The Ada Evening News (Ada, Okla.), Vol. 56, No. 118, Ed. 1 Thursday, July 30, 1959: Searching Inside

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17 results that matched your query.

Sequence: 9 (standard view) | zoom view

... White Sox as the w Rips I teams end a three-game set He says he isn't planmng any partyriJ ing CLEVELAND... the pace I Gardner 2b 4 1 0 1 TYmeter 3b 2 0 I 1 Walker p 3 0 0 0 Foytack p 2 0 0 0 Pappas p 1 0 0 0... DP-Robinson Gardner and Boyd 2 Berhert and Lepcto LOH-Baltimore 4 Detroit 7 213-Yost Demeter SF-- Shetrone ip... Jerry waiser tit-al anti min 1 American League appas combined for a six-hitter l W L Pct GB 2ainst... on gPtling tht W L Pct GB batter to hit the ball on tilt Los Angeles 57 46 533 — ground San Francisco 55 45

Sequence: 10 (standard view) | zoom view

... ':- W'I:: '' ' 14 n : — ::404500- t - :rm'v41z1441e144 0 VIV4: - — Amk -A A ' ( mor al 441p tIIC Cans... To EAT! 0 E E N STA M PS ''"ttN049es'ff We Buy Together To SELL FOR LESS —J: '' Lo j GREEN 6 No 303 Cans... Potatoes sp lin FREE! BOND COFFEE CAKE SAMPLE egaktpd gx11):11J1 ! nr u Inneordt ti:rharted n en (375' F... 4ratsio ' e 11‘j 0 0111 is 4 ' l' r ZZN ilk 0 4440 VI EN N c 1 r 1 ' 1 -- — GREEN STAMPS A FREE COFFEE! 1... FILLETS Atah 1:--1411ito BERRIES VALUES rtilil BACON ef ) k EVERYWHERE cll ' - '- 2-113s88c 39c box A 4J "

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

...- ' i-lIIJ - icilifb ‘qi ( cp 1 CT W 1J t:i:or? azot? -: t 4? caster TM currently carries one HOPPE 1...------ —741P-2'-611P6':—Vb:""7:1111"74-'-4174210 ------ -1---wobsoors----------- '' ( ' - ' ' Ar was 4 544a1w1N177211-- ::0 :-: ----44":: w... :-4b'4:tob'" ' -7-V 5 mora ili4- r eio - 151f vt:"V47441i s4 ore---------- ro7 1w44 Teas e114- Ayr—) 51 r... LITTLE NVILLIAM D LITTLE JR GEORGE E GURLEY Cori Sarchet III City Editor J H flues Advertising Manager... to put life into the metropolitian newspaper as w ell as profits into the pockets of the owners

Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

... L 4 4316 t 11t' MORE OKLAHOMANS Alm( 5' L W' Remember those lonely hours? You Ivanted so much... '''''' t I e w At ) — e 1 ii v ' - ' P t'1t'' 11 tk- ' r 4 ' 4 tL! 0 4 A -' 4 ' ' ' et ii 14: 1 i t'' ' 4...- P - 'i -- t 4 -J - t -- ti - i4 f r 1 r 1 11 J t 'J ' t -' r : - ' I i z) xl e t:1 iti L'4 1 1 v L... --'1 I 11 VI ' ' ) 4 Li ii klI Li 'A --J7 i'' 11 A It 441 t ' I L 64 is4 1-1 v---1 L-04 LI 0 A ' -: 2 '... volt had 1 ef t nn n : i: - : e ::: :'4s47:'"i4ia"tOk' J ' : "4 - ' : ': ' xx Low 1)e111 :4:: a )t r

Sequence: 17 (standard view) | zoom view

... Today's teen-agers avoid lad- J IN '1012AG 6CIENTS 60S 5crtiNo look back at it or it won't come' b true... and is a hig it! j'! : c'01 Nile tk - le denying laver of superstition in their parents most point a finger... path threes She also staN'S IMI Or thV " W hen you live in a house like the teen-agers said... rtrr'wtilv -- --- FACTORY-TRAINED AND APPROVED ZENITH TELEVISION Sales & Service OKFURNITURE CO 200 W Main FL... You Buy Insurance ALDERSON-COLEMAN AGENCY HOMER W PEAY AGENCY TROY O MELTON AGENCY ROSS WARMACK AGENCY

