The Oklahoma State Capital. (Guthrie, Okla.), Vol. 15, No. 71, Ed. 1 Saturday, July 18, 1903: Searching Inside

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..., Rear Admiral Hency C. Taylor. Captain John E. Plttaburk, Commander Wm. J. Barnette." regular arm... colonels Wa. Jngton, July 17.—The promotion of colonels were today made through the retirement of General W... Boucher. Mrs. Henry Peas and baby. George Hunter. George Doyle's little child. Thrue children of A. J... persons working killed outright and about fifteen Injured. At the dairy faTm of K. J. Dougherty a house... unroofed and othejv. w!*.« damaged. Wires are nearly all dowst and details are meagre. At HJmlnston

Sequence: 5 (standard view) | zoom view

... are taking in us. cur*. Doan's Ointment. At any drug more J They are very eager to learn concern- w cent.... Surries, Spring Wagons. Delivery W agons, Btmieoaker and Mollne farm wagons. Binders, Binder twine, etc. J... of Anadarko darko |,c,un"r—MaJ°r B. J- Simpson Cleveland county—W. T. Japes of Lex- Co: "In the hot old summer... PREVAILS HERE. psho. Day Stone. Dewey Taloga. Gardfld county—H. H. W.tkln. of Enid Cwk counl>,—J. H. Decker... •p TTTE OKLAHOMA STATE CAPITAL, SATURDAY MORNING, JTJLY JS, 1W3. rALKS WITH . ICE TEA 's Largest

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... legislature the terri- j of thai vast empire aa a future market P«trKo£«.w '"found... It may J?™it ill be smashed, though my I fartnerB th,« W. an«* " YOU MUST HAVE u During tliis hot weather.../vrr.'vvmv. rmvvrri jm w 4. $ days newspapers which they are j 1 *— — "s to give them time ' Habit Cured in Three Days.... The building would "die". No more shall w.- gaze with eag r Reading or even card playing Is lm- j be of marble... THE Ohl.AKOMA PT VIK CAPITAL SAT!UPAY MORNING, JULY 18. J?03. The Oklahoma Stato Capital general

Sequence: 3 (standard view) | zoom view

... Will Investigate Alleged Gambling Between Members of the City Council - Bicycle Riders Warned. J. W. SLADK, H. D.... Cuyte, Etobt. BoWbsr®, U. C. Ows, J. W. OPFI CCRfti U. C. OU88, Prssldent; FRANK DAL B, J. W. FcRRV... TOE OKLAHOMA STATE CAnTAL, SATURDAY MORXIXG, JT'CY If, 1W.1. - > ) # I ' Frauds and Swindlers.... m. \l/fUa if *« <*ll. Our earert ©pin- W rilC ioa VNQK by rUmtn mail Books of Oklahoma City.... This is the j Prom first time in the history of the city where a grand jury found true bills against gamblers

Sequence: 2 (standard view) | zoom view

... 6tates. Washington, July 11.—The president has | appointed Or. J. W. McGee of the bureau ot Ethnology... TRADE RtVIEW OF THE WEEK Almost Perfect Summer Weather Greatly Benefits Crops The Industries. *I«w York... 1—8 12 3 "ew Lork .. ..0 2 0 0 0 0 J 0 0 0 0 0—4 11 I Ilatteries -Kennedy and Smith; Taylor and Warner.... Robert Downing, the Great Tragedian. Atlantic Highlands, N. J., July 17.— That Sir Thomas Llpton's new... the Wheat, Including flour, exports lor hj>J1 ovsr |he ,e,( fenc# for a home the wsekin ending J ily 10

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... to FIRST NATIONAL HANK. Marietta I. T. owner, or J. W. BUTLER, Clifton. Tex. I COURT CLERK'S CHANGE Fine... Kort Worth, was in (guthrie Friday. Mi W. T. Irwin of Kansaa City, wu la I the city yesterday. Mr. A. M... llna, was In Outhrls yesterday. Mr W M. Dodd. the ichool supply man, waa in the cKy yesterday. Senator..., was a Ruent at the Rlks yeetarday. I J. P Holland, of flan Antonio, Tex., was : a guest at the Royal Friday.... Mr. J. L. Holland and wife, of Buffalo, were guests at the Royal Friday. , Mr. K VV Tatman

Sequence: 7 (standard view) | zoom view

... Saturday; partly oloudv j ti,., WJth l ,Ml w,'"k . i.^. ' mountain "f I'tah. Colorado with probably showers... ...881 381 371 38 381 Sept ... S3! $31 *w m i Dec 3Ji 34 33J 33| CHIC* RECEIPTS. Wheat bo, gt ■ Corn... Don Winn, Ada, I. T.— 55 steers 848 2 75 J. H. Ward, Lanliam, Tex.— 27 cows 651 2 70 W. R. Smith... man need apply. Address A. W. M., 8iate Capital. the right amount with your copy. OF INTEREST... and *ast No. of California, storp-overs may ba made at j 4''1 . i iiV point within ten days from date of ,

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... the issues under which his party will conduct ith coming presidential campaign. William J. Bryan Is expected... be trusted j to gain ballots. \ The composite platform will be a digest of the beliefs of men of widely ,... specially set apart by Qod for religious worship that "that°? t'tJ1 dof" ?ot ,ol,ow frnm we sre, J I* Sf.i... y day upon wWob 1-v.V "L..r IfVSa£ by aI1 P0t*P,e. and yet wlun !hi«w .1" . *ctu*1 Practice many... c w^orn llpon that dn>'. between Sundays we can follow our own plans and devices thn! i.a!'.n.?V

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