The McAlester News-Capital (McAlester, Okla.), Vol. 63, Ed. 1 Wednesday, May 27, 1959: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 10 (standard view) | zoom view

... Haddix allowed — a rule-book double by Joe Adrock — did It giving Milwaukee's National League leading... waa not going to be Intimidated "I don t rare what he sat any more Me can't pull out If he doe he'a... League pennant rare When the hitters miss the pitcher can do that Job too Left-hander Don Ferrarese took... rare of the pitching and the punch for the Indiana Tuesday night combining with reliever Jim Perry... Ferrarese In the record book as the fifth pitcher to hit three twmbaggers In a nlne-lnplng game

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... running up ri't'irP - taken rare of bv birliow- Inlf nfl thus tapping this supply of saving Au minimal ssy... t Mahaffey and — " gilenUy he pulled out a reporter' ho' book "And you want to know what I'm going... Stote Is About Recovered From Business Recession OKLAHOMA CTTT (AP) -Virtual recovery from th 1957 M

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... and new member signed the Oolden M book becoming member officially New member r ry Nile Anita Paacoe... be the Rev Finley principal Mis Estella Danner general secretary 8 M Hancork director of music Mrs O J nnlry... evening at tha Walton James Music Stora Those performing were Janie Dnnnahue Richard Oorman Stephen Hennla... Federation of Music (Tuba accompanied by Mr Oil Duran director of Fortnightly M u a I e Department mad her... James music store studio These programs mart ed the close of th school term before beginning the aummer

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