The Enid Events. (Enid, Okla.), Vol. 31, No. 37, Ed. 1 Thursday, June 19, 1924: Searching Inside

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8 results that matched your query.

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

...-- afacl'all7ii'lvar'ls'i!lifIl'i'r 11:int-Iii'lutYnc'tk'ssshesits11:re'lfsilz-bis'H d unt trict sub e ject... p VI V 1 t! 1: r - I it tif:1 pIr LI ' ''-0-1- kugo- - ' - - -t solicited I am - - ean uppoi - o unt

Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

... do not feed on this withered corn and the "sour juice" is not fatal to them Spring Must Get More Food... Than That Available In Pasture Spring pigs do not gct enough food by feeding on pasture but should have... other food such as corn wheat shorts ground barley er ground liafirorn says C P Thompson hog expert... will not malt(' satisfactory gain 711(! glvcn other food In the first month after the pig is weaned a liberal... is the wise thing to do but it must be remembered that some con cunt rat ed food :uch at- t orti w titt

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... students Mauk is a graduate of E X C! Mr Claxton is a specialist in incit h rhe ass of t20 and fir the pat... Mr Walter B Goe and Mr Leroy bengston summer students in the Oklahoma A 6: M College were Hillsdale... is superintendent of the school at Morrison The summer school enrollment at Stillwater is 1C50 students most of whom... and tamto the stifilmer school students ily Mr and Airs Tyre Adams Air Air Claxton is a specialist in in

Sequence: 10 (standard view) | zoom view

... even Representative Bloom is not the romance that wins younger students 1 — ' the risk "if his... to stikito t flag properly a '1'0Iift wholly nOtit these' pai-od As a rule young-Li persons qualitie4 hid

Sequence: 15 (standard view) | zoom view

... the students reapel guns in other turrets reported ready 1" h'11-'llt of A tirst-alss eduel-"I'in for the next... that after the students reapt!A Ri FII tl!- benefit of a tirst-class eilucadon l- 315 South Crand tt irvice

Sequence: 13 (standard view) | zoom view

... anti a large increase in $16719575 Oklahoma county $1IS5- grain preparations for table food li5715... puichasor of farm and eattl prtiducts has returned to the normal production of t4-rains and other food

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... though the' tie an ong 31 ient food by use of more and bet- its own initiative The Garfield counboard... There will by su ient food by use of more aml betbetter advantage than though they fie !ter machinery The only

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