Oklahoma City Times (Oklahoma City, Okla.), Vol. 76, No. 302, Ed. 1 Thursday, February 3, 1966: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 23 (standard view) | zoom view

... P l t l .J rrme I 0 Americans to Leave I ■ ■■ Cuba in New Airlift I --3 a*j statue" ;e WASHINGTON... Spaghetti Mat Balls VARIETY RED BUD EDMOND red BUD 423 s.w. 44 in i. 2nd, Edmond B I W RED BUD AL FINE’S RED... BUD 2401 M. Westminster 3405 N. Vilia Red Bud Stow are HOME OWNED—HOME OPERATED \ nmm ■■■ or •j a T 9... parkerhouse. Dinner 1 Finger Rolls n.w. 23rd a Drexel LEO’S RED BUD sm a Maple, Yukon WATKINS RED BUD n.w. som... a MacArthur •n Heads For 20 5 RUDY’S RED BUD somas. Mar < 304 N.W. Britton PARK PLAZA RED BUD 3715 Sprinslake

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... with the Oklahoma group will be Dr. John W. Gardner, secretary of Health, Education and Welfare; Stewart L. Udall...) 331 S.W. 25 (#6) 200 W. MAN (=4) N.W. 16th A INDIANA 11 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS (#22) 3625 N.W. 23 (#14...) S.W. 44 A WESTERN ________•__________________ (#12) N.W. 13 A ROBINSON (#7) N.W. 231 WALKER (#5) N.W.... 43 I PORTLAND (#3) N.W. 10 I WALKER A «0 l 4 i \ I \— - f w \ 4 “09 122 3.1 11-I educing Gum ough... SURPRISE ,09 SUPERDELUXE "WOSPITALMRAN HEATING PAD 5.95 J NEGUU7% I Button Heat > Selectors Plus On OR I 5

Sequence: 10 (standard view) | zoom view

..., 900/950x14 J 800x14,850x14,900/950x14 (Whitewalls $2.00 More) w K » ' 1 k J Longlife Bonded BRAKE SHOES N. C... of bombing in North Viet Nam. Chairman J. W. Fulbright (D-Ark.) said after a closed session of the committee... । I A*" * W.% MD-5 NYLONS Guaranteed 15 Months $ 5. h Factory-sealed for freshness. Limit 8.... (2-106-2) These Sizes BLACKWALL 204 Valve g professional burglars * Wednesday, but alert neigh- Sa 2W.... 12-Volt 24S cors 121 I sr* e • sr । cm b 4 ha. w QUANTITIES LIMITED Only 4 Per Customer I been at odds

Sequence: 44 (standard view) | zoom view

... w/trade :099 ■ f K F * 6 * 5F :j • K * Reg. $5.95 to 10.95 NOW $3.00 to $5.50 1/2 PRICE • Knife • Corduroy... 7 • 'll • 11 /r! 1 J - n r 1 / I Close-Out mermmammn ' . Is Formed at Y I • I t'. • - n"" YMCA... Named Eagle Scouts Model LME320 1 IF a 4 N Rolla Colvert 7 5 53- 5 3 1 .7 i HOLIDAY FOR TWO J for solo.... Voices, w/trade । GLOVE CASUALS Ph the Internal Revenue Serva a tify Thursday before a sen- 5 started....) that wiretapping was 2 B FOR COMFORT 1 923933 4 2 • . JIN HENSON’s 2 s UP ? M 4-2833 1111 ■ a b > . .... i N J X L

Sequence: 21 (standard view) | zoom view

... With These Specials! W g f. I t J 5871 9 I 2 Spinach EK4 6 303 1 Corn "J. I . Quality 7 O’^ S'S A 2” 52 1 .3 jk §... A 4 4 1 . t ]\ ' ) i j- I bl •M»l J \k Celery Lemons Safeway Brand 20c off Label Town. House Stir Life...., Feb. 5th in Oklahoma City Metropolitan Area fl W # i 2232 IT'"'. Ea it l, -3 | Grade‘A’Eggs I... TIMES Thursday, Feb. 3, 1966 21 " -------------------------—-2 twee A mlamhd F W TT U* a... #.2 • P...) 46-02. "7 I C A Cons J SAVE 19c Buttermilk LUcerne JUICE ££5,, i. Lucerne Tasty PARTY DIPS Flour S' pkh

