4 Matching Results

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Chandler (Ca. 1900)

Description: Postcard image of three men on a fire wagon being pulled by two white horses. Wagon is half way out of the building. On the front is written: "City Hall Building Chandler, Okla. There is damage to the top center of the post card. On the back: The post mark says: "Chandler Aug. 25 1PM OKLA". On the bottom right of the post mark the year 1910 is visible. Addressed to: "Chas. Slemp Anadarko, Okla. FD." Also on the back it says, "Write me a long letter when you get home. J. Bart Foster."
Date: 1900~
Partner: Oklahoma State Firefighters Museum

Enid steamer (Ca. 1900)

Description: Postcard of the Enid FD steamer standing in the street. Two black horses are hitched to the wagon. There is a driver, and a fireman on the rear of the steamer.
Date: 1900~
Partner: Oklahoma State Firefighters Museum

MFD (Ca. 1900)

Description: Postcard image of the Mangum FD team and wagon in front of the station with nine MFD members on the wagon. On the front of the card: Mangum Fire Department Mangum, Okla.
Date: 1900~
Partner: Oklahoma State Firefighters Museum

Station 1 alarm(Ca. 1900)

Description: Postcard image of station 1 answering a fire alarm. Card dated June 8, 1910.
Date: 1900~
Partner: Oklahoma State Firefighters Museum
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