Blackwell Journal-Tribune (Blackwell, Okla.), Vol. 63, No. 271, Ed. 1 Sunday, November 3, 1957: Searching Inside

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16 results that matched your query.

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... for medical treatment i Dismissals: 1 I Sam 7itulla Caldwell Mrs IA Nile Gardner and baby boy t' Caldik ell... shoot oft of moisture w as men!ured tie the leader Mrs Jane Feeding scribe t the main stem like... r -L- r--- I-7n rlik I 1 it J ---- -6k- -or ft f - 4 - 1 i 1 N : :4 i - I 421 i ow ' 6""ti : " : s 1... 5 :'' e - 41i4V43itt '? f ' te't :l ?G 4 '' 4 i ' ' f i I - t(j' it ' ' 1 1 2 1J aitat Ar met 1... Raffety Mrs J a e k Donalbari Mrs Edward Moore and Mrs Leo Stafford to Jos' Ann moore Oder !lary Taylor

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... period it was an Floyd Enterline 28 'Wichita leam" M"liY oi'llIIIncluons re- nine w" - ' - 'thrill Jim... Blair Kate Nicholson nounced by Miss Hattie w ill Wil " and Darlene Behar 21 Ponca 'tilt- ilklel... Brock 24 and Mary Oney l'e n l'n'w t 'r NI rill In2 Soutlidim n Ila mpshire and - 'I ' ' ' I 'I ' s ( -... " I-1— 19 Ponca City I'roia J o a n I Larson Linda Since the assembly would J B Price 10 and Myrtle... and Traus ""advs w ill 1"' in lb' - ' Several boys who sing in the mixed choir hove liven staying second

Sequence: 13 (standard view) | zoom view

...' LATELY' '-'' ' ) 1 !- P 1111 1 rc J 1 i - t SIDE GLANCEi i i 1 ! t i N r see our man-hour productivity... THE WO RNI 0 W 10 p eve I t i :r- ' k 1 f- A ) 4--: 1 i -1 rZIK' s 3Dc- s - - - 1 From From ROCK ediont... AS KILLED JOHN CLriDowN EH 2 Hki NA- THAT WAs LONG TrvIE e't::CK-N30- I 7 i -j 1 I 4 I t) '-?-- ! ' L k : 11... 1 t11111A1V 11 ti:::--"7:N: 'IKSAM MY! ) l'A - w E 1 ---4 Ittil't i '‘ POP- t ) ' (17 rl :‘&-iic:1... '14L:11 ---' ‘-z-s---2 m I : 2) 't 2J- t --- - - "Who said he didn't have teeth!" i : N EW -71z74111014 (

Sequence: 16 (standard view) | zoom view

... Daugherty :Will be a series of addre-ses by 6 Mildred Birdwell from John J W Goodfellow Pond Creek ' Edg ii... Goodfellow was one of 21 high- 1 ' Founded Girl Scouts :school teacher s from over the na-: 1 J W GOODFELLOW... e--- 0040e"' 1 e -- 1 oe ' w ' 1 ' -tf‘ r: c--: :“t J- -: 4 "1::'"::- ' 157''12'4N1k)' ''-‘':'... Electronic "bran' J relieve' office help of many burdens lie Notards o n firm the largest irdependent senice... ial body-assaging r B M vibrato ' y MRS GLADYS HOSCHLER i Nit and rs John W Hankins To Pick New Songs

Sequence: 15 (standard view) | zoom view

... int al:tom wa11-r 31' Vmr1: tiUNIITED ge iA a A J1't 01 w g 311 V 1 or 5"'" 6111 (1 t 3 ) 1 11111 ( 1... for Fxr( r1 1r Vito ra:t &J Finance Co 1091 W Blackwell Phone 121 ‘ ant J E FOSTER CUSTOM BUILDER New... e ex r $19 ! f:17 lc c - :- 'f -': 1 fA"' 111 E 1 e - i I Gro 4 Mu I SF 16 illf I c N Cior v W a —... IV V ' — -'" WA Ma I NIc I WA no - --- I V lup I phot -- WA' rnt !1c W a : Maw f WA - 1 of eI 4 Mi' 1... I 1 I ! e A ' 1 ! A' I g i I GO1 1 MOM 1 kl1 ! 1 i i Irh i 1 1- El if J1 3 It 1 i I 1 i 1 F u MOM LI

