The Oklahoma Eagle (Tulsa, Okla.), Vol. 53, No. 5, Ed. 1 Thursday, July 30, 1970: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 14 (standard view) | zoom view

... Appetites r , HEAR CHRIST PREACHED Q- Bv I. Oscar Chappelle By #■« Faith Revival ( Church of God Elder L.W... 'VHN/'i c CoqxyQon ttev L. J. Farley, Prop. THOMPSON I Dry, brittle, breaking hair? Increased Burial.... Three services will be held. On July 30, Rev. W.M. Pike of Galilee Baptist Church will deliver.... Rev. J.C. Cook will deliver the message. The public is cordially invited. Read the Pulitzer Prize... directing. Host pastor is Rev. U.J. Wimbush. The public is invited. 7. 8. 9. 10. "The Old Path" 11

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... WITH COUPON Limit 2 -F VF Y'c AmI Compare At 59t W d |fl| GaedThmSai 1 V_flW_flEA.<^ PAOTG&jYd!j^Oj -d...! . K HARD TO HOLD A LIMIT 2 /■ 13 02.87C SIZE / M j WITH COUPON ■ I W ta I* »l ” fu* (M U...._____ ;..........................' HAYtlTt I NeT.J ’ 1 Bin IS ■ i W T c c d d d d r /i»q d Ea. 3 ! CLIP THIS COUPON "Golden T... ......vw™ :«< 1$ I a Wt ?_F W EA. ^L. T G A Y uubucrjtxA BLADES 10 Cm ■74! - :^febuUOUUx> * * * * r rmm... |r.w«».*wa iW ij 3 * a 11 C ? b Glass lb W>’ lr is. I h CLIP THIS COUPON hcj, I CLEANER 1 With Ammonie 13 Oz

Sequence: 15 (standard view) | zoom view

... in a variety of colors. o*‘‘T’’ - J o’, < • ■lib Hl 1 ■w F-•L * .. • * S' ' y,* • ■ s * - IpWji M...>> L .c j/i G *» P' * • * £ V r MOHAWK BATH TOWELS CANNON BATH TOWELS tf v*. a _• 78 1.44 X 1Z1 ».’ YT... of attention and ability- -' a * ♦ .’j QUILTED PILLOW COVERS .87 Presto! Zipl Your old pillow becomes... 3.94. Queen . . . 5.34 King 7.34. , c • • wy l. J*./ ’’ kz - THE REAL art of living includes the art... 2 w 7.00 Solid color thermal weaves or woven style blankets of polyester and rayon. 72"x90". ‘•"-ZV

Sequence: 20 (standard view) | zoom view

... Wide—Full Bolts—Asst. Colors and Kinds—Reg. Values to $2.98. 66 J-. /../ 95% R.yon—7% >■.... Undetermined fiber content. All Kinds—All colors—Hurry! They will go like hot cakes at 'YiT'J... AT THE UNBELIEVABLE LOW PRICE iB 9 $1 L '" I tf/CL ON BOLTS; ALL NEW PATTERNS, ALL 45 J . V ’ -.L REG, $.1.98, $2.49..., $2.98_____ SUITING, • SPORTSWEAR. • DRESS ANO BLOUSE ■,V"' • - j» ’•J 4^' tUXURY... HIP/HUGGER < • 4$ WOVEN COTTON r 100%,.Men ’ 100% Cottan J. ‘4$" RAYON

Sequence: 19 (standard view) | zoom view

... THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1970 ._vENB THE OKLAHOMA EAGLE B. J.’s Disc & Data .Sammy Davis, given role... V=‘ f . J USE $268 YOUR. s159 ij $208 $224 '239 STEVEN’S RiGiSTM- AM* YoTI < THESE mas GOOD AT All... OTASCO STORES J ■ U*f 14V fANTAST/C! TRAINLOAD • LAMINATED WALNUT GRAINED WORK SURFACE • TWO HUNDRED... the Temptations, the Super Supremes and Stevie W onder. This one should be just about almost as big as TCB... according to Mary, “they must be sexy.” W'hat clothes wouldn’t look sexy on lovely Mary Wilson

