Oklahoma City Times (Oklahoma City, Okla.), Vol. 71, No. 241, Ed. 1 Wednesday, November 16, 1960: Searching Inside

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32 results that matched your query. Showing page 1 of 2.

Sequence: 30 (standard view) | zoom view

... Road 10 YEARS 4 YEARS B EFPTRuSRs W12-2000 Mt NW X E 57365 39 YEARS 50 YEARS J. H. Robertson Realty ME... . W' 2-0723 BROKER J A 04344 W! 41492 RE BUILT TV CO. . 1201 $W,29 Oklahoma'! Best Liked Cut-Rat... Service" 172 Colcord' Bi<W "CE*2MI 2400'NRobinson------J A 04444 Duffner-Maloy & Assoc. HUDIBURG "Oklahoma... Classified Display 3630104 CRA OF smeum mzaremmmmmuseummmsnmasemmmwmeyumeme; MM W 15 YEARS 5 YEARS 11 YEARS...'s Drive In J A 4-0920 2025 NW 23 19 YEARS 26 YEARS 32 YEARS WH 9-4046 Bethanv Comglete Harm Furnishings

Sequence: 29 (standard view) | zoom view

... down, no loan exdense J: Ike Hall Co. JA 5-7411. Ce‛RO6- ___,,___. - M*. Ison. VI 3-3W3. bedroom brick..., only >6.350. Mod J bedroom home. ear. large W Fenced Near bus. shopo/ne. 90S NW 44. VI2-2447; OR7-<4<2... bedroom 98085 89768 2 tgnMespe5: 582000.45 W"Yo. Wi J?635.FH*' For Colored 40213 16 Terr. Bethany—GI.... W Ford. WI 2 9702 WI 2-3800 j* S-0541____________________JA-9510 OLD Fashioned 100x160‛wooden home... "N 3- •w) H9YEL 2,bedroom. ply J^«- m^moVe 2-8508 Hi tgrressaza. 3937,5

Sequence: 26 (standard view) | zoom view

... 6-5637 SINGER SEWING CENTERS 414 W. Main — 4905 N. May Ave. 2412 N. Walker — J. C. Penney'i at Capitol..., for brick home or duplex, see JONES with Barney Oldfielg Co. 1X3 N. Western JA 4-2231 J A 4-0644 GRILL N. W.... Free delivery, open ,eve. A Sundays. 1321 Classen. J A >7594. NICE 6 rooms. 1W baths, Warr Acres..., appliances. J. $ W Furnl- Rug Cleaning hire. 181» Linwood, CEHIM , Our new Take UP Payments ” & .30 mal... wsrerhsteerl Sroomoom, S7S doorintront A^rear. j321 $ 1 j FRogm’ogmeorcognjt, adults. 1006 W M 1 s Illi “-2

Sequence: 24 (standard view) | zoom view

... Riqhts Rsvd. 4 1 ) W 4 1 } 4 5 X ■ I AW 1 02 PI IS Z‘ 7888088% EEEEMM’JBEMM 888mmmm88% € 6 । 4- J: iKXf... CRANES EVENING SERVICE HAS DRAWN A LARGE CROWD OF WORKERS TO THE TRACTOR SHED... 4′3, J11’ W van H... K®e? F\ /,. 5 X44 ‘Veey$)) (j ) l*W J eeFvue 5 ---Te# 1 fNer 8, 16 (&, a Enen came 150 bucks — •1.9... k,NA5 z [ 24 Wed., November 18,1960 OKLAHOMA CITY TIMES GRIN AND BEAR IT I BIG GEORGE P * $ ■ 'J 6... TO THAT LITTLE MEXICAN PLACE TONIGHT/ J 0-4 NF-EUE-FGGEGGNNV-N4-KTN 40. Drying chamber c J < P/HAT?/ V 84

