55 Matching Results

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Grass, Legume and Forb Cultivation

Description: Photograph of Suitor fescue. Planting made during the latter part of September 1947. Fifty pounds of seed were furnished by the Soil Conservation Service with five acres planted. No. 6 soil. About 200 pounds of 3-9-18 fertilizer were used on the five acres. Approximately 200 pounds of seed were harvested in the summer of 1948. It is believed that twice as much seed would have been harvested had it not been for a heavy rain two days before the harvest. AR-61-224.
Date: May 1, 1905
Creator: Hodson, Edgar A.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

[Photograph 2012.201.B0117.0251]

Description: Photograph used for a story in the Daily Oklahoman newspaper. Caption: "JUST A PIPE DREAM - Bob Burns, the sage of Van Buren, Arkansas, takes the edge off of radio's intensive activity with a short nap in his specially-built "lounger's model" done up in white leather. Burns, funny enough to warrant the front page of his home town paper, is heard with Bing Crosby on the Kraft Music Hall every Thursday at 10:00 p.m., E.D.S.T., over the NBC-Red Network."
Date: May 18, 1936
Creator: NBC News
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Vetch and Oats Combination Planting in Apple Orchard Next to Highway #71

Description: Photograph of the combination planting of oats and vetch in an apple orchard in Lowell, next to Highway #71. The back of the photograph proclaims, "Combination planting of vetch and oats in apple orchard. Cover crop has been cut into the soil with tractor and double disk to serve as a mulch in the orchard. A common practice over a number of years in this orchard. Growth of vetch and oats in the foreground was left unplowed and serves as a border strip along the highway. This strip helps to show… more
Date: May 7, 1942
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Balboa Rye and Hairy Vetch Used for Soil Improvement, Erosion Control, and Seed Production

Description: Photograph of an UNIDENTIFED man standing in a field of Balboa rye and hairy vetch, which will be used for seed production. The back of the photograph proclaims, "Combination planting of hairy vetch and Balboa rye for seed. 30 acres to be harvested with regular combine (6-foot sickle) for seed. Surplus vetch seed to be sold through AAA after rye and vetch are separated with special gravity seed separator. Balboa rye to be sold through local seed sources. 100 pounds of triple superphosphate (AAA… more
Date: May 8, 1942
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Grass, Legume and Forb Cultivation

Description: Photograph of Ten acre field of alfalfa planted following 2 years of sweet clover, where lime was applied. Sweat clover and alfalfa received application of 48% superphosphate at a rate of 150 pounds per acre. Alfalfa seeded in the fall of 1942 after a field of sweat clover was turned under in the summer of 1942. This method of seeding alfalfa following the sweet clover helps insure complete inoculation of alfalfa. Part of the field seeded to common variety of alfalfa & the rest to the Grimm var… more
Date: May 13, 1944
Creator: Rosborough, Craig
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Grass, Legume and Forb Cultivation

Description: Photograph of a volunteer crop of crimson clover which has reproduced itself by volunteer seeding for a period of 5 consecutive years. This winter's legume crop has served as soil conserving and building the [?] winter legume. Disking has been about the only cultivation given this 12 acre red apple and peach orchard in the background where the crimson clover has volunteered red with the seeding made in the fall of 1943. Dewey Vaughn, farm operator, is shown examining some of the heads of crimso… more
Date: May 13, 1944
Creator: Rosborough, Craig
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Grass, Legume and Forb Cultivation

Description: Photograph of Alfred Austin farm showing a pure bred herd of Jersey dairy cattle with black-faced sheep grazing on posture composed of rye grass, hop clover, lespedeza, white clover, and Landino clover carrying 2 ½ animal units per acre at present. This pasture averages over 1 animal throughout the season. Mr. Austin has 21 head of Jersey cows with 22 heifers and 95 head of sheep including lambs. AR-D25-69.
Date: May 17, 1944
Creator: White, H. C.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Arkansas Traveler #1 Oats

Description: Photograph of an 18 acre field of Arkansas Traveler number 1 oats which was planted with 50 bushels of oats direct from Fayetteville, Arkansas Experiment Station which will be thoroughly tested under farm conditions and seed multiplied for use of farmers throughout this immediate area. 150# of 20% superphosphate were applied at the time oats were seeded on October 12, field was top-dressed with 100# of Ammonia Nitrate (32. 5%) at time oats began to joint. The oats were over seeded with Korean l… more
Date: May 30, 1945
Creator: Rosborough, Craig
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Fish and Fishing

Description: Photograph of Edward Cooper, age 9, and his dog head for home with a mass of bass and freshwater drum fish caught from a fertilized farm pond belonging to his uncle, George Langston. Pond stocked in the spring of 1945. AR-61, 085.
Date: May 3, 1946
Creator: Jenkins, Elvin W.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society
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