County Democrat-News (Sapulpa, Okla.), Vol. 15, No. 6, Ed. 1 Thursday, October 30, 1924: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 10 (standard view) | zoom view

...* of inc com- ■■ » pgvvr mands of Mid writ, and pursuant to v ' J .. V; M: »> ■—w... ia* ha Lit mn Dr. J. E. Gardner DENTIST Office Homs: 9 a. m. to 5 p. m Sundays 9 a m to 12 m. Pho-.e... ■ •* VMViM • wa ■WMlfallaaiU) IIM (.■UAL NOTH KM ' •. 1 >.:■ [■ ' j | NOTICE... is plaintiff, and J. H. Gilprn, J C. Allen. A F Mr- ^ ^ Ray. C l Warren, K Cato. J C. Wherefore, you... are further noti- Burgcss. letha Smith. I. II May f,wl “*-reb» that unless redemption field. T J. Kinme

Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... will teSVW“",.th* !' 'T’ Md ,,"Ty rhurih <» ‘he coun aid W|,J J*® in making ty »» -opposed to he rrpreo nted before... COUNTY DEMOCRAT-NEWS XV. NUMBER 6. - .^r tn Chrome 1*. Tri-Conniv (W CowKy R(.|>1,b|„a... "’■v «U.. win the visitors’ prize ** ,M» valuable. I J chairman >.f the pm*, committee. Thi.... competition in the roMume conleet will hf the livllrat eve, ,, pefiered and it.w,|I precedent for Hallowe’en... rrtda*. ImUTl 7 W * p- m Mdnm7it"^_7r 7°W'< tor enter y ament, krat show on earth; «a„1Lrr.rtr<= *

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... OF frtOBAT* OF Mm ^Hfan"/' “"h.'rh'Te 7777"" Hlia aga. ,r the defendant' W R j v .... 1 Prevalent -... are maki^i ff>rt t*< rW York'# fatHeOf J»»hn the Divine, ertf makf» f >ntly... that said v#. .worn up.... hi. «.th, Stetc* .nd *«yv pWjff. a„j th. drfcn.l.nt, W K. W R Uync ,rt .1... defendants, the 1w named court by J. M That said land* constituted the »»"»•• being consolidated... that R uu A pom ibis to SmytA I understand pern Acer j 7 w^ck^ nZ ie^^ismjlats • jjrjjr

Sequence: 9 (standard view) | zoom view

... •h'’v*' '"titled cause of , To «• Moulder. J W Macrw. out of the district court of Creek NOTH E OP SHERI..., ****3tH <■» barrel- and b«i****t sap MaKtoWy Clayton, a minor, j of ,hn h. together w ith ’'.nt. rest...”' aforeaaid. shove deacribad, or *j much thereof va 0. , „AKVf ? B.KL‘—'i ** w,n **W judgment.... udmimstrutors with | ad tlw aatxte of William and ennis fayette J. W Brown. H F. Wilcox Oil and Gas company.... Under Sheriff. H. H Johnson. PUintiff. versus. W. J. Crider. Maude L. Crider and K. J. Crider

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... ■ woman junii r*pr if » Sedgwick raunty is Mrs W. J. lannon of Sand Springs *a, Lon V ’'*",... could make \ ~mV™w £ ^ J J s»»»on was in Oklahoma City a draua. I coUld do all the things I * Hamlet... lo J inden. Linden lo VIcKiniev. McKinley lo Ho>d. Boyd lo l.incoln. WESTBOUND Lincoln to W atchhorn... '•«'« families ,n . Mint, Mr, - - - — — d*fh;r:en0ld„ff^ &?mr"Jn£SS. W. Barter is ^verto, fro... of the Baptist Vbtirrh J1'”1* ° - —------- Despite her age. she has [ ah wor5 fur **** A *°tal of 2.2IH