Sequence: 12 (standard view) | zoom view

... Regk3)," i " .. J As .-":k Kg’ A ,3 I i ■ APPLE SAUC 'W I • *N Mi. f: 1 __ ad ■. / / I A. e m i 7... Bottom EuD Kring 100% corton. Elasvici ravon, collon. spondex. t J " rmmcmn M Vows Set / W / r Ke" s 115.... West, chairman; Mrs. J. E. Hall, Mrs. R. W. Laughlin, Mrs. Dave R. Mc- Kown and Mrs. L. A. Moorwood... of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Shield, 418 E Rose. The wedding will be Jan- Rev. Robert Majors will officiate.... Her fiance is a graduate of McAlester High School Osborne-Colvin MR. AND MRS. J. V. os. TANS YOU

Sequence: 25 (standard view) | zoom view

.... viysess1s0.more.for Chris!- bXtio,"n m^TdlST’qt ^’’’’Toety "ml bS!J!S!"’' 3w %s.5d.m.Fi.SShrApoy 133 clerk Secretary... 1409 sw n 251 Amer. Nat l. CE 6-4376 4 room furishec i$hlk sfckw!lSr:e3Ac988! W. Commtfct CE 5-1201... Housework Wanted Musical Instruction or organ J A 4-7756 Wonted to Rent perience. 41 DRIVE-IN HELP lein-2... bedrooms, bills Pd. TUBE BENDERS FLORIDA nursing. 205 W MAIN Experimental Wilson's 400 NE 10 rooms; MOO oer.... References. CE 2-4770 -m. class'' ‘ ar fesion *> travel. 570 wkly. If quali- J J tied See Mr McKenzie between

Sequence: 20 (standard view) | zoom view

... Tv w v V 1 i | i Harpist Liked Harpo 2 I MITCHUM-PARKER CE 5-6722 Want Ads 6hue I 21st week... Shirley Arthur KENNEDY • JONES Center STARTS TODAY! m02 2330 (HYYR Wow! Such Girls! n 1 7 3 g w 3 hi3... oudtstanding enttentainmen! s VI NOW. FEAR POSSESSED HER AS LOVE ONCE HAD! A/FLOWE BISON YALE 131 W CRAND... RIALTO CI 2455 %%%%%%% (9 « Bih AT N MAY MAY Wi J 0462 PENN TWILIGHT MAY a BRIrTOn ao GARDINS Vi 30153... OPEN WINN TICKET AGENCY 135 W. MAIN Midnight/gce THEM..: OR WAS SHE NOT Recommended For Children PLAZA

Sequence: 17 (standard view) | zoom view

... SPECIAL TERMS SPECIAL TERMS •J 3-PIECE -■ G5 0 ALL BRAND NEW ALL BRAND NEW o 5-PIECE i 0da 29 FREE... Hi i I I * III I ,3 X4% I t t J N 4 «*r t L VER 53 00 » I i i ) D BRAND NEW HIDEAWAY SLEEPERS! TABLE... IBgEm/) *95 J y A 4 A J DRYER: 3 MODE. DAG-41 FRIGIDAIRE LAUNDERS WIIH EKTRACARE 8 Mn $199 PRIGIDAIRE \... table W Vmp W/ext, Leaf WL | • Mismatched Nm $49 h T t ;4 i IA ■»! TT r 2.0 2n . 2 599 fRKt..."* $196 • Choice of Colors SQUARE YARD- V - ' M= 3-Pc Studio Group! 579 179 w / T I 1 • 2-pc Living Room

Sequence: 14 (standard view) | zoom view

... File 2 Suspects Held 8 w 15 Suit; Hit In Theft of Horses F Meter’s Flag assistant county attorney. who... A — 7 1 W K V need a TODAY 5 * * > KKWEWO TODAY! NEW VUE THIS FALL ON KOC O T V City School Racial... to "Western Erpress" 1 PM lo J PM daily J:«S FOUR STAR REPORT Natlonal News, Dous Edwards Oklahoma News, Clyde... Liquor Ads The state’s dry organization filed suit in Oklahoma I County district court j Wednesday... in an effort to knock out liquor advertising. ing. Sooner Alcohol-Narcotics j Education, Inc., successor 1

