Oklahoma State Register (Guthrie, Okla.), Vol. 39, No. 9, Ed. 1 Thursday, June 26, 1930: Searching Inside

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8 results that matched your query.

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... the following: J. B. Anderson, 37, Oklahoma City, and Bertha McCollom. 30, Oklahoma City; W. E. Nichols. 24... will be used for storing equipment of the organization during the winter months. J. W. "Buck" Eldridge. Guthrie..., Democrat: Treasurer. George O. Kendall, Republican; Trustee, J. w. Gathers, Republican; Trustee, Elmer... Only Half I •mill v Oi i, ,-r, |)||p j-or which n that which to til.. f,„. ||b. th., small steps... PLANS Oklahoma begin at and of the bonds. to have admitted W. A. Strong, ex- Boise City, Oklaof a days

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

.... to same M to W. W. Dozier C 15 3W. Dwight J. Perry W •t Sunteam • team i■ ! have station i n Oil.... Harriett Horst to J. J. Hildreth W D 1-2 NE 21 16 3W. Estelle V. Hedrick to Owner in fee QCD W 5 ft L 15 B.... Warren Dunbar to George L. Fraim and Maynard Fowler L 2A SE cor SE 35 15 3W. J. D. Roberts to Theo.... B. Foster A of L 1-16 E 1-2 SW 34 17 W. John Y. Kennedy to Carter Oil Co A of L W12 SW 24 15 IE. J.... Welch to Minnelioma O and G Co A of L NWSW 1-6 22 17 4W. Lena O'Rourke to same A of L 1-6 as above. J. P

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... AND HOGS SALES MADE ANY YA HERE IN T. K PHONE 844-W GUTHRIE, OKLAHOMA Phone 14o and of IT. M. J. mid... at the farm home east of tow n I j Mi W I < mb- is in St. Anthony < eiled him Funeral... from their El Reno home Wednesday of last w> , k for a visit with Mrs. Hufl Ml J it Merteua..., Royalties W. II. BOASEN, Manager Guthrie. Dhtrlrt P. JELSMA Boom II Flit srh Bldg. Guthrie, Okla.... Those who were pre -ent w< re Mrs. Willa Moore. Mrs Mollie Acton, Mrs. Clara llamiel. Mrs Soph.;.’.a

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... the lit or the r. Oklahoma, j delicious tee. n.lay, July 7. t|| |jn()W tin I I’nhlHlic-d in okl iln.ri 'i... ’ ■ , 'l a J'lflll Avri.U'- . w lie . '... they are other time. The gallons address HART. Fiutli.T information WALTER 1. Rqe Acre, IW IW 1W IW IW 1W 1W IW... l.arqo ? < W !l Call for Broa'er jwpoints. if he were thinking deeply. “Strangers!” he repeated... dav il you w isli. planned her story f- r the h ,til clerk. If Jenkins, the n:ght man, was on duty

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... I’hyslcum and Surgeon Office and Beneral Practice Office 12’ 1-2 W. Okla. Ave Phone 131 IM N. I’i'l'l... v went to visiting Mr. i j Perry for an out-ot-county conflict, won tlio game by a score of II to I... at Oklahoma City. Omer Jefferies, of Arkansas ... drove here Saturday to spend the week j end visiting his... parents Mr. and Mrs. Farmers often fail to notice how ra- i>ewjiton Jefferies. J. (’. Gordon was the guest... the former’s par- Cows suffer quickly in summer. lt j.nts. 'Ir. and Mrs. Park Bowlby and j is nearly

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... of Tennessee in the Civil War. Old Lady: If y u really want w rk, Farmer Gray wants a right-li.c I Tramp: Just... expended in the present campaign. W. M. Darnell, withdrawn < mdidate, whose telegram to Senator Nye, chalr... convention held at First Baptist church of KingTishllev and Mis Alvin W. liedin and Morris liedin: Mr... Famous for tlie Gospel" ALVIN W. HEDIN, Pastor Notice <>ur special time for services this coming Sunday...” “Yes it is a pity—it’s such a nice dog." terns of weeds penetrate deeply into j the soil and take up

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

..., slain ! •. gunmen, ( hi. ' ’ * W have offered rewards 1 for the discovery of murderer... And they are compounded by registered pharmacists. W •and surely the most prac- I'onies in a big range of plain... to j California over hard roads all the* way. With all of our proci in i .ad building there is today... 89 c J’.’?*.'1 ini this group is Plain Honans, Printed Shanrav •’II I tinted 1 rope Pongee in lovely

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... REGISTER Mtorad at Post Office at Guthrie, Oklahoma, as second class matter. J. M. DOLPH, JR., Editor..., Logan County, Oklahoma. F. M. RINEHART, Clmirman. JEAN C. DITTMER, Member. J. M. GATHERS, Member, 6.90... is a One and ors', 'll: .nt of fiscal condition of the Gem ral Fund of Guthrie Town hip, J.' i'.m < ,nly...; aI)(| that ------ c of our I (RL J. GEDDES Republican I hereby announce my candidacy for tile office... J.K I. lit* »•«■!! • heretofore made are inade. quate to properly maintain tlie General Fund

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