Oklahoma City Times (Oklahoma City, Okla.), Vol. 91, No. 184, Ed. 2 Monday, September 22, 1980: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... by striking shipyard workera in Gdansk last month as they spearheaded a nationwide labor rebellion. lion. (O«C...- .Dissident sources in munists came to power Warsaw said Sunday after World War n they knew of only one _ .

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... Parliament speaker renews demands Iran airports bombed At the same time, Iraq accused Dreams turn sour War..., Hallgarten, Estabrook A Weeden Inc. Iran of escalating air, ground and sea hostilities to a full-scale war...” and that "the Iranian-Iraqi war will not be without effect on the RETIREMENT NIGHTMARE First of four parts

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

.... It was the heaviest fighting so far in the border war between the two oil giants. .( J V ' . - paying the bills... cozy and leaves your arms free to road or knit M 225. Winter never felt 10 war a! 3 fromatemaael Tla.-c

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