Sequence: 14 (standard view) | zoom view

... a po!ind :ower than th'i! irno a :'oar azn Farr:is!! 'A:!'J'I riritoor rook! irz tan '!orleft f!m... loss or r'oon car rot! and tirw co) Cann0rs !!!t trz !argm! rneyrz fp h are ay dp VPPi-er-PF Vr7rPl'!!w... Tomfil 1 U Fi 11111 RC r ty I 4 1 tcl CHEfRI :1:11 SPft z 11: 01 ' e J1 k(' 44 Ligt" Bor C M Half Gal '1... - TOMfil CHE'RI 2 2" Bode SPt 212' ( Con Keci Tomati California W See( Fancy Large Bell Arkansas... 'i -- - k - ' ! -''k 7-'7-'4 - 2'1 !PA-S:1 -0 A ''''4 '''' 0 4 " ':1 1 1 1 A :VI -Ai It - 1 j !1 '''

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... kt1WA1111' k ‘''' 1 Yqt A )0 im COMFORT! : ::::: 3 s 1 No C2 al n2 6 S : y0 p w' S F to i F AVTLI::°°11j... 01 v 4 ::ii V )A? CiLgt — II sco111 F ::ii k i:Ii:4‘ ti ' 'W': — A - li isi -Ad — 14011 h í :::: ILI... !0zi COWBOY CIDER 4 br ae ' ?C- ' $ gi ':K J t14:' : teeittem' 411 14— A ( 4' $i'') IL t m I OtorlYit-c...'s Ready-to-Eat-Half or Whole !IlliSTEP FOODS Cop GARDEN PEAS f WHITE GOLDEN CORN i AMILY SIZE i or 1 4J c 3 29 omi 4

Sequence: 12 (standard view) | zoom view

... a! 1!7s R aios 4 Les1 !!-r4A- !!r ane: !!71 FP-7j ty Vir- 1sPd tnonf rnerr Sasait-Aa FACTORY-TRAINED... AND APPROVED Maytag Sales &Service ov FURNITURE CO IN 200 W Main FI 25683 z111 " 7 '7 Heaps Praise on U S Her... Blockwall 2md Tire for 1277 No tr No7 Pit 910 w 25 Si ) 670 x 15 Whitewall 2nd Tire forl 317 I r be wri 2 6... S 71: '5 :4:5 11712 lc 3 c5 111147 20197 ' W TERME PION HI L Shortenin C!7::f!ston Gray a:oronteed... Grown Garden Fresh OKRA USDA No I 2-lbs 29c 1 POTATOES 3-pound Can 59c Lite Fluff BISCUITS r 8-oz Cans j

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... that (he Soviet VgrI 10111 111M11-7 W iii Um- SVERDLOVSK" Soviet Union! Peo J potmaster I ple all through... State College and w— "- last of The slate and the naion ex- teachers today to play the role of pOS( s... College and w— "- last ot i The slate and the nal-on ex- teacners today to play me rote mill the special... on i a w Dr Charles F Sp re 'encer psident The speaker reminded the class 'out of a confusing... wilderness of enterprise nd investment hen of the college int roduced the six j that although they view

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... Nigerian Envoy Snubbed in Cafe 6 0 II I J I Vot 1 W An Gary Criticizes gleejinn Due to His Race - - Plan... efferts to get Gromvko to J- hee h the car off the The cafete - Green mesioner free) ferme percei weil iee... t-4! p7penti 1 U — aea cean ' La-aeon 27 Bla kw e1 1 ea Russian Leaders ceenter w ed e 'is not ideas... the plan wcnt aw ry when the Finches' the attitude of the public" Nee he free to ak Tjeeles - w 'h El RenO... is lieen Marxism-Lenin:ern and in: i W v le mu et You l't someW A Y ers of merica Wednesday and l Finches

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

...( r-j v't$1471- Miss Judy Lambert Weds Roy Watson on July 25 man ousts smatt waists ana Mrs a recklessly... between 3 and 6nm Out of town guests were Mrs S i T W Keith mother of the bride tripes MI land Mrs Scott...) song and prayer was led by Mrs! 1W A Evans Mrs George Breed-I Mr and Mrs Bay Long 1215 Noted composer... Sunday Mrs Long celebrated her Those present were Mrs W A 75th birthday Those attending i Evans Mrs Nora... is George Breed hoover Mr and Mrs Franke Bill — I is 241$1 !en Mrs Homer Cherry Mrs W and children Cheri