Sequence: 18 (standard view) | zoom view

... 4’ 5 1 W ar Debate 1 Fast, Efficient Is Planned ) 1 ra * fa HUCKLEBERRY HOUND ★ 5:30 IN COLOR k... sible course. “The 4, .k 1 I J FULL COLOR WKY 4 TELEVISION 6:00 out. NEWS NEAL JONES JUDY HOLLIDAY, ALDO... KEY MADGE KENNEDY 6:25 WEATHER DAVID GRANT i 4 00 SUPERMAN WITH SCOOP O'BRIEN 1 snd" ri j l ■ S , p V... CBS NEWS i in A - 1 w ‘ 11 § k Chevenne arrives in Fort Sumner ko find troble with th* Comanche... Code This offer expires March 31,1966 I I " II J I u I V . I m 1 J 9:00 CHEYENNE wgassge a 2

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

..., rugged long wearing denim odd or even sizes 4 to 16 ■ 2=- j = W Ui Algiers Student /- f 2 t L } J! 3 )».... May • City of Moore • 421 N.W. 23rd • Copitol Hill • Seth S N. Shartel • Bethany • Windsor Hills •... 3434 S.W. 29th • Westoaks Center • 174S N.W. 16th • The Villoge • Reding Center ) OKLAHOMA CITY TIMES... i j K4- Ta/ *(42 Superb Quality at ...., daytime wear. Pink er blue predominating. Size* 10-20; 12 - 22 A. i, Fk 4 ).W • - _ “ .2 * ---t ■ fl

Sequence: 28 (standard view) | zoom view

...‘ A 3 \ N e 5hmez BIG GEORGE »■ z CROSSWORD 1-3 -- A POGO W MD 11. Contraction 29. Dylan ( trA Y i e 5 4... l v-r aeu • 40 39 Z % 2 J 13 /3 1 STEVE CANYON I HOPE I CAN OIVE E eYt(Q QSTBUDGWGSL.— QSYYSU 0 2-3..., ■ (LA 4 J II MARK TRAIL I t The Neighbors TRUDY 1 >99 § 1) / = $ 7 II, GASOLINE ALLEY ' What’d the Y... movies! H i H k I I k + L U Z/3/66 I J I REX MORGAN. M.D. Im I BELIEVE YOU'RE HOLDING 39 SINGLES/ WE'RE Q... VA HP $) I 1 en V A I —‘ai A) 2-3 k ) I J .1. // I I I- I ■ Af PI \NL is 3514 •) [4M/H / g ‘ 10′9) eK

Sequence: 43 (standard view) | zoom view

... C ! j ) 1) ■ • i I N I. W i A A - 25 C M Garden Club Notex Orchid Growers to State Texas Show 1... SAVE N GUARANTEED with ? zmz=asip z=asip J 19 .. i HEADQUARTERS FOR ZENITH SALES • SERVICE • PARTS •... TUBES Louis Kovosh, Mgr Berle Carison, Mgr. Fred Heckmaster, Mgr. W16-1425 Cl 6-0411 CI 2-61 is Cl... hostesses will be Mrs. L. J. Weissenberger and Mrs. Leo K. Hughes. LIBERTY ACCOUNTING SERVICE 6603 N... Mrs L. E. Barnett in Will Rogers Garden Exhi- will be co-hostess. N.W. 23rd 2224 N.W. 23rd 1 L

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... though some, or • —-i-- - ISN EAF,N S W M ZE A A A /\J New Agencv to Organize • • —... offices are to called twice on Wednesday. day. ry INN / D / j g A,( \4 ‘A (2P) 2 / )M/ •'w/ a JUA m , 1... not satisfied, she "fingers-crossed" waiting -- nr ■ 3, ■ K.W 4 * s m 7 *______. 1, $ —» <—022 ".j-.... days from a ■ 7 presiding judge of who claims -bert. city woman I NEW YORK (AP) — Fire 8 [ j nil Tin... frut ^tnfnitt n tin Unit gnm Penneys Auto Center Now Open at 7:30 a.m. 4 A Pa * j ( SAVE! » I * I I * I

