The Norman Journal. (Norman, Okla.), Vol. 1, No. 13, Ed. 1 Friday, May 20, 1898: Searching Inside

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Sequence: 1 (standard view) | zoom view

... Them and from dangers save. Through all the din of battle '•'he ttfunderinirs of grim war IMess Tliou... to the latest reports the war is to be pushed to an end. The Spanish squadron is utill "out of sight" and it jB... are being made for a bombardment of Cuban forts to be immediately followed by an invasion of troops. The war... the subject was dropped. In 1868 the revolt known as the ten years' war broke out. The independence...; ent rebellion the condition of the people continued to grow worse, and much of the native population

Sequence: 6 (standard view) | zoom view

... engagements during the war of the rebellion. TKIALS OF SALESWOMEN. Mrs. Pinkham Says Standing Still is Ono.... The war department on the 18th is sued orders for the assembling of 20, 0S7 volunteers at Chickamauga... of the navy at Washington on the 15th which led to an extraordinary session of the war board of naval strategy... contended that Gen. Lee was largely responsible for the war with Spain, because he had. they alleged, while... a resolution declaring their support of the government in its war with Spain. Mr. Casady, of Elmira, presented

Sequence: 4 (standard view) | zoom view

... they will annihilatethe enemy. The report is out that a man in Missouri has an idea that the war with •*pain was brought... remarks that n good mun> girls in Atchison who ex press their desire to go to the war anurses, howl... at tin end of the war as rewards for officer? who have signally distiuguishe I iliew elves. That Acting... Stripes 1 K , iu Hie war a gr to u flnephew earn the hii v D , ol *cM ti i lir t. * tor Mmnl 1. r> 4 . - I

Sequence: 8 (standard view) | zoom view

... I'tah and Shoihonc In- Mv third light with Flathead I i i l am always leader in war, • I 'ii young... trouble. 1 am ; vn ai l iial 1 am going to die any en ive luid war in old time. But e.'i f.itlier i elp... specialty. When the thinks of his former ignorance; but civil war broke out 1 was a coustitube generally... to my ow n affairs. "Along toward the close of the war the governor ordered a fresh draft, and nearly

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