Oklahoma City Times (Oklahoma City, Okla.), Vol. 50, No. 115, Ed. 1 Wednesday, October 4, 1939: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 12 (standard view) | zoom view

... wv. 1 Ma : '7. b i ■ *1 1 ■- N C A 0 HIASNUM, I n«r T i w/mv/mAw/ J *T* i f » i i t 3$ -lift! n 1 ti... i g— ■fcSJ ii ■ -'■ i .... t rJ jw ^■04** r -S’- F -’I# ■ I i -J? i I k Orbits GW. Um>tt.... SiandcUid OFFICE SUPPLY CO. XUff. OfflM l.ll.M.i Freak M. Her bee. Free. L Phone 1-4411 HIM. Broadway J Ask... what is their war Wk ooH/MAvg rttrsr I /MvusratA ^rptv^s\ J^the Right Combination r. . UKMU 4 “Kil? Km.... Maytubby has been recommended for the poet by Senator Elmer Thomas. W. A. Durant, principal chief

Sequence: 21 (standard view) | zoom view

.... 13c par ran. M3 N. ISMW5 radae., 1B17 K 14—4-rm. bath, eood iT5TT-w1i*£i-^J,T^! l"40 N W 15—< rmi... adults a, prta. w.t -«»rb. a N. W IS^NIMly Imi_2__I t-Bft- H i Plk iH07t N‘®l*AII txri.ly — ■ J>. t. Vent... ■Avsnr 'j P.TMMI W Stated) Yr.... ftlte. IkM 1Mb tllM MJ9 S3J1 tuo MB "•wir dtoju T rmaJibM r— i0M~w~^id^Egfn.VL M Jom 1aFci‘,*t,T* ' ****... T-ditHRte fuUy reuiimgd JnW, . rltrnBuThr isgyy'miF8 j*™* ^sKwrOgrgF . ■^b.^isnjge dovntovn atftoo

Sequence: 23 (standard view) | zoom view

... Jt-ra». brk.. <*» k gft 17% W uci* a 1 ~ £*5-t,____ * •FUAS1..5:3 j’o’baSi r-44 SOLD IN M Ut... INVESTMENT CO. T B- Pre*. A W. Swaa.^ Raa’r-Traaa. CH 17% 1J% MaraUML •r titn « li Ttc» SOm ITtaa... Cyrt's’lMte* H aSS W&p, ; gMi-Yt’ LT— 1 tarnrr J iUtor’ Mcl t ~r." _____ >0 deeott SMB | S■Sr’ 4 ton. Bar...% U* Uft - lift lift lift 4* 4 - "* 3* 14j 33% 24 113 ._. 4% 4% C-. * ‘g® *sft l?ift "tL" * W »... BU 3 U r — f a av • “ J!£. to. 37 Aiimnanr corp A? ***•“•*> R «W . . . A. 4i jA p • 3

Sequence: 22 (standard view) | zoom view

... wT 2 MM Bl •I* to*. W yMMMU ■B|Hm oBtni ual owners __ , PAY CASH J «‘-JU UNRIDEEMED Suits fir... 927 N. E 19th $685~ DOWN 2-5807 1937 (. net row I j-loil L-W B. « .’• bT” J 70 I wilL t ;... GHEENLEASE-MOCRE "■wm »<».m.its mpunmunji Mttea ............. ativkoixi j£H.| — I 86 Wnu™ BpOKCABM_in_w... and Wretern •W«h»?8 PONTIAC 4 coupe radio .... 44«5 -J OLDS 8 eonvtr eaupa . . 8633 B B LINDSEY. 1130 Ixch..._ ■7LceCM£ d.“*^ n^v gar5® JW^%&aktt,8 N^&J?2U0W '12 S?le11 4a tedan. Mowhawk Urea . 45»5 3* DeSoto sedan

Sequence: 20 (standard view) | zoom view

... <0 w 3 -0 u> u> J o> IQ CM >0 cs III T 4 I J I HJbLtWb r'^- I * Zwl/A w... 33. Domestic animal 33. Night before a holiday 34. Weight of i India UNPLEASANT SUBJECTSI J RIGHT |... CHANGE A • 1OOO BILL ANO SEE L WHAT I happens! J ^WellTTthinT WE OUGHT TO TRY SPENDING SOME OF IT BEFORE... WE GET CARRIED AWAY BY THE IDEA ] . WE’RE /MCH! J 1. College yell 4. Exclamation 7. Brisk energy 10... MANY TIMES I CWT COUNT 1MSM. . - 'ALL RIGHT* > WE'VE GOT TD rnd a toae CHSMDRD WITH -THAT LICENCE J MAN

Sequence: 15 (standard view) | zoom view

... •i*£KTOK*,Br».ktMt CTuk :^kjm-^- w“'h •J****—Tta» »M Tte RnM A Oarw w tfere miiLa ^w^^^resa V'”T wYV HUIS —t Par Awsv...* the auto'and ?"'y known animal that has green t h* waa IUT. < / 1 W’ fW [ Wednesday Night xar I... 1 ' •- ill KOTCHC5R ^^9 9^ Oa^. J lUNf IN HOLLYWOOD PLAYHOUSL EVtRY WLDNLSDAY NIGH I 1 LIBERTVQ... iPLflZfl • w WARBER VICTORIA s« •:' »ii •ill ’i 1" 1 N ■ •a •ii Ctestar MOUIS Faeltekao WOMKN" FaaMae Mears... ate waa is ___ sooirai Thursday Morning Oelster •> IMS w ft lift llM KOMA 8te9< Na. 1 CALLING ALL