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... sleeve lengths • nd proper body proportions. All colors can be washed in A MpA 9 j ## —# i2 W S S 82 94... Diamond-ite /j N finest simulated diamond a” miracle luxury of our time r I (hT) \v 5313 ■ • Exclusive... * J [n sport shirt comfort with dress shirt fit is yours! every type you want, with emphasis..., 1st floor Penn Square, first floor Bl 7~ y J, ■ runimieisteemie 6 aikiinustsii t e/BMltttMHr " i... 2.00. Kgpiex dfrg TSe8S kge, Ur. W/L/m "Fairskin" knit rayon tight-leg in medium length. Whit*, pink

Sequence: 28 (standard view) | zoom view

... ; 3X^4 **^ 11 WJ WW •T v I l )' P N W ll < 11! Automoblles for Site Homes for Sale, Northwest..., ‘995 LAST ONE J I '59 ‘2545.97 '61 BUICK TRADE-INS! lot Airplanes Md Parts OLDSMOBILE 4 '58 Chevrolet... ESTATE _ ONE STOP SHOPPING o ® GUARANTEED USED CARS (09 RE W READY FOR WINTER? STATION WAGONS '2050 '1695... NIGHTS! new tires, speclel Powerollde, axtre nice .. No 38A 626 S.W. 29 ME 4-8448 White tires • smart buy... heater, ‘895 604 W. MAIN CE 2 0211 P FREE! FREE! FREE! Anti-reeze A transmsission Oil PICK-UP A DELIVERY

Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

... TT """ k‘ ) I 1 W i .Vr To Your Good Health ■t -4 2 -.-4 ft i How would you rank the foland... plant starts its growth. icA luncheon meats? Which of liverwurst has 6 milligrams j b / -1 i IL 7; k... / p - 1520 N. W. 23rd.St.- Phone JA4-2235 aa ► III V Cj WAWVIY nD PAaK AVINUE • Busy Day Is Planned..., iackets, pants A Y I I 4 W /ff VAY- .—— 5 “ V B A . / IN i W For Abby's pamphlet, "What Teen-agers Want.... Shartel's tenure -f, & [ J --- i< F } 4) ■ u ---- regency room,PARK AVENUE crystal room, PENN SQUARE '

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

..., Los Angeles in Snarl om i 9b j s 2 Freeway off-ramps in the •3100 N. CLASSEN • 1737 W. 16th • 1900... of the Metrolpolitan Transit Some 400,000 people use 25 V ) "..8 r 46 6$ • 135 W. MAIN • PLAZA COURT • 63rd A PORTLAND... TO STOCK ON HAND 11 14 j ,i E' ! { ** *, 3 .5 . 1 Pound a 11) I 2 V c.9 I, TEXAS TUBE 97 19 Ike Calls Hunt... TO SERVE YOU i t h w i k ! respected their picket lines. 400,000 Are Affected Spring Hain puts Lazy Water... N.W. 23fd downtown area backed up-------------- for blocks. Florida tor another five or six days

Sequence: 27 (standard view) | zoom view

... as lack 1494 2-54 "W" air & power They pull $599 2812 S. WALKER ME 4-1486 1 Diamonds—Jewelry '58 villa.... *2995 Iba. Absolutely loaded DeSoto Fireflite 4- '59 Door '2495 j Reconditioned Guaranteed A-l Hardtop... Lafex your ‘2495 Prices Good Thru Thursday Only! OLDSMOBILE "W‘ Holl. '60 day Coupe. ‘3395 Air A Power... CE 6-0631 NE 6-4468 GA 4-1448 ■w "50 ■sTc® Air and I mileage, one owner light green, real nice... Casing per unees n. 1x4 yp. rough fencing. lln. ft. DAYEFNEoWRXUETNEErs CHEVROLET Wegon $8.95 5 %j:1 7c

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... Exclusively ’ j Men’s Suits, 2nd Floor and Penn Square S I board of directors for’ the group has added... City y 1 - 7 v rjra an ok an 0 1 P ■ - ■ F J GAFFERS , SATTLER 2 5 SPRING WATER □ F Jobs at New High.... Unemployment Up .Newton Rose, agency man- - m 1 J I tipn’s third annual press ligious news writing... opportunities j ’ 3 $a . ’ ployed in manufacturing, in- Sign seen on the front of a cluding 5.700 in food, 2,000.... / ) 7uulob N / a N0W in 1946, was judged outstanding by a missions committee of the convention's I €

