Claremore Daily Progress (Claremore, Okla.), Vol. 66, No. 237, Ed. 1 Wednesday, May 20, 1959: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... and dams s i Solar energy is being used ex- Why are scientists striving : perimentally or On a small scale... tame solar energy? 4 Lasic rea When wood is burned the sun ii't -to heat homes cook food operate son... is that the demand for energy energy stored up by chemical rec : 'telephones run clocks radios et- is expected... a terrificl leased' The suns energy of ittrills and to operate hearing aids t strain on the limited supplies... growth l'energy — caught in ' solar fur- – Atomic eliergy has great pos But e n g I n e e r s long' have

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... cartoon Bring the Kiddies CLAREMORE (OKLA) PROGRESS 'Mrs L Paul Green 'prepared the program and Mrs Bob... !toward Harmon - Mrs Busbong and t h e club would like to exprens its appreciation to Mrs Green for making

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