The Manchester Journal. (Manchester, Okla.), Vol. 14, No. 26, Ed. 1 Friday, November 30, 1906: Searching Inside

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8 results that matched your query.

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.... Asp, J. E. Slater, R. E. Houston, Wayne Jenkins. J. H. N. Cobb. P. B. Hopkins. W. B. Hudson. C. O... Association, W. J. Bryan, the senatorial committee now in the Indian Territory, Senator Bailey, John Sharp... Clark: cloak room attendants, J. A. Williams and C. W. Meek; ushers, J. M. Miller. J. M. Murray; day... i a . . Carelees With Coal Oil.—Mrs. W. L. Robbins, of Hobart, was badly brifned about the face.... Postmastership Fight. — There is nn Interesting fight for the postmastershlp at Tulsa. J. D. Seaman, the present

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

..., Auctioneers. $ S J. W. SMITH, Clerk. # in. A. ARTHUR! —If you are going to paint your, —This office..., Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before rue ibis nth day of Nov. l!**i. J. W. SMITH. [SF.AI,.] No*ary... Public } Commission Fxpires March lltb. l!»o. ICOHHI'T-Atti-t:! E. A. WAT KINS. I J. W. MALLORY..., weight 900 lbs. 9 Head of Gaffe J0C Five first-class milch cows, 4 of which have calves by side. Four... and over with 7 per cent interest from date if paid when # J due. If not so paid, 10 per cent interest from

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

.... ■H-m+Ht+HtH+W i Successor to tha Oambror Joukwal, I ( Established May 28,18US. f —Miss Maude Ash, daughter of J...* Warnock, live stock dealers. . J. W. Smith, law loans, real estate. i Rock Island Lumber Go.,lumber..., L. FEELY, Vice-President. H. W. RENEAD, Cashier. J. W. MALLORY, Ass’t. ++++-M... thraugh tha X • JOURNAL. It it tha ba«t adyartiling medium ever printed in a J , ta»n tha *ita... at Manehaatar and J ■ alutay* treat* yau right. * —F. H. Boggs of IJrbana, 111., is here looking after his

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... YOU CAN BE : j -Overshoes For All- Rubber Boots Leggins -Flannel Blankets- Felt Boots Storm Goats.... ++++++++++++++4.+-5-++-J.++++++ I ROACH’S $ t VETERINARY SANITARIUM, t North of Rock Island Lbr. Yard, T MANCHESTER... 4 4 4 ^ All kinds of wagon and buggy repair work. Horse j + shoeing a specialty. All work guaranteed... at Anthony, Kansas, or call me up by phone either through Anthony or Manchester. 21tf J. C. Burchfiel. PAY... sheller with eight horse mount ed power, in good condition at a barffain* J. J. Costa, Anthony, Kansas

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... with the full sanction of Gov. E. W. Hocli. Mr. Coleman gave out the following interview: ' The statement.... |{iilioiiTijr»*rt Dead. Tulsa, I. T., Nov. 22.—Bishop J. J. Tigert died Wednesday morning at 8: 45 o'clock. The end.... Bishop J. J. Tiecrt's remains will be taken to his old home in Nashville. Tenn., for burial. Fnnmti..., in J823, when president of the United States, and as teiterated hv Grover Cleveland in his Venezuelan... cheese—these he calls 'Dutch foods."* How’s This? W« offer One Hundred Dollar* Reward for any cue of Catarrh

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... for the paper. OUR OnOIOE FOR 1908. For President, WILLIAM J. BRYAN. For Vice-President. JOSEPH W. FOLK. We had... a talk with us before you sell. A. E. DEERE, Agent MANCHESTER, - - OKLA J. W. SMITH Law, Real Estate... and descriptive power exhibited in them, for which Whittier was so justly famous. * CLOTHING | ! § w Don’t fail... to see our immence stock of f § f 4{* 9 9 t # 9 $ * 9 $ t ?j! We can fit you all, big or little. L/UII l.... O. F.. every Saturday nlsrht at J.O.u.F Hall, Manchester Okla. All Odd Fellow* In nood

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

.... STEdfOTVPcUS w. N. U., WICHITA, NO. 48. 190S <> \yixx I' "i nl j You Look Prematurely Old Because of «»oao ugly...: tions: A. D. Kirkwood, mayor of Pittsburg, Kan., F. W. O’Donnell, mayor of Junction City, Kan.; the City... by Attorney General Coleman against W. W. Rose, of Kansas City, Kan. The suits against the mayors ore to oust.... Coleman, in answer to the question. “what if any other similar cases will be commenced?” GovernorE. W... and Andrew J. Peters—aro young men and bachelors. It Is the first time in the history of the city

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... to establish a weekly paper to lie devoted entirely to the interests of the Grange. J. W. Darrow of New York... Manchester Journal. j. M. Simmon*, U.d. A Prop. MANCHESTER, OKLA Somewhat disconcerting...— ■with the name of the place and abbreviated state name, will give philatelists a nc-w field..., not e'en tit* committee ruembeis uioinselv'"a, an safely guess what Congress w 11 dr for Indian territory... are similar In character to those instituted last spring against Mayor W. W. Rose and the city of Kansas City

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