The Daily Ardmoreite. (Ardmore, Indian Terr.), Vol. 11, No. 180, Ed. 1, Monday, June 6, 1904: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... as. sVecetst aaClte grvto-J will kaV Ui Tin i Xoatary e sa Zmtl'A oOre wa vii i A. H. PAI-VCR w u G... It J bTvlCO fTI "Jtr""1" ' tstso Uo ! W rd 'r ba trm a&4 oM M JtTt tt nn i Jr ru cowl i ! X aW I... at 3 o'clock p m. All old ."'llore Invited. J. W QOLLKDOn Com. G II. imUCE Adjutant Thrown From a Wagon... 'W i ready piling up the fences His uniform m mognlzed. and n Sty about sros. It muat have aeau.-j... SNYDER. W V M M GRIFFITH Sc ODD FELLOVS. AM more lod?e No. 3' I. O O F. aeeu every j I'Jttiav nleht

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... A. M. Mllsap. 4S10 United Statoa vs. A. W. Moroy ct nl. 4?55 I. W. Folsom vs. J. C. Huutor ot al.... 4iSl J. A. IJodovltz vs. J. W. Ellis ot nl. 4i5G Jas. Weiss va. J. V. 12111a ot nl. 41.87 W. A. Uoll vs... vs. J. ll. PInley ot nl. rioc United Slnto vs. 309 Ablea ot al. E.rc .1. 11. Spniglug va. W. J. Scott... al. 5120 W. K. Taliaferro vs. J. A. IJodovltz. :.421 C. P. Suilivnn vs. J. 55. Keel. Saturday .June.... vs. J. P. Cuadwlck. Jako Cohen vs. J. N. Darall. H. A. Ledbottor admr. vs. O. M. Melton ot nl. J. W

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... natural guar y man w . j. L.eai.0 regarding the mt444mHHmmt444M4mmimmM claim of tho said Cllffor.1 Leslie... Chickasaw Allotment Contest No. 722 Clifford Italic (by her father and natural guardian W. J. Leslie) con... Contest No. 72 Beatrice Lesllo- (by her father and natural guardian. W. J. Leslie) con testant VJ. I'llA... the com plnlnt of tho contestant Beatrice Los He by her father and natural guar dlan W. J. Ixlle regarding.... Chickasaw Allotment Contest No. 727 W. J. Ixislle. contestant vs. Lemuel Apala (by his mother and natural

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

.... Mnckev or uurant is In U10 city. O. L. Talley of Wnpanucka Is In tho city. J. W. Wllllnms Is In the city... Is In tho city. Dr. J. W. Moffott returned today from 1-awton Mrs. Mnttlo Hamilton came In today from Madlll... r f I J BRUCE & T M C T T D FIRE LIFE Real Estate Farm -M-H- 44H4H4M-M Permitted to Pair... Mnrsden and Minnie Benufonl Mnrsden. J. M. Hughes Han and Annie Taylor Han. P. H. Dougherty Cluburno Tasns... in load packages Try it. 5-2 SKIPWOHTH. Head the signs in the windows at the Ardmore Dry Corfu's Co. 2-J

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... attending ritlxenship court. W. J. Long nnd Chas. Thomason went over to Ashor 0. T. this week to attend.... W. M. Freeman Is down to Marietta this week. (!eo. Agnew and A. J. Hnllum havo bought tho J. A.... J. B. "WALL Druggist. Conductor C. W. Johnson ot tho Okmulgee and Muskogee division of tho Frisco... sweetheart after the church door 1-ad been reached. She said she was too young A 1" year old j?lrl who has.... McLemore stock of groceries nnd will continue tho same undor the nnme of Agnew & Co. Mrs. J. B. Brooks

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... guaranteed. Charges reasonable. Offlco ovor Hamilton's Shoo Storo. 'Phone 20. Ardmore Ind. Trr. DR. J. W... the whole lot on our sales counters at about 1-3 their value and let you have 7J.p as much as you like at '... will go this sale at only 111 $1.29 ..:...:.4.4...:..;..:..:..:..;.4.4...j.. C 1- '-r v V! v ."fy a" "r... is visiting hore. Dr. "II. H. McDanlel of May Toxas has located with us. J.'M. Miller and A. Hoorc wont... and refreshing sleep with a gentle movemont of tho bowels about breakfast time. W. II. Howell. Houston Tox.. says

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... except the clothing his family had on. Dr. J. W. Rollins who has recently moved to Rolierson I. T... Vice Pre LEE CRUCE. Cashier. 0. W. YOUNO Farmer. J. C. THOnPSON Lawyer. NASHVILLE REUNION... NOI1I.E Hardware Merchant. J. H. I'EN.NINin ON holesale Herchant chant K. W. RANDOL merchant. rive wo... on the Wheeler & Wilson. VOLUME XT. f SIDNEY BOOGB.l 1 PBormatbR J ABJDMORE. IND. TEIt. MONDAY KVEXING Jl'XK 6.... Accounts of hrms and Indl7ldualt solicited upon the most liberal terms constating with good banking. W. S

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... nchool the entire year Day puplia attend nlirnt chool without extra chart'. Tuition J7.W per month or 110.... J. J. Hubbard Temple Texns writes March 22 1H02: "1 have used Herblne for the past two years. It has... of Herblne. It Is the best medicine ever made for chills and fever " 50c a bottle. Sold by W. U. Frame... small. Also have the frostiest lino of groceries In tho city. W. A. GILLIAM East Main St. Ardmore I. T... D.iily Line of Harks between Tishomingo and Kavia. Phone No. 70. J. M. VESTAL Prop. A Good Dinner

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