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[Photograph 2012.201.B0304.0116]

Description: Photograph taken for a story in the Daily Oklahoman newspaper. Caption: "Harlan Deupree, municipal counselor, left, and W. H. Brown, special counselor, went into a huddle Monday over the text of a United States supreme court decision on Civic Center titles."
Date: March 2, 1936
Creator: Kaho, C. J.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[Photograph 2012.201.B0052.0452]

Description: Photograph taken for a story in the Daily Oklahoman newspaper. Caption: "HEAVY ON A MAN--Here is shown the heavily loaded truck which figured in the wreck on Southeast Twenty-ninth street early Sunday morning which took the lives of five persons and still may take a higher toll. In this condition the truck landed in a ditch more than 100 yards from the point of collision and pinned John Taylor, Seminole, the driver, in the crushed cab. To release Taylor, who was seriously injured, it was necess… more
Date: April 18, 1936
Creator: Allred, G. R.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[Photograph 2012.201.B0227.0482]

Description: Photograph taken for a story in the Daily Oklahoman newspaper. Caption: "Juanita Ward, pretty, red-haired companion of Thomas Clark, 21-year-old high school student on trial for murder, told in district court Monday of an all-night drinking party that proceeded the early morning crash that tilled a mother and her 5-year-old son."
Date: October 27, 1936
Creator: Shroder, William J., Jr.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[Photograph 2012.201.B0223.0003]

Description: Photograph taken for a story in the Oklahoma Times newspaper. Caption: "Former Notre Dame star, Jack Chevigny is the gentleman with whom Oklahoma's "Biff" Jones must match wits in Saturday's "Great Southwest" championship football game between Texas and Oklahoma universities at Dallas."
Date: October 7, 1936
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society
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