Sequence: 14 (standard view) | zoom view

...' r o m 'I' li n h a w a Gary p man 1 Redhaired navy Lt J W Mc By Mercantile Produce of an improvement... flLCTELLJUtflLT11Ifl1JNn 7'A J"" E'latP SW SE 0 TIZZY T I t-r7 ITilT try r 17- Of 4 2t3n-F... and lots on the premises on 11 1 li ER 8 1957 Peter J Bellinghausen Heirs owners 1 1 - I 110pri gi October... in the wake of re- i MONTHLY RAI I I hillim ing iilaelukeli arc a rest- Hopi W rant Jr Nardin Donald loff... October oon change e per I w ird is blowing m isps of snow Boosters — 04 retire Benson has opposed rigid

Sequence: 10 (standard view) | zoom view

... -2--- r-- N 0 : 1 a - 1: " 4 ILIKM I w? r w c - k 5 J 1 0 i m 4S711 da: latt? - I-20°1 RERR-M(GEE --... - )7 v rn in Tr 11 LI fI r! () al r ()I rr 1r (f tv f a ()I A v (J Ii 4 I t I '1 II vk 1 flLfI ILL... J'A TEiBt1 dtmm rda' !t ja by Warren Bickford THEP E ISN'T 91ICH to say 4 - r : ' I rt HI Sp Orb S...! )1co- no t rot tql 1G:di OP "o holt : 1 - :oottnIt thot oo tont tntty !'tr th 111) SOU : W !: tit t11:1... ')ta 41 '! A !A TT A k: - ' --I r)ar- 7- it r a -- r cj : r r --ry 1 r a 1-r 0! rf (r f 1 I y r' rcr J

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... Thursday PVPning t ' s '4 ri J k w ful 1 rulli' c rut 'in the same manner cal te i - ed u5ss- Now here else... Amrican country kith both An Atlantic And Pacifx criatline DR J W BARNES DC RI k it) Offito Will B len...: r:!:?1M"f791------------------------4717! i f : : 7y4r k:::i -- kv::': ---' ' -':'-te'0 ''k It '!' P2:':w 1 J ' IVIrN1wavo: r- i 4:- - --)... ---Ae--L! RALEIGH ----- J i10 r fi 1- A Petrik of Broken Ar"1cit:l" vh ch'irch it i The pig a noble meat... of :Mr and M W rs I " Scribner chiireh p ti W york Bev ng Irt i Smith cool on hot days Pigs hate

Sequence: 9 (standard view) | zoom view

... llornaday has been cov where his father the 'ring the United Nations since late J W Smith was in the con...- to farming in that area sonalities through her w ork in his complete line Of timid the Monitor's London... (31 it itti Ottri A Series About People aid Firms ' r- -) t 0-" t-1 A t w r1401 FLI Ci N - 1 191 6... inake our work completely satis-! The American Society for factoo" Smith said and to in-' Enendsnip w i... Nliss trading l' '3i llornaday is former president or Bef W ore orld W m ar II serAtee : the Women

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... he caul - comfort tnat SAC is at an Males Suffer Most alldtme pfA of efficiency and in J innw ritivn... of fft o col cf toctball tcatn can be proud et!" ore than :)0of st ado w h hccn 4rddolato oi horn tho t n... astonish-corporatinl lets into it tanker W (MOM d1O(1 In horne accidints tie l'nlVel Sil or (111ahonut" 11(1 11 I' al11... the ti hi n the m issile and satellitegain if w ar should come I - - iiilike More often than not the ---... Inylea nst aatni(si 1 Just w cln't 'hP added tt tile FIII4101406dollogitAlci aircraft in SA

