The Black Dispatch (Oklahoma City, Okla.), Vol. 44, No. 1, Ed. 1 Friday, February 13, 1959: Searching Inside

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8 results that matched your query.

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... Revs E W and E J Perry ministers — The event to PlArt at '71O feature the crowning of the King end...' i)t w 1 N114 111i 10v j y prsittent 01 i p' s! A " K 4ititi :--ii 444s :' - ' Cleveland Ohio will &Ike... made by NIrs1- 1lativs f M ( II11'11W Gan- ' t (II stl' tIN ''' ' ' Dorothy Gardner and Mrs Ardiliiirie...' ill 1 o - ' w V wmcmazil senate Votes 171 LI II ell 111 " - - - - iv Ar 12 11 MI II "O ZO lirul 10:yr... plAtri:7717r""Iit'3111 j--1- ' 4711 p--- - -f-LT-1- Ft mot Cif er- - - -44:E-7evf17711FItEIT -- ---L- 11 fltp:Fracn

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... 3r1 237 W California !4ed room furnished apartment !IT N Walnut Call CE 22200 FOUR ROOMS unfurnished...'s singlebrood otdts $5 doublebreast suits $3 work jacket- $1 dross pants $11 Arts 151J° 140(tt) QUILTS and quilt... and children 327 It W V sIgna tu" 0 pktkuto - totoo $50 To $750 LIBERTY PLAN CO -- Connotive teonlivell No 4... 4th & Byers FO 5-850S L B Nuns? Mgr Ms I Ste W Ind Lig 11-75111 Ile 1 Ott garrinna Cl $4531 tie 1314 I...'S AUTO SUPPLY I I W Have Serviced the Automobile Trade for 37 Years fl 1133 N EASTERN CE 2-9382 1 Avery

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... Dessa Pearl Hill spent the week-end with her parents iLttle Zoleta Don Joesther and J W Jenkins spent... Vlekers 31inister 9:30 rhurch svhr)ol Bro J W TNlay Supt 11:00 morning worslip v:siting hishop 3:00... MERTON M BULLA Merton M Bulla 1921 N W 35th announced today as a candidate for mayor of Oklahoma City -... Douglas and Dm Wright Evergreen Chapter No 6 O E S held a tea Sunday afternoon in the home of Mrs J B Tali... as their guest minister Everyone is invited Greater Tabitha 12th and Grand Md Rev J M Albritton Pastor Services

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... T J Houston and Mrs G W Houston were hostesses to the Baptist 'Ministers' Wives club at Mt Carmel... iVrgil R Chandler Mr end Mrs Thomas J McNeely Dr and Mrs E W Perry Atty and Mrs Albert Alexander Mr... :et In ::till4 Tay in itil":i Illttlil:i W P n1! the ‘ca! :1:1 thii lie flat (di t (IP' APO:ii 14ir14... meeting will be a social hour with Mrs J M Albritton In charge Mmes F J Waters Sr and Jr t ill he... bow and vi :" ': -- stop shows Color too has the bodice front has a 3-buttonl a 04 f''CN 4 w - --'

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... The public is invited Wsitors present Sunday were Mr J D Pleasant Spencer Mrs' Levada Denson Oklahoma City... Baptist 801 N E 5th Street Bev J B Bratton Jr Pastor "Don't Give Up" was the subject of the message... W Grand 47 :1 we Never Close — Open Day and Night Ei :fi U $110 : I Men's Suits Cleaned & Pressed 4... irtiltile j ' :ov ! ''':- - P ":1) r - :l Third the address will be given by will be presented their 32... crown tiert -t 4 Nti intendent Of public instruction il 17 i i' Dr Oliver W Hodge state super- - A ' Dr

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... retired the W A scot II Memorial Trophy and carried the huge s)mbol of football supremacy home for keeps... Above coach William J Nicks second from right receives trophy from IV A Scott III left during the 24th... of the Oklahoma City Libraries at the Main Library N W 3rd at Robinson for Thursday February 5 and Thursday... ON THIS WONDERFUL ROYAL PAIR 216 W RENO p '! - 4 fl 1 S - - -- r --- Shop Monday Nights Till 8:30 p m :t - - -... '":::-! 1 ::: 't 1 g!' Cl ' 4 t N 1:)1k‘ '' - "titic34ti os rr7!""101-- i -- tv tg) - : c:4 :?:' !j 4: '

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... It ik t '11 r co w re h 1 m 0 it1 or P I I st A I 31 i UP A rii:o4 t or t s1 Pre414 o la o I 1t rixt M... 110 Mr 11 t 1144 ! 13 or A A I If I- 14-1?w Ni11 n htom I no) 11 potrilt1 Mr nil Mr1 'Nonni Flammrml... A sa t 1: k I I o lb tioApItal 111 Mlilkogo I 1 Mrs Addis Pohr An I N torn o00 1 ' 1 i I 1 groo Moto00j... hospItot In l'olon to or itt K I r r F t T u r j dsdny WI elv Its s is O1101 140111rd1V 1 1 1 ' o' I 11' hi... t w - Xt's Mr! $11n were ereompinte4 by Rev Ma to l'llll"ll F'll'l" g 'I-- ' "l':' ''' ' 1 ii! I fli

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... School of Relligor: tkachin4 114elism" Rev W Mrtrchs ‘Villiams ass eute dean teaching "Better Mus... &met: Gat§ Elliott Sedalia 71rner Helen Iltmard and Anna larie Noel doughters Oklahoma Ity Otha La w re... elected to a number of high offices in the South In Little Rock Ark Mitfin W Gibbs became the first Negro... Bishop Wm J Firer Minist er 44: 3 Sunday scht ol a m mnrning worship 11:13 Training Unto to Ion 6 p m... a Valentine tea sponsored by the ushers BARTLESVILLE--Ilev W L Services were well attended Young of Tulsa

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