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... -J?1*? woot_.w®r^. tow*M • at A enrolled this month aa a freahman— • at tornt ahe doesn't think so now... «... 1-— J-J- <_..— »_ _ a • - • - - - — ■ - — V V »w V...* Northeast Eighth street, a son. I • JAMES MELTON I • MR. AND MRS J W KERR. 1704 I • Southeast Twenty-ninth... CHESTER w. COX. 33 years old. 4 and RUTH E. EVANS, 33 years old. J both of Bsmlnote. Classen Officers... WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 193ft-FIVE BROWN’S j Girl Goet to College in Wheel Chair * ——’ •l SHOWN

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

.... Ruble, decorations: Mrs W J. Perrett, finance, Mrs. J. Rd Beall, contact and Mrs. W. F. Purnell... Refrigerator aad Etoetrie Baage —John A. Brown Co. Cktaa aad Otaeswara W. J. Pettee B Oo. Faaey Oreswrtas aad.... Branlff Engineering Ox. W. J. Pettee B Co. Fter Beal Casfcsr* Harbour-Longmire Ox Liaeela Palate-W* ■»****... ration j > / |i ft I For Breakfast — Clearing, Cheering First Pick Coffee I 4 Li.l. PMtee Ite I First... CLEANERS 1MB aw4 W-terw Russells Close Summer Cabin Miss Brooks Fetes Guests antique to the junk man, taken

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... “SHOHLIER-FASHtOH” SHIRTS "USE OUR EXTENDED ACCOUNT SERVICE” i M^y BrotKera 116-111 W*st Maki • THIS TIST will prove... other “ * you have, you will note there Us decided elope to aaow WWW l ■« MMW U»W BUMS . a a • wherwn..."** st<3mU6 "*•*•* w. < < < < I < < < < < I < I I & been able to offer at the start of the season! Mantailored... that be char»ad f— lor pteaamw I and *wimmin< parttoa j i ^^^-^Rothschild’a Has the Clothes1, was •... and Brush. but they indicated Premier J Mussolini would wait for reaction to I < Hitler's reichstag proposaU

Sequence: 9 (standard view) | zoom view

... WITH THIC COUPON I mue.nii.uT. I FREE! SHAMPOO and WAVE SET W EACH OUTFIT Officers Announced By J. A. C... M«MM»8 OF THB ALUMHAE W- - _ wvaaJ r^*2*.v n*ht at th* hn"* of Mre. J. K... I 4 inches wide. 5 inches tall, 8 inches long— 7 j I et 4m* * «•** ■ ■ ■* • I i if J r CbwMe VeOs... Cettags Sate. sash J *1 "I I u 4/? L IK I Wf'tf" t tte mu- Tfla/iiajifflaAti/i Patterns I Mrs. John Vote.... Spacial! General Electric Hot-Point Waffle Iron $4.95 Decorated China Bate LAMPS. * * ® O C 0 UNO J want

Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

... that “other they arise. —w wwn as Heredity Note LOS ANOELEB. Oct k-un-Klt- --J gray tabby on each...* W mtovieiew" through «br rarta leedeeeah*r —wb*a tea* la •Mjeaattea with a Ttoavtotoa Ftetwru RwUwr... waa / tun* Wig W fl CI HOtD. t x THE RADIO WITH THE BIG Filing period... an r^a * . Iwmap^b htovhfse Sarte to fkaaegrogb ley. teaalle* “tbs •era ef W»vl*l*a- through **«•... workers revolt against their German master*." I my* Oto senior R Yule, "*f when J h* was Mttte. He !

Sequence: 16 (standard view) | zoom view

... r.u«, ito »ewr mere State CvJta.1i rwtta VMS - lw <-. State Catholic W omen to Meet Council Session... Traer, toft. and J. C. Haariltoa o »■ Trouble Thio Winter May (... Of Further Advance DEALSRS PROUDLY SERVE FREDRICKSON’S Oklahoma’s Tin Headquarters m-MMH H. W. 144b St... tauarta arelaattaa ter * rear*. The J. C Hamilton Co. 33 Northwaet Tenth street. la equipped...= OKLAHOMA TRACTOR I EQUIPMENT CO. 7J9 Ask Your Grocer OOBRY’S Oklahoma Qty Times Barnard-Mei Chosen