Sequence: 9 (standard view) | zoom view

... tread-squirming wear and maintain traction effectiveness Nylon Cord Tires for PANELS, PICK-UPS,VANS and CAMPERS. w... 700-13 C78-14 E78-14 F78-14 G78-14 H78-14 ■178-14 F78-1P G78-15 H78-15 J78-15 900-15 915-15 Plus Fed. Ei... in the judicial field. While he attended the University of Tulsa’s Law School, he served the late W. Lee Johnson... with a 674 scratch series. Indies doubles - Beatree (tree) Hodge, teamed with Carma Car- - i k T 71 J... for the post of District Judge for Office th®. District Attorney. One being vacated by Judge S.J. Clendinning

Sequence: 10 (standard view) | zoom view

... a month. 2642 N. Rockford T.U 4-4744 rm ?oj isr«o r----- - J*9d ■1 W0 ( . . W Ven, IIJS 40 LOST-REWARD... i$ _ . secy-m m v1 dent > ffl^y’ii $>an. 1 pd. d el*. AGENCY J ■tCY FEE *AID <J*n» Ra'a I bl,_ n w... CAN BUY" s 5 6 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 3 3 1 2 J 1C NG 1C 1C 1C t i t i i 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A I I... and 2 bedrocm apartments. $80 and $90 per month. FURNISHED. ALL BILLS PAID. TYLERS RENTALS and SALES J... car garage, patio, large lot. 4722 N. Detroit 425-3849 OTIS W WILLIAMS CO. REALTORS $45 E. Apart

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... in their record-release Cw.w. . —>■, w a filled house of anxious backers, at F "' • ■ “ J — Church... o will Practice A j f I f 1 Raymond Parker 7 t4 5 I Dayton, Ohio Gets Black Mayor In order to make... Panther W ilbert Brown, convicted of charges of using obscene language during the Tulsa University.... A jurisdictional statement was submitted earlier this year to the Supreme Court by Brown's attorney. torney. W....” Clay J. Clairborne, one of the organizers and spokesman for the Committee, said "we believe that black

Sequence: 18 (standard view) | zoom view

... ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ * « ♦ * * ♦ ♦ J ) ( Were $18 to $30 ) NOW $12.90 BLOUSES NOW $1.$2. $3... blacks only. Mr. Johnson J. I feel that the forming of le organization was most necesiry for the minority... and 14’/j-24’/z. (Half sizes not of Brook Ploza ond Briar Village) Downtown Second Floor, ond all branches. TRUE....” GROUP 1: Originally $8 95 to 12.00! *J 70 ’12 To better acquaint minority contractors... between 11:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Monday morning, W ednesday, August 5 - Zeig- six of Johnson’s large wood

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... SLICED BACON tv 0, c \i o I 1 Pkg. V z——z— GOLDEN RIPE ,0 •• o BANANAS 4 4 4J1 >7?aTi Fir-u >r a/a IM LU... 2-4191 SAFEWAY SAFEWAY Prices Effective At All Tulsa Stores Thru SUN,, August 2, 1970 SUPER! SAVER J er... PRICE -1 j A they enjoy and celebrate his retirement. tirement. For the more than 40 employees exposed... strap and buckle. Today's broader toe for an updated Traditional approach to your new-look w. drobe... meal j prepared and correctly served - by his super- pleted a 42 year association with r efficient

Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

.... Iroquois Ave 4681 N. Main Street 713 E. 54th Street, North 318 W. 47th Street North 4219 N. Hartford 348 E... Avenue 1323 E. 52nd Street, North 183 W. 49th Place, North 4005 N. Garrtson 510 E. 55th Place. North...” to Woolworth’s cosmetic buyer, J.H. Swon, for his assistance and advice in packaging and merchandising... of Mexico and gained practical experience with the J. Walter Thompson advertising agency before joining.... Giles, executive vice president of sales, who is based in regional headquarters in Orange, N.J

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

..., TRIOS, WEDDING BANDS $425 $125 MEN'S DIAMOND RINGS $325 $275 O n $159 $250 $69 95 $175 f O o I i BUY J 4.... J. H. Dctson attended rhe National Sunday School and BTU Congress in Omaha . returning by way..., at the South Haven Community Center, 5408 S. 40th W. Ave. Deliveries will be made to those who request... elevated members are Alonzo Tibbs, James D Blake, Samuel J. Parker. Cal L. Dixon, Archie L. Simmons..., July 30 in the home of Mrs. Carolyn Brown McCoy, 1515 W. Latimer Ct. at 7:30 p.m. All members are urged