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... Hair iii-i----N Griscoos (ION I $' : li 1 1-:NeEttef ':A 7filv t A Qi-J-d4 ECONOMY --- 1 14 w 4- 10 11... 10 °Z Regular 4 "r" Coos 43c 30e ''' 74c Iv J fil "04e siost"' ZA vr 13 Nag" lit in II V kiro v3 00... 411- k:4 1:4v tv411SII 41 ! 1‘ 11 er t A- BOOTH'S WHITING -441 ovto 7 A:--'74! - 441 J---ioylitk 7 - -...— k - 1 ' : -- tie yur faand im every freezer and disp!ay! You get all this plus the speed 0 j quo 1...'S rontb I AEk 1 lbw Nor el I w YOUR ihi Ilmna 4 1 41 44 1 144

Sequence: 15 (standard view) | zoom view

... ::11:10011:401:v: 4'1 ' 4-77:111 :o: t"rivt ' :" e wil:tvt ix: : fee H N 4' t 'tik Ytt 't ) t Y I Nli i- w j SAnd... DRIVING Whole or E:3 te 17 rl r-1 777N r—t Corn Flakes i ea) - Al a m a get DURING JULY ' (- i :i'i j :'... 4 ' es ' “ i k4: s$4 t1 41 r -' 4 t 64114‘ t J 4!'s :::1'4 --'''set' ' 4 ?:!?4 ‘-:r4t44 :! -: '' s...' ' ' 40 fI?4::4e: -: J (41:-4:we-t:-4:::::!41t:k Dericious 8-oz g1 :- Ikar411 :nrw'filTy:::entio —Hub... was surprised at his w an- civilization" — GET THEM NOW at ' 1 bra ushel and a Peck' 111111-1 $m :i(qiii: 1 ( 4

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... see Leland Beavers J Kent Smith Jewelers Marie Burn Sherman Texas is in Ada for the week visiting... payments on insurance Forrest Agency 101 Mrs Sam Lane and son Ronnie San Antonio are in Ada this w Poi... filed Line Co Ltd early this fall Emerson is a graduate of the Gov J Howard Edmondson Oklahoma... covered by Trooper W E Lar- 'en I cey ! Suction Traps Him BUFFALO (API—Suction of a El drain pipe... vuuti FREE PARKING tonic lima° first) ion uoir r-t ' )YV44(w( (4t (f4:10 4 1 'I - 4i& FREE COFFEE

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... stars Ike Groce and Curtis t ---' ''''J if 1" t - 4i l 14i 1 44 i Ada All-Star teams and similar players... of the fourth with the i 1'14' '! ' ':' : J r6anntt del Ruddy Vance Seminnle 7-5 saligst Hoag A 0 6-2 Girls play... and Ponca City in the open Pitchers-Darrell Hester huh- 1-"'''''---- tt - W INOoSKI Vt tAP-The New aria...! Utility-Bobby W arma ck Inch- Jr Canadian 1 sprawl over sections of Pittburg of it in the 12-yeanold competia... Waldnon at Ponca City They blasted! ' d t s Sann Springs 14-6 to a sance o : 1 J e r r !Wednesday nicht

Sequence: 16 (standard view) | zoom view

... a GrOcery Mt and Atm J W Wicks TS ITIWN — Taylor's Sandwell Whop Itra !teals 'TONE AU ITHATFrutn— Glass Drug... CLOITTA— O'eale General Werehandlaw P ir O'Neal COALGATP— Tom's Shoo Shop J IL Johnson CONNTRVILLE-- Hick... 2 S 25 M J 30 I 72 q4 !144 5 2S 54 1 52 1 7I '1 04 !I 25 Mr 34 14 I 1 1 M S 15 50 1 AO 9n I 2A '1... atiarp circular saws R ir Brown 614 eat inth I 61 2 4491 J I F 10!e romitkrornttoMv SFr) TV17-antennat 2... ' TV SERVICE nnusr mming Sill MAnning Phone iwrri rfv it bath E F 2 W6 I CALLS' ANYTIME t I: 2 OA S

Sequence: 13 (standard view) | zoom view

... Ada are Gerald E Brooks hachelor of fine arts in drama BS in petroleum engineering1 SULPHUR: Judith W... by the time the Itio election said it ‘vniild furlough 1200 more ville Pa rolls around" employ w es by the end... Lubricating 122-24 W Main FE 2-3900 til "704:c laitat GIANT 24" Mower A tremendous value in a big wide cutting..." mower you've been waitfr fr (P884 t - N ‘ dotio-011o 4 1 Aktir mow - 'dew-- ' tiVilvidoe's' do 4 w... relosing comfort is0 P73) ' LOW-' sler 1 Nit 1 EASY 'w Adjustable Cutting Heights LAI si : wT ree d

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