37 Matching Results

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Search Results

Bishop's Call to Build an Educational Wing onto St. Andrew's Episcopal Church

Description: A Bishop's Call, Builders for Christ by Rt. Reverend Chilton Powell was sent in the 1970s to acquire money for St. Andrew's educational wing construction. The educational wing was completed in 1980. It was sent by the Bishop to the Diocese asking for donations to expand St. Andrew's Church. The history of the St. Andrew's was recounted by a member of the church in the mailing.
Date: unknown
Partner: Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma

Construction of St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Tulsa

Description: Metal sign in front, "THE NEW ST. PETER'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, PHASE ONE, HOEY CONSTRUCTION, GENERAL CONTRACTOR, WILLIAMS & OTHERS, ARCHITECT." Located at 9100 E. 21st., the church formed 1955. St. Luke's Episcopal Church of Tulsa purchased the land for the congregation and the church was built in 1960's. In 2019 Church became Espiritu Santo Episcopal Church.
Date: unknown
Partner: Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma

New Mission at Holy Cross, Owasso

Description: Groups of people standing beside sign for, "THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH WELCOMES YOU, CHURCH OF THE HOLY CROSS, 4:00 SUNDAY," Wood sign at far right "SAINT HENRY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH," identified in newspaper article, L to R, Jerry Rexroad, Doug Nelson, Dayle Hall, Janice Nelson, David Jiran, Carol Strobel, Jorga Denton, the Rev. Ronald R. Peak, Myrtha Crowley, Jean Webb and Harold Babbit. Members met at St. Henry's Roman Catholic Church in 1980 until church was built.
Date: unknown
Partner: Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma

Ordination of Quentin Ferguson, 1933

Description: Standing in front of Trinity Episcopal Church, L-R: Rev. Jas. J. H. Reedy, Quentin Ferguson, Rev. Edward H. Eckel, Bishop Thomas Casady and unidentified clergy. Written on back "Ordination to Priesthood, Quentin Ferguson." Stamped The Howard Commercial Photography.
Date: 1933
Creator: Howards Commercial Photography
Partner: Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma
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