Sequence: 26 (standard view) | zoom view

.... BEEF USDA CHOICE r l c 75' #4 Lb. Mi Lb. 8 Lb. 5 BACON Lb. PICNICS Lb. W3 SAVE 6 a 89' 2 Ng 89...' Of this "Nassau" Gravy Boat 2 rois 216 MARGARINE I 1 L. S w Pkgs • 1 With Coupon From Your Coupon Mailer t I A" s... a ARMOUR STAR Fully Cooked Lean and Meaty pkb: 596 I I ", I TO. J. .I p, 7 A ■ J Macaroni /nassau 45... 435 Facial Tissue YOUNG TENDER JR. BEEF 14jo- 496 21^ w ’ die Bottle *tl BISCUITS >■ New 5 count Mixed...“- Shortening in Papf Carlon Waffle Syrup Family Size L_ J \ , L A Shrimp Bits Fresh Frozen n79 g1 23& . 5$ • 2

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... Viet Nam were seeking to get some Selected Grou Gets Support I € 6 9 9 n i J€ 6— JACKETS WOOL SLACKS... Wirephoto) ' ' ' ‘ " k j. 1 V. S. Requegt for VN Debate..., scratches, alcohol and Because of the special purchase that w e made, you Valley, will be Friday at Tulsa... lanomnld W LU ill EIe 11 1a great great granddaughter ly optimistic. He... with the war in Viet Nam. But U. S. Ambassador Arthur J. Goldberg was public- WASHINGTON (AP)— The White House

Sequence: 41 (standard view) | zoom view

.... _________________VI 2 8563 HOMES—NO DOWN PAYMENT 2 & 3 bed, show anytime. All areas W1 2-9777 Moore Realty J A 4-7017...'S LARGEST N W T i UTOMATIG NO DOWN $76 MO & (SPECIALISTS CHOICE NEW Ceast to Coast PE 2-4566 PE 7-4585 PE... PRICE MOTORS AND TRANSMISSIONS 700 N. BROADWAY REAL ESTATE JA 5 7352 J A 5-7411 CLOSEOUT 2 SOLD 2 LEFT... Commerce Acceptance Com- MUSTANG HEIGHTS GI FHA & CONVENTIONAL LOAN 5rMi W of FAA on Hwy 153 SH S 36S6... HOMES Finance Corporation CE 2-1573 J A 5-7411. ROYAL REALTY - 671 5 N MAY HAVE BUYERS for 2,3,44 bed

Sequence: 15 (standard view) | zoom view

.... Thursday in the home of Mrs. Edward Swanson, 2345 NW 33. Mrs. W. B. Gage will give the program on general... Midwest City Capitol Hill Uptown Norman g ( ) u Save $25 Display models of the newest Touch & Sew & t j... osggg 835 4905 N. May Ave. Oven Each Evenine TH ♦ PM WI 43223 317 W. Commerce Capitol Mil Mi 3m Save $5... of Mrs. Laynie W. Harrod, left. (Staff Photo by Joe Miller) 2*o% A 850 ) 20% on Sewing Notions! N2 W... rinse will give a sparkling shine to your hair. Lemon Jelvyn is a must for complexion beauty. ri X J dsj

Sequence: 52 (standard view) | zoom view

... Only! 212 S.W. 25th Street A MENS JANUARY BEDDING ■ a A CAPITOL HILL SAVE NOW! HEN’S COATS You Could... rate finance plan \ l 16 W. Commerce St. (S.W. 25th.) Capitol ------- 2-6304 f 1 $ .1) L I hi ■ ■ I 3 K... W. COMMERCE Hurry While They Lost! Twin or full size Mattress or Boxspring TO $1 2.95 ODDS AND ENDS... Miniature 50 Bookends *76 Hurricane Lamp 51 Unmounted Shoa I fl I fl J Mar vxK ! h BOYS SPORT SHIRTS •... located at 23410-—S.W. 25 (in the Cattleman's ) /A A , 1 SAVE 25% in BABY SHOE BRONZING DURING FEBRUARY

