The Beggs Independent (Beggs, Okla.), Vol. 10, No. 32, Ed. 1 Friday, October 29, 1915: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... BEGGS OKLA'lNDEFENDENT THE EUROPEAN WAR A YEAR AGO THIS WEEK BEOOS C I URS THOMSON TELLS VOUEII... Przemysl Heavy fighting In Bosnia Jspanass sank Gsrman orulssr Aaollua off Honolulu Rebellion by Do Wot ond... Turkey began war a Russia by bombarding Odessa and Theodosia from sea Emdn sank Russian cruiser... themselves to the exigencies ot war” "How nowr “Only yesterday I was reading! a khaki-colored cloud" Weak

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... WAR AT A GLANCE British casualties published since October 1 total 2285 officers and 50072... it the war on the side ol the allies Norman Prince of Boston Harvard graduate who was an aviator... of the United States In the war between Serbia and Bulgaria President Wilson issued simultaneously... la taken off the sentence under the amnesty for all offenses committed before Italy entered lb war... been at war The text follows: "It has long been the honored custom of our people to turn

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... Times THERE Is one division in the war department as busy In times of peace as It Is Indispensable... In time of war — the corps of engineers To it falls not ouly the preparation of our forts and coast... of tha war department extends to the navigable waters and (be streams that feed them so that no bridges... Sundays as well aa other days All the functions of this nonmilitary authority of the war department... and they commenced ten-day war When tbe popping of rifles shrill yelps of dogs and squeaks of rate— they generally

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... armies have fought their war aleng th Danoli end aad formed a jneotiou with the Hnl garian force aad... time te some a the central powers ean send arms and ether mnni Hues of war to Bulgaria- and Turkey... this advantage tbo duration of th war is remote an lee tbs central power are ia e positisn te fere th edies t

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