Luther Register. (Luther, Okla. Terr.), Vol. 6, No. 24, Ed. 1 Friday, January 6, 1905: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... — — - IV -7 j( t' Ill i :'i' (1') ATALE Of Ttir cum WAR ri c '5 "5r61Q00:40-177:11!!: I CHAPTER... in the secret em ploy of the Spanish government Fail lug to overcome this last rebellion by force of arms... of all it is designed that the leaders of the rebellion Gomez Maceo and Garcia shall either be captured... "'ir i'' N) - Vt lir ''' sir It has staggered me quite a lit- ers of the rebellion Gm oez Mace r o - -... it 'i1 t7( ' 41 fl ATM" Of ur CUBAN WAR crf

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... is now written of the most dramatic war in Went Of modern times A dispatch from Tokio' int1icate3... take no further part in the war It is possible that Japan will permit the entire garrison to return... will pursue the war to the end and the temporary loss of Port Arthur after a valiant defense can only spur... the fall of Port Arthur would hasten the end of tho war With rtuf6 slit 'Without directly responding... war now he said reqted with the Russians If hey Ffiollitt viert tO CO10111110 It 38 p1n hr' $4:1141

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... of war etc to be left in the present position pending arrange meats for their transference Officers... up arms during the tinuance of Ole war return to Russia Non-commissioned officers and privates... onarters that the surrender of the fortress would be followed at the capital by anti-war demonstrations has... not been realized So far as there has been any expression of feeling it has been for carrying on the war

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