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Description: Photograph of two adult women posing with several dolls. Caption: "More dolls than a hundred girls could wear out in a lifetime will be displayed at 407 W. Main all day Friday and Saturday by the Salvation Army."
Date: December 5, 1956
Creator: Gumm, John
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society


Description: Photograph of two women, a man, two babies and a dog. Caption: "Captain and Mrs. Joe Paul Conner, of Durant, after 18 months in Germany, are home with their babies and a young German girl who came with them to become an American citizen."
Date: March 11, 1956
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society


Description: Photograph is of a man in a US Navy uniform pointing to a diving helmet while a woman on the other side of the helmet looks on. Caption: "Even the Navy is represented in the Capitol Hill Home show. The new $1 million dollar field house is filled with furniture and home appliances of every description ."
Date: April 5, 1956
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society


Description: Photograph of a man wearing a baseball uniform crouching down to catch a baseball on the ground with his mitt on his left hand. Caption: "Engaging in the favorite spring training pastime, pepper, are Oklahoma City Indians pitchers Don Graham, left, and Bart DiMaggio."
Date: March 12, 1956
Creator: Gumm, John
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society


Description: Photograph taken during daylight of a man showing a hunting dog. Caption: "Here are two dogs that could win it all at the field trials in progress this week at Lake Murray State Park."
Date: March 18, 1956
Creator: Lucas, Jim
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society


Description: Photograph is of two women standing as they put pins on the shoulder straps of his military uniform as he watches them. Caption: "Joe Bryan Ferrell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest S. Ferrell, 3505 Marilyn Dr. dons his new gold bars with the assistance of his best girls, Penny Duncan, a WAF from New York stationed at Tinker air force base, and his mother. Ferrell received his commission as a second lieutenant in the air force at mid year military convocation at Oklahoma A&M. Ferrell was commander o… more
Date: February 9, 1956
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society


Description: Photograph taken during daylight of man spraying water from a hose onto a gas pump. The charred wreckage of a building burns in the background. Caption: "Turpin, Okla., April 19 - Firemen from Liberal, Kan., 10 miles north, arrived in time to prevent only the explosion of gasoline pumps and storage tanks in front of the Smith Motor Co. & Hardware which burned to the ground."
Date: May 25, 1956
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[BASEMENT BOX 67.0158]

Description: A daylight photograph of the Magnolia Pipeline Company's pumping station near Addington in Jefferson County, Oklahoma, and Comanche in Stephens County, Oklahoma. The structure is engulfed in fire and smoke, the cause of which was unknown. Editing notes and marks are visible on the image. Caption: "A fire of undetermined origin wrecked the Magnolia Pipeline Co.'s Addington pumping station near Comanche Tuesday with loss estimates running as high as $1 million."
Date: May 23, 1956
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society


Description: Photograph of two men in firefighter suits with fire hoses standing in wrecked building interior. Caption: "Resembling men from Mars, firemen Wallace Reed, left, and M. W. Johnson emerge from the smoke-filled Elks building wearing oxygen masks."
Date: May 24, 1956
Creator: Tapscott, George
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[BASEMENT BOX 67.0174]

Description: Photograph is of a small home that has been destroyed by fire. The entire front of the house and roof are missing. Only the back exterior walls remain. Photograph was taken in the day time. Caption: "10 Miles East of Norman - OU Student Ronald S Johnston - died in fire"
Date: December 14, 1956
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[BASEMENT BOX 67.0176]

Description: Photograph is of three men, one holding a stick pointing at the remains of a burnt motorcycle, surveying the rubble from a recent fire. Caption: "Examining one of the few recognizable objects at the scene of a fire Friday which took the life of 18-year-old university of Oklahoma student Ronald S. Johnston, are, left, Norman City court Judge John W. Ryle, State Fire Marshall Inspector Kile Moorehead, and Cleveland County Sheriff Olen Garner."
Date: December 14, 1956
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[BASEMENT BOX 67.0256]

Description: Photograph is of the remains of a wooden structure that was destroyed by a fire. Most of the roof is collapsed into the interior of the building and only part of a wall and charred wooded beams remains standing. Caption: "Fire Tuesday which destroyed a building housing the base chapel, gymnasium, post exchange and NCO club, at Clinton-Sherman air fore base has been blamed on faulty wiring. Maj. Ervin Bork, base fire marshal, estimated loss at $108,000."
Date: October 17, 1956
Creator: Westervelt, Jay
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[BASEMENT BOX 67.0257]

Description: Photograph is the remains of a wooden building that most was destroyed by fire. Burnt wooden studs and debris lies in the interior of the building with the back exterior wall half standing. Caption: "SHERMAN AIR FORCE BASE."
Date: October 17, 1956
Creator: Westervelt, Jay
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society


Description: Photograph taken during daylight of a building with a fire ladder extended to the roof of a "Safeway" building. Three men stand at the top of the ladder. There is a fire hose on the ground, and a crowd gathered.
Date: September 2, 1956
Creator: Albright, Bob
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society


Description: Photograph taken during daylight of firefighters extinguishing building fire. Caption: "Precarious perch is maintained by an Enid fireman atop an 85 foot aerial ladder as he sends a torrential spray into the blazing Lightfoot Auction Company store. Firemen showered the flaming inferno for an hour early Friday morning; however, the blaze was too far gone and the sprawling Enid building and tons of new and used furniture went up in a thick pall of billowing smoke. Loss was about #25,000."
Date: August 17, 1956
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society


Description: Four story Hotel, burned out, street view with fire trucks and fire fighters. Photograph taken for a story in the Oklahoma Times newspaper. Caption: "Firemen pour water on the Midland hotel in Lawton Thursday after blaze broke out in the southwest portion of the building."
Date: September 14, 1956
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society


Description: Photograph taken during daylight of the interior of a building destroyed by fire. Caption: "Interior of the C. R. Anthony Co. store in Lawton is a mass of blackened and twisted ruins Thursday following fire which raged through large downtown building Wednesday night and threatened to engulf the entire block."
Date: August 2, 1956
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society


Description: Photograph of people watching as firefighters extinguish a building on fire. Caption: "Smoke fills an alley, hampering operations of firemen battling Wednesday night's $300,000 fire in downtown Lawton."
Date: July 26, 1956
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society


Description: Photograph taken at night of firefighters extinguishing a building fire. Caption: "Firemen fight to contain flames surging through the Lawton store of the C. R. Anthony Co. The store was completely gutted by the fire, the second major blaze in downtown Lawton in two months."
Date: July 26, 1956
Creator: Tapscott, George
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society


Description: Fire truck with water hose putting out fire of BJ Goodrich tires and restaurant.Photograph taken for a story in the Oklahoma Times newspaper. Caption: "Lawton's worst fire since 1919, possibly set by an arsonist, gutted four downtown buildings Friday night, causing damages estimated as high as $400,000."
Date: May 25, 1956
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society
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