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Garber Covington Field

Description: Photograph of the Garber Covington Field, with writing on the bottom of the photograph saying, "In the Garber Covington Field long range photo from the top of Kisner no 9."
Date: 1915
Creator: E.J. Banks (Wichita, Kansas)
Partner: Cherokee Strip Regional Heritage Center

An Early Image of Downtown Enid

Description: Photograph of a very early image of downtown Enid, Oklahoma. Depicted is the Crescent Hotel, Club Saloon, Buttrey Groceries. There is a large puddle in middle of street and shadows of photography crew.
Date: 1893/1895
Creator: Gibbs, Perseus
Partner: Cherokee Strip Regional Heritage Center

Moscow Flats

Description: Photograph of the Moscow Flats located ten miles south of Mooreland with a family standing with horses and one man standing on a bale of hay.
Date: unknown
Creator: Henderson, Margery
Partner: Cherokee Strip Regional Heritage Center

1893-1895 Parade

Description: Photograph dated between 1893 and 1895. Possibly a parade, filled with people, horses, wagons, and buggies. Buildings in the background include a saloon and a bakery.
Date: 1893/1895
Partner: Cherokee Strip Regional Heritage Center

1893 Enid

Description: Photograph of the settlement of Enid in 1893. A large gathering of people can be seen, as well as tents, and a post office.
Date: 1893
Partner: Cherokee Strip Regional Heritage Center
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