2,298 Matching Results

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Search Results

[Photograph 2012.201.TP0392.0479]

Description: Photograph used for a story in the Daily Oklahoman newspaper. Caption: "Proposed chapel and Auditorium: Money for this building is in the bank."
Date: 1915
Creator: 3rd Party
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Shawnee, OK

Description: Photograph of Shawnee Hospital in Shawnee, OK. Published by the Acme Graph Co., Chicago, IL, postmarked Oct. 12, 1911.
Date: October 12, 1911
Creator: Acme Graph Co.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[Photograph 2012.201.B0960.0189]

Description: Photograph used for a newspaper owned by the Oklahoma Publishing Company.
Date: January 19, 1919
Creator: Aerial Photo Service
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[Photograph 2012.201.B0960.0191]

Description: Photograph used for a newspaper owned by the Oklahoma Publishing Company.
Date: January 19, 1919
Creator: Aerial Photo Service
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[Photograph 2012.201.B0960.0192]

Description: Photograph used for a newspaper owned by the Oklahoma Publishing Company.
Date: January 19, 1919
Creator: Aerial Photo Service
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[Photograph 2012.201.B0960.0193]

Description: Photograph used for a newspaper owned by the Oklahoma Publishing Company.
Date: January 19, 1919
Creator: Aerial Photo Service
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[Photograph 2012.201.B0074.0222]

Description: Photograph used for a newspaper owned by the Oklahoma Publishing Company.
Date: 1911
Creator: Albright, Bob
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

New York Central (NYC) #4904

Description: A 3 x 6 photograph print showing the New York Central, #4904, 4-6-2 (Schenectady), builder's photo. [Specs documented on photo border] [Sylvan Rupert Wood print]
Date: March 1911
Creator: Alco
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Tompkins Wild West Show Elephants

Description: Photograph of the Tompkins Wild West Elephants, with Mabel and Charley at the Elks Minstrels, Atlantic City, NJ. We donated all the acts from the Tompkins Wild West Shows." Photo by Apeda, New York City, NY, February 12-13, 1915.
Date: [1915-02-12..1915-02-13]
Creator: Apeda
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

St. Joseph Catholic Church in Bison, Oklahoma

Description: Photograph of a small white building with a steeple that is St. Joseph Catholic Church in Bison, Oklahoma.
Date: 1917~
Creator: Armantrout Brothers
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Overholser Opera House

Description: Photograph of the Overholser Opera House, Oklahoma City, OK.
Date: 1910~
Creator: Bailey Studio
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Red Bird

Description: Photograph of Red Bird, a Comanche Indian, wearing a dancing regalia and standing beside a teepee. Copyrighted in 1912 by Baker Studio, Lawton, Oklahoma.
Date: 1912~
Creator: Baker Studio
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Oklahoma National Guard Rifle Team

Description: Photograph of the Oklahoma National Guard Rifle Team at Camp Perry, OH.
Date: 1910~
Creator: Baker's Art Gallery
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Ft. Smith & Western (FSW) #24

Description: A 5 x 7 photograph print showing Ft. Smith & Western (FSW) #24, 2-8-2 (BLW), builder's photo. [Sylvan Rupert Wood print] [see also 2008.008.3797 & 7149]
Date: 1916
Creator: Baldwin
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Belle Starr's Homestead

Description: Photograph of Belle Starr's homestead and the maple tree she planted at Younger's Bend, Stigler, Indian Territory.
Date: 1910~
Creator: Barde, Fred S.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Bill Pickett

Description: Photograph of Bill Pickett on a horse.
Date: 1910~
Creator: Barde, Fred S.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Watonga Fair

Description: Photograph of a Cheyenne Indian on horseback during the Watonga Fair, Watonga, OK.
Date: 1911~/1912~
Creator: Barde, Fred S.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

5th Field Artillery Band

Description: Photograph of the 5th Field Artillery Band during General Review, Fort Sill, OK.
Date: November 24, 1911
Creator: Bates, Edward
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Alonzo Cholepah

Description: Photograph of Alonzo Cholepah, an Apache brave, ready for the dance. He was in his 50s at the time.
Date: [..1918-05]
Creator: Bates, Edward
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Art Smith

Description: Photograph of Art Smith landing his Curtis Biplane at the fairground during the 12th anniversary celebration, Lawton, OK.
Date: 1913~
Creator: Bates, Edward
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Fire Boys Water Fight

Description: Photograph of the Fire Boys Water Fight during the 12th anniversary celebration, Lawton, OK.
Date: 1913~
Creator: Bates, Edward
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society
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