Sequence: 12 (standard view) | zoom view

... ic! Tfi Pi-11(!A :'- n: pn(t rP entrliinrr(nt Sus(-1 w(f ire ori rrrofpoh crrntnil!fP yr“I lAdr! !fr... uf 57 f00 f 31p J — 5'0 :t r o ha' r“ p! () 0 N' tl § C: "' ! -- r oat $for 01o7 I - f ' 2 ' on 0 4... N ' I ' t V' lir 4 4e --- I I - -Lk t r J4--P40 ! NA P:- i $410watv44100 OHIO ' C773 "r! I -41 -...(!- r crIC 7-e 't v - ' c f -r 7 - ary " Vs isday 'ROUND THE "WORLD'— liv 1-A of 11:1 j 14' it Luwitial... IJ orto trw- orl A Gtes at a iIrP n14 54-oPs fo- y4onp i rin a 1-4 cid! 5 w Frn e List ay bow- i wter

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... 200(1Lleorge W Peyton blue clti'l'r ciii--zililhelnuin) t-num pravi- thurtiev M rtJ!IuiIk 111CIiii 141 IIII re... Hy 1)) iI grafting (e w(ki'Fir))1 Melho(111 hurcli thr Misc 111ya (hi1 prusided at Ihe... seyliiealicp ' Tape w r ire thAil b m I tpk keti riviii SicycliN (ii(it)1 M01(111 V S tr S i2 c nc r A i 11iiii... 1'11liu'I'''':iiii''Iti'''''1:I111 ' tia c -lak- : - ' ' - ' ' ' ' ' tiontort ilik iiiiiiiis likt a tie j i'' 111 1 i s loo prayer... man and thhors xvere H't41'4"P'n 1'1 w 'IPT)I Ing I" 7'1 lochiman hostesses' Larger meteors al e 1 el

Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

... '''' 4 '' ' ' ' pLN 5 Bruce Potter v ho tornett t did Lii tt ni kler W A h klitr!e tk:h l 1 I'd101'd... Midwest City 7 Ikon and 2112 Pain and one substitute w as ' Classen 26 Elk City 7 i Pat's ambled...: ( f 1111 i'':t7 leitiqlli 1 ta6 ft : 4: For S i:A' ::t: i :: : : : 1 si A '— i -- iv - i I J - I c7... : : -z f -k!--J ' 0 r :0 NEW STYLES ''i i t - ? z - 1 1 f A ' ': 4 ss ' NEW SAVINGS ? Ct 'ilA --- i... George McCoy's own territory was climaxed with Sloreman 11811 Naylor -sew kirk 'ilgers W eve slink Vit

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... --- — -- r - -- --- - — — 1 iene w 04"7-177"-' jeeeee -e a i - ) r 'N t4t'''' P 'o- 1-- 1 Fr I e n1 S1... a Sa hi Council w iU eoy et- ti 11 1 ' s 0-"( t's 4 )1 -1 14air before the end of the 10day A s " '' -... elf:c phases of the state safety' r "flans w ere tieing' rhiolied ea et teelea 1e t Ile tI nost... lidf l(i'' rs w ith long criminal in mind showed little loy e fur 'eeee ea a- tea - -'' V '4 !--' a A 7... ee eee Tle v vete leaked At the Crant J feet emickly so the election mill' !4'- ----' lf" ' I' 1 11

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... j- i 1 t - i urned to their homes from Guth -1 t H See Lee Grabel worlds forerie here the attended... chapter of American stale champion IA ound up W 1111 m- 5 -1:" Red Cross Inch vs as scheduled -000- - 1... A ATLANTA Nov 2— ill'i — Two to tiphold the city's safest record j 20112 an e sophomore backs from Georgia... it':iit 111111101'1st Will Rogers by I Judge Tom B Blame w ill pre7:30- 9-Secret Storm 4-Susie 200... here today l The follow ing is the docket: 9-Edge of Night 9--Beat the Clock Nardin W S C S will meet 1

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... - - i7r 7 7 V7s : '"rt : ( - : 1:- ' J- - : : - - 2250 3750 4500 s 4750 5750 -rti Redeem Pride...:: ' It !r - - -': :--'' ' ' PII 641 --- :" i - -''''' -- '4i A6-:1341 t "''-w"- ' - - - ''' -- L'---44

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