4 Matching Results

This system will be undergoing maintenance October 10th between 9:00AM and 12:00PM CDT.

Search Results

Chilocco Indian School

Description: Photograph of the Chilocco Indian Agricultural School's big herd feeding on part of their 8,960 acres, Chilocco, OK.
Date: unknown
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Chilocco Indian School

Description: Photograph of homes two and three on the campus of the Chilocco Indian Agricultural School, Chilocco, OK.
Date: unknown
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Chilocco Indian School

Description: Photograph of the Domestic Building at the Chilocco Indian Agricultural School, Chilocco, OK.
Date: unknown
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Chilocco Indian School

Description: Photograph of students at Chilocco Indian Agricultural School performing the Wedding Feast scene of the Hiawatha play, Chilocco, OK.
Date: unknown
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society
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