iywheri' ah htta apiwiuvil nlni inadc fine scores ami In mauy ' i urea

Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

... Ardmore Sunday April 10 1910 THE DAILY ARDMOREITE. FAOt ELEVEN J? ?tiW - La 1 vy i i . it. 5 4 l... "Ardmorc's Crowing Store" f Monday Apr; 1 J th from 8 a. m. to 6 p m. We expect to have our house crowded... our J 1.23 and $1.25 Muslin downs Skins and Chemise and Drawers during this hour at each 79C All our... $1.25 and $1.35 White Shirt Waists durliiK this hour 82c Good Brass Pins a paper 3j 5c Hair Pins a paper... per cent off J.C.FISHER Mgr. Thousand Dollars in Three (3) Days an answer. Whether it is too cold

Sequence: 13 (standard view) | zoom view

... Interstate ' commerce aro not only unlawful but contrary to tho public good and they j must bo restrained... any J work but I)r .King's Now Discovery has mado mo feel llko a new person. ' Its the best medicine... mado for tho ' throat and lungs." Obstinate coughs j stubborn colds bronchitis and hemorrhages... hoarseness and whooping I cough yield quickly to this wonderful ! medicine. Try It. 50c and $1.00. Trial j... this the 29th day of March 1910. J. H. AKPHIS Sheriff of Carter County. 20-28t of tho said II. F. Mills to causo

Sequence: 9 (standard view) | zoom view

... at 2.".c to i()tk I Pin. Some Special values lu Plain Pins and i J 5c. 25c and 50tV New Belts and Belting e... Hojtnto Parasols. Ladle I'Ki.neiin ui F.uuy Parasols to much any cos! time. 750 tit $ J 0.00 iilldren'K... Parasols in good ssortnu'tit any color doited 10e to j Corset Department in "11- di'pnrtmellt we

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