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Description: Photograph is of two men in baseball uniforms sitting on a bench. one is leaning his arm on the shoulder of the other and showing him a baseball. Caption: "You're hitting that thing pretty good," Dallas manger Charlie Grimm, left, tells outfielder Grant Dunlap."
Date: June 30, 1950
Creator: Miller, Joe
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[Photograph 2012.201.B0244.0519]

Description: Photograph taken for a story in the Daily Oklahoman newspaper. Caption: "Fred Cox of Wichita Falls, hit 98 of 100 targets to win the class D singles competition in the state trapshoot here this weekend."
Date: July 12, 1957
Creator: Gumm, John
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[Photograph 2012.201.B0232.0255]

Description: Photograph taken for a story in the Oklahoma Times newspaper. Caption: "Brothers Brit (left) and Brad Coleman of Andrews, Texas, were finalists in the boys 12 doubles against Stanley Morris and Alan Dabney of the city Wednesday."
Date: June 2, 1965
Creator: Lucas, Jim
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[Photograph 2012.201.B0311.0263]

Description: Photograph taken for a story in the Daily Oklahoman newspaper. Caption: "J. R. Downes of Houston fired 100 x 100 , but faces a shootoff Saturday with Charles E, Kimball of Anaheim, Calif., for the Class AA title."
Date: July 10, 1964
Creator: Tapscott, George
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[Photograph 2012.201.B0244.0605]

Description: Photograph taken for a story in the Oklahoma Times newspaper. Caption: "State Rep. James E. Cox today filed a charge of offering a bribe against Dr. Howard Harmon of San Antonio, president of the Texas Naturopathic physicians association ."
Date: March 1, 1957
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[Photograph 2012.201.B0320.0017]

Description: Photograph taken for a story in the Oklahoma Times newspaper. Caption: "Lassie welcomes back Miss Linda Bass, Seattle, Wash., left, and Mrs. Beverly C. D. Edwards jr., Houston, at a luncheon given by Mrs. Beverly C.D. Edwards sr., to honor her daughter-in-law during her visit."
Date: June 21, 1968
Creator: Miller, Louie
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[Photograph 2012.201.B0236.0031]

Description: Photograph taken for a story in the Oklahoma Times newspaper. Caption: "Capt. Leslie L. Conner, 39 years old, attorney of Oklahoma City, is stationed at the army air forces basic flying school at Perrin field, Texas, serving as assistant trial judge advocate."
Date: February 12, 1943
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[Photograph 2012.201.B0228.0843]

Description: Photograph taken for a story in the Daily Oklahoman newspaper. Caption: "Veteran editor and outdoor writer for the Denison (Tex.) Herald, John Clift, left, accepts a check for $1,000 after being named winner of the 1970 Lake Texoma Association Humanitarian Award."
Date: April 25, 1971
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society
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