The Wynnewood Gazette (Wynnewood, Okla.), Vol. 68, No. 51, Ed. 1 Thursday, March 6, 1969: Searching Inside

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8 results that matched your query.

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... 5-2286 Wynewood, Okla. Wynnewood, Okla. 106 S. Powell COOPER AUTO STORE 111 W. MAIN PHONE MO MM ’... AUTOMOTIVE PARTS ’ SUPPLIES * EQUIPMENT BF GOODRICH TIRES N-A-P-A II '"A - W'. BE8-3344 "SINCE 1935" MO... Refrigeration Service 6 room modern house 100 x 140 foot lol $4500.00 on South Gardner 40 acres grassland, well... of Board of Education CG V-W square back, one owner 42,000 miles. 65 Bug M05-4813 (2-13-lte) By-s-CULLEN... fashions are constantly changing. Be up to date ... try one of the exciting new thair styles. 2 •2*. W

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

.... Grady R. Tay- Eckel, Mrs. J. C. Ellis, Mrs. be held the first of April. Enlor and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Par... Elkins is the son of Mi. and Mrs. T.J. Elkins Jr., of Saginaw, Texas. M r s. E.W. Tolle, organist played... w/Guard ... Your family meals will be a hit your parties festive occasions, with beautiful New Sea Crest..., insignia red. wedgewood blue, emblem navy or white. Both in 1000 cotton knit Wynnewood Garden Club met W... and Mrs. I a- were: Mrs. V.P. Welch. Mrs. verne Gray gave the study from Don Feurbach, Mrs. W .A. Tripp

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... 1 — a" .a “» h • .Aad. G /T» , ' 7- , h” 4 x 3 J w* I , WIENERS - 40 '* imo- 39,48% JAK •9 •... ■ J2020 23 ORI BTA A. F. DOUBLE SMOKED ( 1 .05 WHOLE OR HALF Lb 2 A. F. THICK OR THIN L BACON A.F... OHEEF .BTAMPB. HOUR 5-36* SHURFINE 28 -pd"ig T1 J YOUR CHOICE BOLOGNA PICKLE OLIVE OR MAC. AND CHEESE... L9TAMD9J .5* Sa SHURFINE OSH COFFEE SHURFINE

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

..., concrete residences soon. 20 Years Ago J. W. Mitchell, resident of this Several new homes were... of progress. S-J. E. SUGGS Successor Administrator with Will Annexed See MiSS RADIAL AGE present Monday &... and J. H. from his post on Guam, left Leewright, deputy city marshal, that Monday for the return trip... to join him about J. T. Wheeler was in Okmulthe first of June. gee on business. Mrs. P... be dangerous, A.F. Hettick freshments were served. Mrs. W. M. Bolander, Miss Melba Dickson, Miss Ida Mae

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... and become a medical secretary Robert Parker (left) and J. II, Scroggs held down the job of running the clock... student at W.H.S., Sharon Kay \erec, was born in Commanche, Oklahoma to Mr. and Mrs. Orvil Acree.... Home on leave to visit his parents Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Manning was their son W. T. Manning, HMI who has... Jolly A familiar face at W.H S. is Saving pennies is the favorite that of Johnny Barnett, son of hobby... of Patricia Ann (ash, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brown. He daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.J has attended Wynnewood

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... Rogers EXTERIOR ..LATEX PAINT WHITE . FIELDERS • GLOVE j I $499 4 Top i o w h 1 <1 r. ■ <1 bie X|H retia..., Okla. ) (/ » IV D TAX TIME GOT ‘J YOU IN A BIND? X, PAINT BRUSH BANKAMERICARD •8 paint 33 hn a N-,a...- OME mono 29, J 7 Your tax deadline is April 15! ► ‘s). Pi L. Wyndell Chron ister L_ - Oklnhoma ress... such matters as the confirmation of Secretary of Interior Waller J. Hickel, Mine Safety and Indian Education... p 3 web 63 270-2 du ■ 577 Owners W O Ball and We don't have to pay much tax to run our town With our

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... of a window in the annex. rett, Pamela Nell Glenn, Tommy Allen Hines, J. C. Huckabaa, Vaughn Hunter, Jr... going to press, we y at East Central were Loretta talked again with LaDon Green, Crump. Gladys J. Davis.... Four councilmen seats are open, and in Ward 2 Edward J. b‘he A » Wynnewood boys basketball team worked... that 4 years, his name is automati- Hays, Charles W. Honaday, Netwood. Ellis A. Lindsey, a part- he.... Following Jones, W. L. Jones, Johnny Dale tractor both filed Monday, the lice, Harold W. Eckel has filed

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