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[Photograph 2012.201.B0245.0404]

Description: Caption: "Top left, a ground crew of men swarmed over the Lockheed 12 plane of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. hall as it landed at municipal airport here Friday en route from Los Angeles to Cleveland in the Bendix air derby."
Date: September 3, 1937
Creator: Turner, John H.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[Photograph 2012.201.B0371.0063]

Description: Photograph used for a newspaper owned by the Oklahoma Publishing Company. Caption: "Mrs. F. A. Silcox, Chief of the forest Service, U. S. Depts. of Agriculture presenting gavel to Mrs. Roberta Campbell Lawson, President, General Federation of Women's Clubs."
Date: June 2, 1937
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

W. J. Kindley Contour Furrowed Pasture/Pryor Project/Broken Arrow Camp

Description: Photograph of six cows standing and grazing in a newly contoured and furrowed pasture consisting of Lespedeza and Bermudagrass. A barn and two other buildings stand in the background of photograph. The back of the photograph proclaims, "Cows grazing on newly contour furrowed pasture. Lespedeza sown between ridges and ridges set to Bermuda. Practice is justified because cows are not materially hurting the Bermuda through overgrazing."
Date: May 22, 1937
Creator: Slack
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society
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