The Daily Ardmoreite. (Ardmore, Indian Terr.), Vol. 9, No. 297, Ed. 1, Wednesday, October 22, 1902: Searching Inside

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8 results that matched your query.

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

.... L. Byrne W. T. Gardner J. S. McCharen. Poll'o C. Kondall chairman; I. R. Best J. S. McCharen. Fire W.... T. Gardner chairman; J. W. Oolledge. J. 8. Mullen. Waterworks) A. C. Young chair man; J. s. Mullen c... cLaiiman; W. T. Gardner I. u. Best. Sanitary J. S. McCharen chair man; J. S .Mullen W. c. Kendall A. C... GOVERNMENT. R. W. Dick Mayor J. H. Mathers City Attorney John L. Gait Police Judgo Q. H. Bruco City Clerk T... City Scavongor Two Papers for S 1 .50 Aldermnn. First Ward J. W. Gollodge J. McCharen. Second Ward J. S

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

.... OFFICES: In Noble Buihlinc Telephone: Kealdenoe It. Offlce US. DR. J. W. SMITH. Physician and Surjjeon... Ht. anil Cth Ave. N. W. Waller Hardy. Uea.Fhone it. J.O. MoHeea Ilea. I'Iiocj it HARDY & McNEES... llonner A Donner'a druir atore Offloe phono 18: realdnnce 12. J.W.Shaekleford. Mrs.J.W.Shackleford DR8.... J. BURD1TT. FRANK R BRRYHILL THE! TINJMEIR. CO CO CO ca "w. ' . A3 C3 CO ca OO eo SOUrii OF ELECTRIC... of notes and account a storo house located in Troy J J. W. FAULKNER Trusti Mndlll ! First published Oct. 20

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... Interests C. R. ones J. R. Pennington J. K. P. Campbell. Public highways Max Vsthelmer L. B. Roberson W. S.... A. IlbstUr V. M. Oates John I Call W. V. Whitttngton C. L. Herbert. Agriculture J. l). Boone John F.... Eniley J. S. Mullen M. Miiusaehelmer. Membership C. L. Byrne It. W. Dick Ion Mcy. Entertainments John L... Herbert Lee Cruce. D. R. Allen W. P. Poland J B. Spraglns. SIDNItY SUOCJIS Pree. C. L. BYRNU Sec'f... and a woman J C faco was concealed by a black lljesho cnrrled a big bunch of white inthomums. The man reached

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... for chlldrcnsafcsurc. No opiates. J. A. BIVENS President. H. A. PALMER Cashier. DON W LACY Vice-President. A. WOLVERTON.... Campbell Vice-Prea. Lee OitucE Cashier. k G..W. Young Stockman I J. C. Thompson Attorney J? C It. Jones... Wholesale and Retail Furniture. Sam Noble Wholesale Hardware J. R. Pennington " Grocer. R. W. Randol.... "Chairman or Convention. "W. 11. WILSON "Secretary of Convention." SlrVe representatives' of tho eos of tho... of America which reads as l havo appolntod as com ners nrlgadlor-Oenoral John H h. B w. rancor Juugo ueorgo

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... and Zottle Boll. Moad G. W. Heard and Grade McGlnnls Ardmore. J. M. Thrasher and Liza Pickett Pontotoc. k. A... of Hnlloyvlllo are In the city today. W. II. Wood of tho C. O. & O. and of Llttlo Hock Is in tho city. J. E... or waist pattern of 21-St. J. A. LEATHEItWOOD.. FOR SALE. Ono slx-horso horizontal onglno and boiler. Ono... in first-class condition and will bo sold vary cheap. ItODEHSOX MACHINERY CO. 15-d&wtf. Droadway streot. W. M... $1.75 forSl J dozen ClotbeB Pms c Linen Toweling worth 20o for 10c 2 Papers Brass Pins 5c Bleached

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

.... Chickasaw Ltun- Phono 20. 1 J. W- Coffey The Tailor. doing business again ivt tho and 's Drug Store; ol&sJ... goods can bo found nt Mr. McLaughlin's Mllllnory Store MRS. MARY L. CARTER 17-lm. Agent. W. J. B R OWN.... LUKE Ardmore. I. T. ANOTHER WRECK AVERTED. j Diabolical and Persistent Attempt to Wreck Santa Fe Train.... Ilrlng In your coupons and Co and got a pnekago. 20-3L J. II. SMAKT & CO. ASA'S TIN SHOP On West Main St... planted the ground In cotton. W. M. ANDERSON Veterinary Surgeon. Whlto & Smith's Stnblo. 13-12t. Our

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

.... MrtVW!t ' ' '' . ' W fWn. M fMUfM fltMi atr M mfr j I " lH - - - - - - - - - - fl Ifltt I. t . ... A tm -... ifliaaiai ! " chfcac .-ri W nmhrnUt was a easM V Mit acaa frym lVtK (. la iraaa ajiarhsifai I vae aaarrted V... lnmilii'il M'0i(i w l)a mniHoyeil. tk nmmtm 1m a M tawMC 'mi v. ' 6fc mm mtt nfr fwe- JKsw 0M( OkM Muva4 r "... w(atr'a unpply ot roal waara oaa hun4r4 at taa uwal will tea oat of a Job. aaoala Iba thotaaaada ba taiaa... - - 4 WW'toM' Mttll tMW. I k . tk. k ill 111 1 tm Om. r.-h J 't- auiiwn. uhmlM4 kmIMn . T. Lewie am

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

.... J)r Kails Is still confined to his bed thot;li somo bottor than at our last writing. James Uonnett... this place It 1b causing die .atb.iiu'tloti among our citizens. W M. Sontsr lianponotl to quite a ieriuiis... In the seed. W lii llevc that Hie time of repentsin i will lie whoa the round bale system has monopolized... not be curod by Hall's Catarrh Cure. V J. CHUNKY & CO. Toledo O. Ye. tho undersigned have known JF J Cheney... well. 2108 noyd st. d. j. DtiANE. far as thev Co but they don't co far them to do the wort ot n Dioou

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