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... of those wh.* have held the office in question Henry Clay King. Harry Stein. J. W. Berry. Lew Wilder, John... and IJncoln with d;rt r**j»d* Ottawa crur.ty h.v pared roads and Roger* road- will In* paved next year, while...«, uhi J.r l ^ »b* I Jnd I MINK THIS (IVKH Abn.j, Bru.-*' mat not >*• * <■*' en sprakn, «nj..*> The xtory run* like thi~ A* the .ampa K” parly «u nea...* emulsion prescribed a* a cure for lice by a w idely-distributed poultry hook wa» experienced by G. A Gulley

Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

... ----,------ nno ounaay Although a number of the numl * J,!!'*k*d "««■ W« ft-h- "«"'>»< ‘>f ”< ho.ll poking... •nw^Arifir^ with a SUnloy " *",n* to elect every wr'**l,» **rr,,fJ W Ma«ki/< rwaHia... jarpon. and Jim thinks a lot of *»rd<. sewing; Opal Hooper. fJ. W... «",n1f •« PT*jr*r Wednesday night. Httll ■om* people maintain that tiHf W *rttin* »«"<“ fa*. but that...* ndent. W I... 2f’!TUnl; *nH »h- r,'U"'y agent a»t Wednesday They fimsh,* on t i»2f.k ,or 1924 ,nd '

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... anil ever bt ful frowr •r® mmmded w*l! ! tpe»d lb© wm? Qmd m plat* ,n hia lift *J* awUrr •rrmc-*’ th... wav* in which _ faoh those who are serv* KSTK W NOTH K. ar eont*mpiatr entering hia Taken up... it doenn’t coat tiaing of aam« iqpCfcMw wr arr giving ha< k ^ H W1NTKR. d a part of w hat hr ha* given... arrvKt, correct living I hw (ampr'ii^ation “ tPedwe«*d«y the prang* tst t• 1 • ? XJad ha* thre* w ay... opposition »* drawing light crowd*. Kvrn in w nat ha» always been considered republican strongw I peearh ah

Sequence: 12 (standard view) | zoom view

... as Governor of State Evidence tf Governor Charles W *omr» J Nebraska.... expense of ’tu Mat* F«v«ramrat by »i. reoueed the number of emplov. > i »hr 'awite'i offire from Kill to J... of the public sene, |. s a.t*w oat that the cost of high ■**»'. dsmtapmeot has beer ,,rrepcr.cingty Wwvrcd...* what X.0W a*m it MBpanaibl. for the ret.i tilicaea W aarry Nebra-k., for f not idyv ) l«*~ Kunning t 1

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... of congress. March .’I. 187** f _ Vi BPVAM_J DEMOCK \TI< Tit KIT for I’re-odent JOHN U l>\\ I-* for \ lee... President < iimii w iun \\ for Rcpresentativc < < t.KIMf> MRS II» \ ITT ROBERTSON W . I <1 WINCH \M I... )«-rk M\l Of i El I IOT'1 for (founts ( 1,-rk C. k M\0l)O\ For t Hunts I ii‘,Hitrr ItM.W MATTHEWS Fur... Surveyor ROBERT 11 |*o|.son for County (.oramis-oonci District I. J AMES M.-CI IRE Distnrt 2. Hi* rt Eimter..., ,t wa* pessary to invade ,|,e republican ranks ,« fin.J o„,. He pom.ed to as a horrible example, when

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... Gwttita. IM«. te cu4n CONCERNING SALLIE SnMir j. a modern, pretty young creature, with all... the b*>aih, I glanced over my »kouidJ had not followed The heavy *and of the dune* abort mu I had known... figure commit at top -peed his innate refinement, w hich on* through the breakers. I ret... Hankers »re w h* ny a campaign in ■leffar*nn eountv to Induce farmer* t plant at leaat 500 aera* to winter... etthanatlm, finally give* a f»w minutes of troubled slumber Just heft re CawtiT Rl*"pl« sstie-a ntetr.3

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