Sequence: 15 (standard view) | zoom view

... work flees at 310 Commerce Exon his book, “The Role of j 2-3861. Stamp collectors are buyoffice..., Republican from Columbia. k- w k TOUGH RIGID LEAKPROOF RUSTPROOF Up to 7 Ik Capacity • Oblong Coke Pon. 32% •... show it’s on the rise in Okla- SEAIS Low puI E 9 "TPVVVNOT j ( . 3995 Cievbu GM. ), NW 32. a bov Mr... and Mrs. Jack Smith, 719 SE 32. a box or your money back” N.W. 23rd and Penn. winning p h y a i c i a t... this qulekreliet.Lfta /' v shoe premsure, moothes and y cushions thesonaitivespot. \_________J Aek toe the Bunion M

Sequence: 13 (standard view) | zoom view

... member of her family in case he or she is at home, •• J house) they know they are kv N i 7 i the average... in this selection. Miss-Junior-Womens kle presiding. W. Lewis Miller, Mrs. C. A. reg. 8.99-12.99 reg. 17.99-29.99.... Assisting will be Mrs. William Earl VanWin- Mrs. J. Wilbur Bell, Mrs. SHOP THURSDAY 9:30 A.M. 'til 8:30 P.M... j 1 da T ,809 a . " KPN CLEARANCE!! \ 1 1 example, may register radioactivity after being exposed... and Solids Ages: 7 to 14—8 to 14 Reg, 3 00 to 3.49 in the Members’husbands will be j Henderson, Mrs. Clyde J

Sequence: 31 (standard view) | zoom view

... Warmer Days Likely Throughout the Week The Dou-J ones Ticker OKLAHOMA CITY TIMES Wed., November 16,1960 3... 202-4 186 66 39 65 50 1 03'j 108'. 1.12 1.15'a 2 13': 2.1714 9 8 35% 20% little interest in that section... "__________________ \ nnanmeneeeeenamenem change service estimated do- j mestic cotton consumption during the four... Hobart Kingtisher Maapfester Okla. City W. Vici ....... N — —♦ -- Local Markets EGGS (Quoted by Barnes... taking Raymond J. Dusek, Vice President Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Inc. Members New York Stock

Sequence: 10 (standard view) | zoom view

... 7 TV „ W 9 J l 5 \ - - g .g _3 b M nan Body’s Frailty Will to Live Transcends Hu l f... City's Greatest Value Event! which was held in Guthrie. ye $e b4 Mrs. J. C. Davis, Mrs. Joe most bound... V 501 W. Main * Still Greater Reductions 3 ‘e In some Dresses M I I I r ' I x y \ N I *I I I II 317... N.W. 23rd 3128 N. May Fur product* labeled to ‘ahow country of orloin Blouses Coats Shorts Dresses...’S W/A8382122NAE by Ciro Paris in a Perfume . . . Too wonderful for words! The spice of life . . . captured

Sequence: 9 (standard view) | zoom view

.... Synan 420 W. Main -4, 6 KELVINATOR ,z 3-cycle automatic ‘ tr 20 WASHER Be -2 4 f 2 f M reg. 249.95 N... ,,94 IT, 19 elel8 auq 2 WESTINGHOUSE WITH TRADE j F v 1 1 REFRIGERATOR , .4 M FILTER FOUNTAIN REMOVES... CHEF 14 EDUCATION GAS RANGE 6X reg. 219.95 5 - % 2 e > J i reg. 189.95 ’159 WESTINGHOUSE pay only 5.00... communities. TULSA - Every Oklaho- educational institutions to be w gg M •11 , JI i u a< Y A 1 5.00 down, 2.00... additional gitts “ tne Va., will arrive in Oklahoma California and Tennessee, City Thursday for the annu- W

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