Sequence: 53 (standard view) | zoom view

... PRICES ON OUR MAIN FLOOR BARGAIN $ 1 r‘ W L DOUGLAS NAVY TYPE PANTS 55 SIZIS 6 t 12, WIDTHS D-E-EEE PAIR... --ace 100% Rayon 9'xl 2' Rugs! Special Buy! YOUR CHOICE $12.85 $7.15 $8-515 $5.91 (1.00 5.00 (2.W (1.00... Quality • • Prices Good until AI1 Items Sold • I ’ j ! SPECIAL GROUP WOMEN'S DRESS SHOES 1 Price SPECIAL... KORATRON STAY PRISS Regularly to 30.00 1/2 Price •V W $ G $ 2 $ 3 $ 2 396 $ 1 904 10< ENTIRE STOCK MEN...'S JACKETS REDUCED 1/3 ! ; H "In Copitol Hill” JOY W. Commerce 23 Lee Rider Wheat Jeans 42 Levi and H lire

Sequence: 37 (standard view) | zoom view

... rooms, nicely turn. _ on bus. couple, oentleman. J, 3015 S. Linn 2 bed fenced water A gerb pd *45 W JA I... W ■ 51 Apartments—famished 54 Help Wanted—Male & Female 45 HelpWanted—-MaleLFemale45A Help... Windsor Hills 2-0211. 88 4725 NW 23rd 11 474 3 & 4 701 NW it. lovely, reasonable, room bills pd. J A 4... 2001 W Park. I bed. Adults. ET - E Help Wanted—female 44 Saleswomen Wanted 4U 49 House wort Wanted SU... 556722 Applv Toro, I e MR. K. W. SUTTON TELEPHONE GR8-I I 20 IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO ARRANGE A LOCAL

Sequence: 36 (standard view) | zoom view

... Blvd.__J A 4-4464 Real Estate Co. payments. W l 6-9051,__________________ I will not be responsible 'or any... Classified AdvaHitinf Steno Dictaphone. W Steno, Whlse. N Oklahoma School Of Banking & Business I $325-350... Drafting-Court Reporting Stenographic-Clerk Typist Business Machines M/LZS BUSINESS UNIVERSITY 629 W MAIN CE... TRAIN NOW! J Communications .' Radio & TV . General Electronics Only a few weeks of training... relations or bustness administration and 2 years personnel management experience. J BUYERS ’ 3-5

Sequence: 39 (standard view) | zoom view

... """"" e‘0 6 #, •etle-a le-a 4 L. "42 $ ' ■■ ♦ $014 •• ---- A* A J % R N /$aA SERVICE DEPARTMENT OFFICE... PET SHOP 4220 W # „DLAL.DIRECS 4)NTAej 52495 181 14 months 94 Good tbinfs te Eat 330 E... a MOVING AHEAD! * wr OOR PRIZES CO N ONE OF I ARTHUR HARRIS FORD, MIDWEST CITY, OKLAHOMA Scolta ca coa W... ON 3 % 8 CKEVROLET/ "cottaDCa DOWNTOWN AT S.W 2ND & HARVEY • CE 2-7175 AUTOMOTIVE HH E Tinted glass... side. Automatic heater. *795 motor. 7 Radio, -JADED mileage. Alts Ltismu, Rentil_____J RENT NEW

Sequence: 50 (standard view) | zoom view

... f V 288 6 € 6 6 6 His job Q ]^ot Soft r. 7 ! slide of an orchid flower or 7 € e e 00 W/T 1 41 1 h...! 2 'N Ss*r MI50 Ph. MU 1-7956 1605 S.W. 59 th Ph. MU 1-7956 1 BLACK AND WHITE TV AT ITS FINEST! I... Capitol Hill Savings | ME 2-3321 312 W. Commerce MU 1-5391 7300 S. Pennsylvania 4 £ V! 2. I ‘ I I ’ l. vf.... Picture • 3 POSITION WATER LEVEL CONTROL All Floor Samples And I of a Kind Reduced For Clearance Now! I J... republic where inflation is rampant. President Sukarno said if any Indonesian thought he y .“99 J d 28

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