The Lexington Leader (Lexington, Okla.), Vol. 25, No. 16, Ed. 1 Friday, December 31, 1915: Searching Inside

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... to defraud the United States. March 8.—Austrians evacuated Czerno- "Witz, Bukowlna. March 8.—Zeppelin airship... cabled. May 17.—Zeppelin attacked English coast towns and was driven off and crippled by aeroplanes. May... on Lemberg, captured Mosclska. Allied a£Foplane fleet bombarded Karlsruhe. killing 27 persons. Zeppelin...; one Zeppelin destroyed. Aug. 10.—U. S rejected A ustro-Hun Harlan views on shipment of war supplies... armies led by Obregon defeated Villa and took Leon after battle lasting five days. June 27.—Vlctorlano

Sequence: 11 (standard view) | zoom view

... guidance. My course led me close beside the edge of the ridge Here the ground fell away to the banks... of a shallow stream and some instinct of woodcraft led me to wade down with ltn current for a considerable... break In the chain of hills, as though a pass led down into the concealed valley beyond... of the Interior of the house was vague and indistinct, but I knew a wide hallway led straight through from front

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