The Lawton Constitution (Lawton, Okla.), Vol. 70, No. 33, Ed. 1 Wednesday, September 15, 1971: Searching Inside

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11 results that matched your query.

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... not be born until Thursday. some were war veterans,” said Lorna Boozer, a neighbor. "Some were handicapped... injured endthe rebellion at Attica rather than at the hands of dent and Rockefeller had anothm we Dlaze... a me wera war vofam--------5 on « Dannemora. high today of about 85 to alow Choctaw Indian

Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

... of Congress, who considers himself a liberal, but he is known for his hard line views on the war, national... captain, when the decisions were made to step up the war in Vietnam. If he had it to do over again, he.... His failure to oppose the Vietnam war earlier is taken as a liability in some quarters, especially.... Fred Harris of Oklahoma oppose the U.S. role in the Indochina war, a plus among the young. It also left... to the war, with reduced military spending. McGovern says he will enter as many primaries "as my physical

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

...; a $500 fine in August 1937 World War II, has finally made for navigating an aircraft at an it to the big... in December 1937 for landmany violations of flight rules, ing at a dosed airfield; and a the 74year-old war... leadership and brave- set course and land without ry in war and peace that have seeing the ground. won

Sequence: 22 (standard view) | zoom view

...- the Vietnam war. tention centers without congres- Despite the opposing views fiexpensive politically at home... \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ I M ) "1 id ) / \J / World War U. The Nixon administration

Sequence: 13 (standard view) | zoom view

... was relating “war Hicks quoted Calley as saying, ’ for the state House stories" was an element in his "when... knows now it was not a _9. asked where C apt. Medina He is the first man in recent war story

Sequence: 10 (standard view) | zoom view

... by anti-war forces in the United States. . North Vietnam had indicated, President Nixon said on August 4... against a very visible President ‘for America’s entrance in the war. From Eisenhower al this stage

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