Tulsa Daily World (Tulsa, Okla.), Vol. 13, No. 72, Ed. 1 Thursday, November 29, 1917: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... the lands I with I'krunlan peasants took t I part In the rebellion. Civil war I still is proceeding between... or three - silent reminders of the traslc war Into which tho nation has been rlunged. Many young .men... of Tuls.1 uro at the army training camps preparing themselves for the grim business of war and their absence... Industry is an .important one to the government but it Is not a war Industiy. We should bo tlianl ful... Cross and Y. M. C. A. war work." S. P. McBlrney president of tho National Hank of Commetce: "I am

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... Goodrich. Also a Christie comedy and one reel of war news. The vaudeville acts are as follows: Santry anil...: All seats 25c War tax extra SHOWS TODAY: 11 1:30 3:30 5:30 7:309:30 Tlio Swrot of a Star's Popularity... the most vitally Important picture based I on the biggest event In the world war. This picture tells... of Novlt!ea. Twenty Smul'lng 8op Hitn. Vrtcei: 30c 7dc $1.00 $1X0 fan Prr Cant Added for War Tax. Seats Now... anl 2r'.' Ttu Above Includes War Tax. TODAY and Thru Sat. Charles Ray IN "The Son of His Father

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... In tumor- 10W official bulletin. Secretary l.ane ways lip can not be thankful f.ir war. the methods of war...' General lluileson says the people of the I'nited States should he thankful that the war is not being... American people should conrider It is a blessing to fii;ht a righteous war for honest ideals und Kdwin V... und ! terrible war of all tunes. Hut a new conception of national blesaing has come to the American... linker says tl at men of the war .lepartment sent a word of goo. I che"r in 'he midst ol activities ol

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... to Tulsa. Her husband is now In tin1 trenches In France and has been there since the war broke out In 1J14... the regiment that has won! mui7F glorleg In this war were recruited from pry home district. Ij 1 know most ull... gone to the front In this war. To help tho so whom the war has incapacitated from useful pursuit lo get... that in the midst of this great war that our causes for thanksgiving are few. Rut think of -the reasons you have... residence 610 North Detroit. The services will bo under the auspices of the Spanish war veterans. Interment

Sequence: 16 (standard view) | zoom view

... towns h visited whll staging the recent Y. M. C. A. War Work fund campaUn in the southwestern district.... Asa K. namsey discussed fop ten minutes the new government war certificates and thrift stamps. He... WILL BE ! BROUGHT TO WAR STRENGTH Word iNfek Connty Rureiu. 11QU. r.t Holiaon SAl'l U'A Okla.. Nov. 2S. Capt... to bring the strergth of the company up to war specifications. Altho the company has Just been organized... i-puasenfer touring car. costing Mil 41 The prie- ot theac automobile are L o. k. Tulia loouJiu th war tax. WE

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... Side of This War. 8 to 9:30 p. ni. Filer Q. Nyce prosidlng. OYMNASH'ST Mr. Carl Wngnr at the piano. Son.... Jay F. Vandeventer Addresj A. L.. Farmer. "Some Oues'es tut to Condltiuns F.ollowing the War." Song... "Star Spangled Banner. ' Ten o'clock dormitory pop. j Women and War Work Yfsterdav was a slack day

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... ; I p I J Tor n.-rsc" ol --.r -In ur - d linkl Ovd of A... c Ii'-' 1; l'l-ll war t.. tl if An" n- II... rrrn. aii- sh- fiH riirri tl on er tU-i-.1.- i -s ..." in t f the war. .; j fi' has nr. .-t'vo lii'l... scale xvill remain In Germany after the war is over and tho xve may pride ourselves that xve are now

Sequence: 12 (standard view) | zoom view

... I is shut down at :ivu feet for wa'.-r. l'or Sale New Standard 4-lnch lino Jlpp r. eessad coupl... WIRE J. P. HAtVLEY Manager 121 Phone 7200 Etat Third 8'xt (Hotal Tula) TIIK WAR TAX IS NOT 1M.AC T.J

Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

... y liaiH to a mpnt ahall War intrrevt from the date of the pttKMp?n of thia oidiiiance at tha rate... and su'ilii's of saiil I lillw.l Slal.'s or I ha pruiirr prom 'alloit' of any war lhat Ihc t mini Mtatua may

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