Sequence: 19 (standard view) | zoom view

... sissi-ssa O*la. toraltar* C*. J. g. g|*ro w,£m ■ __see wosmf-o CLASSIC LSAOVg m T c& IRW’ttisSiar Ir illt —..., broke in as an umo o aaamaui Eg -y r /• 9 Total. Not That It Matter* Hl BhFMto twskv IM w a 3 ■••r... Clarfc (SHl) wins 7. series money is o 1 bettor 225 W. ht St 2*5211 I N ► SPEND 3 DAYS VAN DYCK W... Health M% «< UM •--- ---- —— —J to Um smmm kMva m dteaaro Marte >Mww Um - - ■r — ’---; _j After • white.... th—J a I— th* r— -7 ___ ■ay srorvei at Um eelak tTJ 77 ‘ ‘ t te uton* tt yee Umm

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... s w a. ■Uaty J 1 Sweat Shirtel Mssi aaS 1 a; 4to> ssU. heavy amisrial isrial... reporters not to go out I on a limb” with speculation that there ! might be another assistant secretary j... sags of slaaraa. tallstas sag aavsMy wsavs erresr. tall salars la valess k la SOs yarg. J Bwary... N«w Sport Styles * • Fur-Trimmed Styles • Fur-Fabric Materials Loes slseva Srssssv Is sag Ulss Mtetrns.... Khaki Pant or Shirt' Mee's stees. Baalertseg. teerrteskeaa er 1 k stela. Worth to sell. J ^79« JJ *

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... His Visit Assures You ..... Selection ’ - I her W >. i 2’4 » « •>< I > ** v< n i y > » e w I rtnew new... ;£S3 % 4 BB'JXSi r. Jack Salon Thursc I . .■/ M — h ■ V/T ■ J k '1 DSpnalts ............ Loans... Trial ,RT MART’S. Kan—D. J. Lam. a druggist at 104S Lam Building. 8t Marys. Kan., manufactures a mam* «m... the door t J X r Lincoln Paving Job Takes On Extra 'Chores’ By the time the state highway commission... Hampton ia survived by her HamPton: » daughter. Lavada Scarlet; a son. Gerald Bcarlet; her father, C. W

Sequence: 18 (standard view) | zoom view

... U v» T ■’1 j J a J . .^w / This Saturday In the Paet, Cowboys Have Needed Sympathy... field. had t TA» I I of Tom W nest McCarthy, a tyrant for team . gave no I- AaoShar Yankee grand Siam... A Sl^\* r '0 J U vice-proai- J and he play even So ana whole If Merrtoen Hotel and 43-yard Kao... Municipal auditorium, where „ J!* Pun«v*J Directors aaao-1 the magnificent Bambino Avey gave... up his regular Wednesday M w 1 Advance Arguments Are Over—Note h9s 6Play Ball

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... XV c think we’ve got it now. A standout sparkling car with action power and staying power. *• W m... <■«/ rtriW. dear oa4 Rae/taanr (•f eqyi. eyw/ssrw is o wxr-wn.Aw itijttl a cAaagv wJ British Mine Sinks Ship And S Wounds Nine - r COPENHAGEN, Oct 4.—CO—The Danish airline resumed... for married men and S5M for these single. Mexican Strike Delayed MEXICO CITY. Oct. 4—j—The * .... - - . i*itw. w • / — BBW Jf! £&£££. .U'“LX ning

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

...* de- Sf-?? J*—* in tha taet eaaa or » £ rhar»*d w»m violation fn!h* -0u^aai*w‘ wh* eoou**d val...* “allowed to take meaaurea toreatrict I 71 70 >2 J 1 WE STAY OUT/ 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 O o 0 0 OO 1... O 0 o'j BATUBS a. m ... a. wx ... B. BL a*. B- m. ... ’•iVSS-e.Ht, . 4 . 3 . 4 . 3 . 3 . 3 . 3 2 3 3... roller. Prey to —------- Ruffing cracked a line J XL. — - It wa* th* first No cent to a total... ——J and no foxy, wordy harangue B*rtha peace ahe H wu/ ba a nally pointed out that th. tew which

Sequence: 17 (standard view) | zoom view

... 'X b 1 J J* I J \ a . ------.ite hoipe relax n. ■talalMa. saow Fvaetro L ‘ _... TO NICHT By HUGH B. JOHNSON WASHINGTON. D. ©„ Oct. A— »W Winston Churchill speaking for Britain says... ’ " ‘ ••J*. "Boy. IH my I was drunk." Bet If a red mye, "I regard Comtom m... of treachery and ulatton to tabor unions, of vast >tm in the mysterious Rumtan „ _ J,____- .rr______ —... Pegler Lawrence Johnson < £1 a Oerman submartiw ar a British w«r» ml nmire.1 ----—

Sequence: 13 (standard view) | zoom view

.... Preacher’s Gue Near* j Jury in Slaying Trial FLINT. Mich., Oct. 4 —(A*)—The I ease of Rev. James W. Lane... On River Rights Fight The Green Lights Get a Chance c Zdrw. A i J 7 N. HARVEY ST. r Press— you get... NO INTEREST NO CARRYING CHARGE Shswnss, Oklahoma' W. H. |ehn ChkkMha, Okiabema Nash Sales Co. Lawtea. Oklahoma... into harsh measure for relief I > 1 J cbion late Tumday on Mlm Murrays motion to obtain custody at tha youth.... Oragea. Taaaaa- J****""**- Dewart. Okie, New York aad leatoiena. Dowa: AU other*, except Oklahoma

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