The Tulsa Democrat (Tulsa, Okla.), Vol. 10, No. 213, Ed. 1 Monday, May 11, 1914: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... that the county attorney has die'Tiarged his duty In the conduct of this grand jury with energy. houesty... attorney and his ^sBistants for their energy in assisting in its lnv*®t'" Rations. The grand Jury belleves... that the county attorney has discharged the duties of iiis office In every particular with diligence and energy..., and If the weather Is fine today, the quanltity of green that has gotten back Into the trees will take fully

Sequence: 10 (standard view) | zoom view

... of <*>unt even On Green's single. Felt's • the season. triple, a base on balls to Abington and a t Catches... by Addington and Green of f,e,der ■ choice they scored twice. It | Fort titnlth and Henry and Coffin of WM... Not Worry the Cheerful Larry The score: FORT SMITH— AB. Robinson, rf 3 McCarty, If 5 Morley, lb 4 Green

Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

... the table, which was attractively bedecked with daisies, narcissus and amllax in a color motif of green... that appears like green velvet trimmed with flowers that include all colors and their various shadings... Blue, Navy, Olive Green, Old Rose, etc. This is one of the most desired silks worth from $1.50 to $2

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