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... a a WM 274 18” COLOR TV w/ stand M 908 23” M 960 23 TR 100 B/W - Crown COUPON $1.09 MEXSANA MEDICATED... 932-3697 Office I I I I I J OFFFR GOOD THURS., FRI., and SAT I I I 622-9198 Home I I I I I I I I I I &... the rites were Rev. George A. Webb, pastor of St. Andrew- Baptist; Rev. J. Castina Jackson, pastor.... The staff at Variety urges new ■’ these sessions. the fact that the child will need ---- -------- -----j he... J O UPO N GOODYEAR I THE OKLAHOMA EAGLE THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1970 SIX A oooooo nnmiuun I F "TT i i ,r

Sequence: 16 (standard view) | zoom view

... Is Yours? Lesson invited to Reg. $550 This week only... 3 13 X L' X I PRICE BREAK SPECIAL I!::: E! $J07 r 5... of McAlester. Ok- Sou,h and North led by Bishop lahoma. is the evangelist Rev. D. W Smith and V. H. Hodge... Broadous read from a portion with D w leading in finance, of these scrpiturcs. Luke 9:26. The lar8est... if they are Communist or pro-Communist. 10 The United States should extend diplomatic recognition to Red China. 4”"S4J.... . _ ____w One question young people usu- first names or initials will be ally ask when

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

.... *■ scouts during the past year. R.W. (Moe) McClendon DEMOCRAT DEMOCRAT For Court Clerk Grissle said... this week. 3 w Sites 10' , to 13 The March suit, filed under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, REELECT BOOT... Experienced—Courteous — Reliable 15 Years 25...BEEr PKOEEF $1j«o No Refunds, Exchanges or Phone Orders lOur Own Country... in a mass voter registration effort. With the help of Neck Bonesl Q iOX Tails. W I I _________________ 80... with MC residents. dents. r ' J Democratic canatoate tor ijovernor, David Hall checks with a few persons

Sequence: 17 (standard view) | zoom view

...‘ Men's Fine Tailored ■"1 ■ I •s.reT’ae io 46 A ll-Seasoned Suits W V '<>"«,J FIVE B FOR NOTARY... V 31 J | Levines 5240 N. Peoria LIKE IT?...CHARGE IT!.USE YOUR CONVENIENT FLEX-A-CHARGEI cl 22..." POWER MOWER BUY NOW & SA VE! Reg. to $7.99 Reg. to $999 Orig. $3.99 Orig. $2.99 LIMIT J 25 oz. Ice Tea... height, and leal mulcher chute 12 Oz Package SHREDDED FOAM 28< Multi purpose shreCJ po'yurethane ent... COTTONS Sunny solids, punts m cottons b'ends V” 45 doubled 4 roiled «•< J9< 49< yd Sturdy 30” FOOT LOCKER

Sequence: 13 (standard view) | zoom view

... The Truth Must Come Out “We Make America Better When We Aid Our People" Rev. Ben H. Hill rz W.... Presidents r«bi>u«d K*«n at m Nwrtb G#*«a»w4 Aw re • 7 Ml "PULLING THE RUG FROM UNDER SOUTHERN STRATEGY..., is the only clergyman to have become president of the United States. While I Charles J. Jeffrey, Jr. Lwould... poverty of the healer. Jesus never used such props, j The first factor... most revered servants into what instinct of workmanship and feel- ’ ™^project called Econom c amounte<j

Sequence: 12 (standard view) | zoom view


Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... THE PLACE HOUSE Tickets on Sale Now 1307 East Apache * 'j Now Open For Your Pleasure The Air Conditioned... REVUE Under The Stars E <4^ I Artist A|f*cy >1 ' ERNIE FIELDS Reopens Saturday, August 1 J 1 1 Block... date was pending. J THREE t I fiL. ™ i t’v . ■■ CL J PAULETTE PARKER Out of the west like a bolt

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... Sears > ■ >1 I ill* c 1 / i V I OPEN LETTER FROM i F W3 CHARLES GERALD POPE 4275 I f Charles Pope 4008... 224-6110 425 W. Broadway 687-4431 Caseworkers Alice Coner and Jewel Tavlor Street, standing, confer.... Charles Mason, 3708 W. 55th St., died July 26. JACKSON FUNERAL HOME Earl T. Tucker, age 29, 4103 N

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