The Ponca City News (Ponca, Okla.), Vol. 68, No. 74, Ed. 1 Monday, December 26, 1960: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 13 (standard view) | zoom view

... Thousands of men WOMen and children turned out for the grisly spectacle An occasional war whoop expressed... army troops crushed the rebellion One of the dead exhibited was Girmame Neway 38 governor of Jigjiga... of the Chesapeake & six million Jews during Wonl Ohio Railroad Co approved ex War Put your prettiest foot forward... World War SL8S1A GOES -p ON THE NEWEST CLEANEST STOCK of SHOES in PONCA CITY 13-THE PONCA CITY NEWS

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... of December 21 Nasser Threatens War If Israel Makes Bomb CAIRO (IP) — President Camel Abdel Nasser has... threatened Israel with a shooting war if it starts con struction of an atomic bomb The United Arab Republic... leader warned that "it means the beginning of war between us" if Israel's new reactor in the Negev desert... often has asserted a constant state of war already exists between Israel and the UAR spoke for two hours... war in 1956 He charged "Imperialist countries are paving the way to arm Israel withn atomic weapons

Sequence: 10 (standard view) | zoom view

... that the Red Chinese had succeeded in putting across their argument that if war is not inevitable... of war France's longest dwelling is an apartment house stretching 1837 feet in a Paris suburb

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... protesting a government austerity policy French celebrations were overcast by the continuing war in Algeria... on a North Carolina tobacco plantation Uncle Dave used to tell how after the Civil War he came to Charleston

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